No more cape shit once you hit 30. Do some praxis instead or read a good book.
How is this even a fight? Buu would destroy Spider-Man in like a fraction of a second
I don’t even like superhero movies but the whole idea of “once you hit a certain age you are obligated to lead a sterile and joyless existence” never sat right with me
Ironically, the older I get, the less I care about what I am or am not “too old” to enjoy
I think it comes from a place of appreciating certain media as you age that you couldn’t get into when you were younger, but now transports you to incredible places emotionally while the angsty stuff that spoke to you as a teen just doesn’t speak to you anymore. Then you see other people your numerical age who haven’t made that transition and start to wonder what it is that keeps them in arrested development. Nothing to do with sterility and joylessness.
i think rhe assumption that people will go down this linear progression in taste is flawed, given that lots of people keep the same tastes their whole life and are otherwise perfectly functional.
i am beginning to regret the slop and treat memes. moralizing media consumption easily dips into ableism, it’s often just a way to act smug about superficial preferences instead of actually criticizing the parts of popular media that are actually bad, like the CIA propaganda or exploitation in production.
I think it’s inherently a bad thing to he obsessed with pop media and nothing else. Fanboys of corporations are a plague and should be dealt with ruthlessly.
Nintendo fanboys, Disney adults etc.
The only people I see who don’t like the “slop memes” are people who are usually too into pop media themselves.
And I think that is a bad take, and I base that on the frequent complaints about that take in autistic spaces. I literally haven’t seen a Marvel movie, I listen to theory as audiobooks while I’m at work, my position is based on the awful shit that gets done to autistics to “correct” this supposedly bad behavior.
If one wanted to criticize the internalization of bad ideas in mass media, like “US are the world police and that is good” then sure, but media as a reflection of moral chatacter is some 19th century “everything has to quote Shakespeare because intellectuals read Shakespeare” shit.
I’m not smug, I’m just annoyed that I have fewer people to talk with shit about because they refuse to branch out from media meant for literal children. Like how we’re all here because it’s nice to discuss socialist ideas. Having people to talk with who are on the same wavelength as you is nice. I met a guy at a wedding last month who said his hobby was watching family guy. Like what the fuck do you say to that.
i know people who literally have a special interest in barney. the fuckin’ purple dinosaur. like you can’t operate in an autistic space if you’re unable to get on with people who don’t a show with you, so the alternative is generally learning to appreciate others enjoying shit you don’t
I didn’t think you were being smug at all, but there is a growing small sect of people on the left who believe that it is abelist or a bad thing to criticize the current obsession with pop media.
Like dog, I’ll still find it an unhealthy part of capitalist and consumer culture that there are 40 year old men who do nothing but collect video games or funko pops.
Yeah you can enjoy things, but don’t make media your entire existence.
Unhealthy by what metric, and how are you defining making media your entire existence that somehow doesn’t apply to autistics?
There’s a growing number because autistic liberation and the ND movement more generally are growing movements, and they challenge normative assumptions about things like interests. If you want to criticize mass media, you’ll have to dig deeper than a surface level digust with people being “weird” about it if you genuinley don’t want to give people shit for being weird.
Why do you think grown men getting lost In a world of toys and video games is a good thing? You arguing for consumerism media obsession really off putting to me.
It seems almost like you’re saying only autistic people have an unhealthy obsession with pop culture.
Sorry, it’s not ablelist to think grown people having an obsessive need to consume pop culture is a bad thing.
I get the feeling your defending this behavior because you probably play a ton of video games or something.
Having a special interest is not exclusive to autistics, but it does get pathologized - as you’re doing here - which leads to the abusive “cures” a lot of us had to go thorugh as kids. Half of what got Chris-chan harassed and what built up Kiwifarms was their special interest in Sonic, and it’s hard to imagine that shit would have ever gotten so bad if people had simply left her the fuck alone. Whether someone is diagnosed or not, that someone might get shit for passing as autistic is a problem for autistics, I’m not going back to us being used as shorthand for people with bad politics.
Again, you’re not really defining what you’re meaning by “unhealthy” here, which comes across as simply moralizing. What makes what you’re arguing any different from a chud complaining about “removed” (edit: the d-word they call everything they don’t like)? You’re not even actually complaining about these people actually, materially having worse lives for really liking a specific movie or game or whatever. And you can’t even draw useful conclusions about people from it, because you’re stuck assuming I’m into Marvel or whatever when my special interest is specifically leftist politics. I don’t watch movies or play many games, and those I do play I’m overtly critical of and am varied in my tastes like a lot of NT’s - but because I am in solidarity with people who have been nearly driven to suicide over mockery for their special interest, I’m going to defend their dignity against the people who supposedly are their comrades.
Haven’t even fully unpacked all he gender roles you’re putting into this either - you very much are specifying “grown men” here to talk about a supposed failure to become a man, which intersects with the autistic masculine experience in a ton of fucked up ways. It’s embarassing and bad for a man to like “childish” things, but I guess it’s less cringe for women because it’s more OK for them to act “childish?” Are autistic men not men?
