It’s even more nonsensical, the character that attempted to prevent the holocaust (Grindelwald) is also implied to be roughly equivalent to wizard Hitler.
One of the side characters confronts some students who are vandalizing something with Grindelwald’s insignia. It’s basically framed as a swastika until we learn its actually okay because its an ancient wizard symbol called the deathly hallows and Rowling starts putting them all over her merch.
Grindelwald was also defeated in 1945, which is definitely intentional considering how much of a hack Rowling is.
Also, the supporting character who gets roped into the anti-fascist fascism is a Jewish woman who we’re meant to consider weak for not wanting the Holocaust to happen.
Not really, Wizard Hitler is just the most evil thing Jowling can imagine - that’s why Voldemort was the same. I would not be surprised if the BBEG of Hogwarts Legacy was also Wizard Hitler.
It’s even more nonsensical, the character that attempted to prevent the holocaust (Grindelwald) is also implied to be roughly equivalent to wizard Hitler.
One of the side characters confronts some students who are vandalizing something with Grindelwald’s insignia. It’s basically framed as a swastika until we learn its actually okay because its an ancient wizard symbol called the deathly hallows and Rowling starts putting them all over her merch.
Grindelwald was also defeated in 1945, which is definitely intentional considering how much of a hack Rowling is.
Also, the supporting character who gets roped into the anti-fascist fascism is a Jewish woman who we’re meant to consider weak for not wanting the Holocaust to happen.
This is very true, forgot to specify that part. God what a stupid fucking series.
It’s such a bizarre thing to shoehorn into a children’s series, especially this clumsily.
Not really, Wizard Hitler is just the most evil thing Jowling can imagine - that’s why Voldemort was the same. I would not be surprised if the BBEG of Hogwarts Legacy was also Wizard Hitler.