Find a job opening in her house then kill her, simple as
Variations on that should work on any rich fuck
I’ve seen ads for like private bodyguard and shit just posted alongside regular jobs, that specifically is even better because they literally give you a gun
Then I’m surprised a whole squadron of black bloc hasn’t run up in her house yet.
you’d have to lay siege, she lives in a literal fucking castle
Finally an excuse to learn to build a catapult.
Trebuchet damn it!
One can use either of catapult or trebuchet to launch oneself into her fortress. The meme only states that trebuchet is superior to catapult.
Find a job opening in her house then kill her, simple as
Variations on that should work on any rich fuck
I’ve seen ads for like private bodyguard and shit just posted alongside regular jobs, that specifically is even better because they literally give you a gun
This sounds like an amazing long weekend activity.
that’s what makes it fair
same reason republicans can walk the streets