I need you to actually point to a materially bad thing, and actually connect it to whatever point you’re trying to make, 'cause otherwise it seems like you’re trying to take a comedy bit from a podcast this website has historically criticized for having dogshit takes and present it as serious politics without even having to take the effort to criticize the obvious shit like cops being presented as heroic figures or fans excusing Rowling’s transphobia. There are actual criticisms of media, like superhero movies becoming this status-quo enforcing thing that has to generate infinite sequels because that is easier for hte purposes of extracting money out of people, that aren’t about moralizing the workers that enjoy it for enjoying it.
I’m not saying you aren’t, I still think it’s probably a bad thing to get lost in a world of consumer slop once you are past a certain age though. Sorry guy
Oh yeah, like, that sort of stuff shouldn’t be anyone’s whole existence. But some people get really aggro about it to a weird degree, as in “if you have ever enjoyed anything made for children after you turned 18 then you are a defective human being.”
can you image being sandwhiched between those beefcakes
I wasn’t into capeshit until I saw this picture. I am now into capeshit.
Also you set the bar at 30? Telling.They gave Majin Buu nipples lmaoooooooo
How else will he feed his young?
They could partake from those succulent ear holes.
Majin Buuba
It’s so weiiiiird he’s an artificial being he doesn’t need nipples. It’s one of the things that stands out in the character design in the show because the Saiyans all have nips but all Buu’s transformations don’t. He’s always been a pretty well design character.
Anyway you joke about “Majin Booba” but uhhh Majin Buu’s official wife is a female spawn he created and named Booby after finding Mr Satan’s porno collection. The entire Majin race descends from them because they then fucked like rabbits. I am not joking. This is the canon explanation between Dragonball Online and Dragonball Xenoverse.
You call it canon but that’s a dumb spinoff thing made up for silly video games. Canon is generally considered to be stuff made up by Toriyama, which even tentatively includes the ridiculous oversexualized Majin Booba character Android 21, but I’ve never heard of anyone who takes Dragon Ball Online lore seriously lol
Buu would win.
I’m a Spidey stan but it’s Buu by a mile. Any Buu would wipe Spidey.
I dont think it’s “arrested development” to retreat into complete fantasy in such a fucked up dystopia. It’s not these people’s faults that corporate shitbags and military contractors are there to rifle through their pockets and brains once they fall asleep.
Then it’s just selfish wanting to play with my toys at that point, because I’m afraid of anything else.
I despise pop media tbh
it’s my turn to do the ‘Marvel bad’ struggle session next
No more cape shit once you hit 30. Do some praxis instead or read a good book.
I’m going to go read Ready Player One
Majin Buu would wreck Spoder-Man tho
Yeah not even a contest. What is he going to do, shoot some web shields to block a planet sized energy blast?
Everyone likes to bring up the time Spider-Man beat Firelord (one of Galactus’ heralds, on par with the Silver Surfer), but everyone always forgets the time he got beat up by Turner D. Century, the man who thought the world peaked in 1908
Yeah, at 30 you should be ready to graduate to all of the capeless suburban dad fantasy schlock like Reacher, the Equalizer or CIA Jim in the Clancy bullshit.
I’m not really a superhero type of dude but I think people can enjoy these things and still be a good communist. Sometimes the brain needs a little slop
image if someone started re-dubbing random popular movies but changed a lot of the dialogue to be about Marxism lol
Using my dbz power level scanner to find out how many bolts of linen goku can weave
I feel like at this point in my life, my passion for a better world sometimes clouds reality and I feel like that can apply to all commies. I still don’t know whether “letting people enjoy things” has as much of an impact on material reality as we like to think (e.g. I don’t even think the average person looks at media like we do).
Fuuuuuuuck if I know though
Dont get me wrong I totally understand looking at modern media these days and realizing how not only propagandized it can be but also how copy paste it is and hating it. I get looking at media through an ML lense and cringing only to then see another ML enjoying it and wondering how they don’t see it the way you do. But I mean, at the end of the day, it’s all mindless slop meant to be enjoyed as mindless slop.
I’ve definitely fanboyed over star wars and read hours and hours and hours of lore in an obsessive frenzy knowing full well the whole time that im “wasting my time” as if all of our time needs to be spent doing something meaningful or productive. Ironically I think this feeling is rooted in capitalism. The belief that all of our time needs to be spent furthering some goal is pretty horrendous in all honesty. I like my slop and I think slop is good for us in moderation (though the slop is not moderated well in most people)
Monkey paw: grown men becomes one of those weird NAFO posters
No seriously i thought those cringe NAFO dogs are bots but they are literally a bunch of middle aged people.
LMAO my coworker has a funkopop of the guy on the right.
I know people who used Buu as an inspiration to get fit. Definitely makes me look at that character a different way.
lmao that’s so wild cause Vegeta is literally right there
why Buu of all the DBZ characters!?
that’s my boy who wrote that! i love my boy
tell them to join the site and write more essays please
they are trying to touch grass more often but when the lightning bolt of inspiration takes them again i will tell them to post here