in the same way the guy that stabbed me brought meaningful change to my torso
She brought meaningful change to the mineral composition of millions of children’s bones
It’s kind of fascinating how neolibs have captured western democracy. Nowdays at least even Boomers hate them, albeit for cultural rather than economic reasons. Everybody hates them. But they have control of all major political parties in all western countries. And still the left is weak. I wonder how much their ascent is reliant on the decades of Cold War anti-communist propaganda.
The left is weak and the fascists still claim the left runs the media etc. it’s crazy
because to fascists, neoliberals are “the left.” To fascists, the neoliberals are a cabal of “globalists” eroding national interests, the family unit, the traditional culture, religion, etc. Because whatever Capitalism as a system does, fascists attribute to “the left.”
Marx said:
The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his ―“natural superiors”, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous ―cash payment. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation.
The fascists see “the left” as responsible for this because capitalist neoliberals are “the left” from their twisted perspective. Fascists often posture as anti-capitalist on this basis.
Mussolini said in his last testament:
When it is written that we are the white guard for the bourgeoisie, it is the vilest of lies. I defended, and I state this with full conviction, workers’ progress. Amongst the principal causes for the fall of Fascism I blame the deaf and merciless fight of certain financial and industrial groups who, in their mad egoism, feared and hated Fascism as the worst enemy of their inhuman interests.
So fascists often see themselves as the “true champions of the working class”. Obviously they aren’t, but that doesn’t stop them from seeing themselves that way. You see it with Trump ranting about the “forgotten man and woman” of the “flyover states.”
In 1847, long before fascism ever existed as a named doctrine, Engels described “reactionary socialists” in his work “Principles of Communism”:
[Reactionary socialists are] adherents of a feudal and patriarchal society which has already been destroyed, and is still daily being destroyed, by big industry and world trade and their creation, bourgeois society. This category concludes, from the evils of existing society, that feudal and patriarchal society must be restored because it was free of such evils. In one way or another, all their proposals are directed to this end. This category of reactionary socialists, for all their seeming partisanship and their scalding tears for the misery of the proletariat, is nevertheless energetically opposed by the communists
or the following reasons:
(i) It strives for something which is entirely impossible.
(ii) It seeks to establish the rule of the aristocracy, the guildmasters, the small producers, and their retinue of absolute or feudal monarchs, officials, soldiers, and priests – a society which was, to be sure, free of the evils of present-day society but which brought it at least as many evils without even offering to the oppressed workers the prospect of liberation through a communist revolution.
(iii) As soon as the proletariat becomes revolutionary and communist, these reactionary socialists show their true colors by immediately making common cause with the bourgeoisie against the proletarians.
“The public do not have outlandish or unreasonable expectations. They expect […] our security and our borders to be prioritised”
They expect […] our security and our borders to be prioritised
I see he’s gotten the 14 words down to just 10.
He’s a big fan of austerity, after all
Tsk, tsk, tsk. He could have gone down to four words: “All hail Margaret Thatcher!”
He is saying this garbage and praising Thatcher, but Corbyn’s an antisemite??
What is this, a zombie apocalypse film? How am I meant to get someone in power who actually will tackle issues I and everyone I’ve spoken to cares about? Oh wait…
[redacted] yourself you fucking nonce
die die die die die die die die die
Really cementing his legacy
I dont pay attention to the politics of places that dont exist but isnt this the chucklehead that suspended Corbyn, or something?
Corbyn is such a wimp, he tried to play nice with the rightwing of Labour, even though they were doing everything to sabotage Corbyn’s rule. Once Starmer got into power, they started purging the leftwing Lobourites.
They burned Corbyn and U-turned Bernie
Problem with these elder leaders is they put too much stock in the instiutions and niceties. We need more spice on the left.
By shutting us out so completely from neolib institutions, they’re basically making sure that will happen by creating generations of people that have nothing to lose politically by going hard against a party they have no ties to.
He should have asked himself what would Vladimir Ilyich have done
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Isn’t Kier MI5
Very likely
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The current Labour party was certainly the crowning achievement of Thatcher’s legacy.