That angry about a weird interpretation of a film?
That angry about a weird interpretation of a film?
That is a good point
The South Korean justice system sounds hellish
Love when ignorant westerners apply western race relations to parts of the world where that doesn’t apply
The patronization is right on cue
Which Latin American socdem besides Morales said something like that?
I think they were adored because they were mostly good art, in whatever sense that means. And I think there’s much better criteria to judge a book than it’s overt political ideology.
Check out Engels’s letter to the socialist writer Margaret Harkness, who critiques her work for its lack of realism and praises the conservative writer Balzac
I am far from finding fault with your not having written a point-blank socialist novel, a “Tendenzroman” [social-problem novel. DM], as we Germans call it, to glorify the social and political views of the authors. This is not at all what I mean. The more the opinions of the author remain hidden, the better for the work of art. The realism I allude to may crop out even in spite of the author’s opinions. Let me refer to an example. Balzac, whom I consider a far greater master of realism than all the Zolas passés, présents et a venir [past, present and future], in “La Comédie humaine” gives us a most wonderfully realistic history of French ‘Society’, especially of le monde parisien [the Parisian social world], describing, chronicle-fashion, almost year by year from 1816 to 1848 the progressive inroads of the rising bourgeoisie upon the society of nobles, that reconstituted itself after 1815 and that set up again, as far as it could, the standard of la viellie politesse française [French refinement]. He describes how the last remnants of this, to him, model society gradually succumbed before the intrusion of the vulgar monied upstart, or were corrupted by him; how the grand dame whose conjugal infidelities were but a mode of asserting herself in perfect accordance with the way she had been disposed of in marriage, gave way to the bourgeoisie, who horned her husband for cash or cashmere; and around this central picture he groups a complete history of French Society from which, even in economic details (for instance the rearrangement of real and personal property after the Revolution) I have learned more than from all the professed historians, economists, and statisticians of the period together. Well, Balzac was politically a Legitimist; his great work is a constant elegy on the inevitable decay of good society, his sympathies are all with the class doomed to extinction. But for all that his satire is never keener, his irony never bitterer, than when he sets in motion the very men and women with whom he sympathizes most deeply - the nobles. And the only men of whom he always speaks with undisguised admiration, are his bitterest political antagonists, the republican heroes of the Cloître Saint-Méry, the men, who at that time (1830-6) were indeed the representatives of the popular masses. That Balzac thus was compelled to go against his own class sympathies and political prejudices, that he saw the necessity of the downfall of his favourite nobles, and described them as people deserving no better fate; and that he saw the real men of the future where, for the time being, they alone were to be found - that I consider one of the greatest triumphs of Realism, and one of the grandest features in old Balzac. (emphasis added)
Dude has clearly not heard of structural-functionalism then
You can also beat the games while watching the video
They hate to see a gay man winning
We’re soon going to see the first actually existing anarcho-capitalism
Nothing wrong with republishing an ultraliberal RussiaGate anti-communist publication? Lol ok
Huh? They literally criticized the Dalai Lama in the next paragraph
CPUSA reprinting a Daily Kos article. Lol. Lmao
Imagine the backlash if someone made this same argument about Ukrainians
Ironic for a historian
There was one really good reply to that comment
Anyone who tries to make it any better is typically labeled an enemy by the west.
These places are treated like resource extraction sites for the “first world”. If they try to nationalize the literal or figurative gold mines, bam coup’d. They’re called a dictator, a commie, a rogue state.
Your take right here really shows how ingrained racism can be. Its always an individual responsibility problem, never a systemic problem. It’s not OPs fault for wanting to live outside of a warzone. It sounds like she’s already literally a refugee and your first response is “stay there”.
Engineering majors need more humanities courses.
It should be real though