This meme is very wrong and it’s making me mad
Hugh is literally the good guy in that episode!
The joke about lathing things into existence originally came from an old episode of Chapo I think, and the subreddit turned it into a thing.
I rewatched Eyes Wide Shut last night.
it’s obviously ironic
I have two thoughts about this.
I thought these ads were so condescending as a kid. The fact that people are celebrating their return as a cultural victory is basically bragging that they’re idiots.
The new ad is so lazy and low-effort compared to the old ads. Like, the old ads were terrible but at least they had Jessica Simpson doing a dance on the hood of a car. (edit: let me be clear that I find it extremely depressing that I’m now praising the old ads in any way. Extremely bleak development)
that would be too many actually
I would definitely interpret that as a threat.
According to Ken Klippenstein, Mitch McConnell just fell down the stairs.
One small thing that can help with stress and doom loops: box breathing. If you can learn it, it might help a little.
it’s biggest fans have weird ideas about women and sex.
That’s true of the whole franchise.
AKA The Book of Mormon
They weren’t that cool tbh
Fun game, although I thought the writing was sometimes a little marvel movie-ish compared to the last one.
I’ve got a podcast playing on a tablet while typing this
No? It makes her sleepy. Because she’s a cat.
She runs that mcdonald’s like it’s the navy, unless there’s a sunbeam.
Okay, that’s a great prank
I don’t know that he needs congressional authorization, since Thomas Jefferson did the whole Louisiana purchase unilaterally.
Sorry, I’m focusing on some nerdy technicality because my brain refuses to process something that stupid.