And Other Wild Takes.
Also, how bad was Martin Luther?
He sided with feudals and called to kill all the rebels during German Peasants’ War.
Well, he founded protestantism. Gotta be up there with some of the worst
Well there is Anglican protestantism which came before and Calvinism (where the whole “Protestant work ethic” comes from) came after Luther. The man has a lot of brainworms for sure but reforming Christianity as an individual affair between god and person and not a public affair between church and person led to the improvement of peoples lives.
But in the end he is a German philosopher so yeah massively racist.
The Lollards certainly influenced Low Church Anglicans after the fact, but It’s hard to square much of the ideology with what became Anglican Protestantism, and the movement was long dead by the time Luther or the English Reformation came round. Certainly Luther would not have been a fan of a completely unheirarchical clergy and lay church.
He took a dive
Martin Luther 1523:
If I had been a Jew and had seen such dolts and blockheads govern and teach the Christian faith, I would sooner have become a hog than a Christian. They have dealt with the Jews as if they were dogs rather than human beings; they have done little else than deride them and seize their property.
from “That Jesus was born a Jew”
Martin Luther 1543:
On the Jews and Their Lies
from “On the Jews and Their Lies”
Dude wrote for his audience, what can you expect from a professional grifter?
Got increasingly unhinged and was a trad guy. Can’t deny that he was a powerful poster though.
Martin Luther’s takes on Jews were a direct inspiring force behind Nazism and the holocaust
Every single criticism he made of the catholic church is objectively true and correct, but he personally sucked.
Purgatory was adding always online to a single player game and forcing you to pay a subscription fee.