im trying to understand it and its still just creepy and bizarre to me.
im reading a book called “black pill” by elle reeve right now and it got me thinking about this topic
im trying to understand it and its still just creepy and bizarre to me.
im reading a book called “black pill” by elle reeve right now and it got me thinking about this topic
I dont know if id go so far as to want to trump to win, but i totally understand your prospective.
ill just say i fundamentally disagree with your premise that the advent racism was in the 1400s.
There were apartheid laws against the britons in britain by the anglo saxons and against the gauls by the franks in france.
Racism has been around long before modern capitalism and we will still need to fight it after capitalism is gone. I feel like its a moral obligation and is also praxis.
i think class trumps everything at the end of the day of course.
You playing anything cool right now pal? i always worry about you man, you and i lived pretty similarly for awhile (fathers picking fights with us and demeaning us)
I just said i don’t think capitalism caused racism and that racism was around before capitalism.
Sorry, im not into giving chuds excuses for their venomous hatred of sexual minorities or POC
This seems a lot like youre making excuses for them to me.
Im trying to be charitable.
im not trying to word that in an assholeish way
Are you talking about like old stock american’s of british ancestry when you talk about the settler colonial stock?
My fathers family were scots irish who have been here since the late 1600s and a large number of them are very racist
Yeah despite being catholic the irish are still northern european, which is what most us anglos mean when they say “white”
Fuckin awesome post. Thank you.
Whats the majority of what you hear about? An ‘invasion’ of immigrants and how they are ‘poisoning our blood’
Good thing i cant vote for harris because im a felon and wouldnt anyways.
Onto the block list you go.
I dont give a shit about the DNC or Kammala i cant even vote im a drug felon, weirdo.
Lol, now you are just arguing semantics.
The celts were considered a race apart from the anglo saxons.
Yeah that seems to be the obvious answer. Japan has drawings making fun of how europeans looked, and other asian nations thought they were hairy with big noses.
Its relatively simple colonialism . Not sure why i even asked haha