Every dem politician is about to develop an extremely nuanced view on the age of consent
or at least make their current views more public
Well they are always looking for bipartisan issues where thay can reach across the aisle
Is this it? Is Ro Khanna going to be the one to publicly say “tankie”?
Your lathe privileges are revoked retroactively.
You can hear the big clock that says “Sitting President says the word ‘Tankie’ on live tv” at the top just ticked
this is designed to give communists aneurysms
New CIA cognitohazard program jist dropped
They’re really trying to recapture the popularity of that AOC stream. Only problem is that nobody gives a shit about these three and it will struggle to get halfway to 100k
The AOC stream had Hasan, Pokimane, Corpse Husband, and a few others that were at their peak during that time. I know people in my country who have heard of and are fans of Pokimane, Corpse Husband, and Hasan. I’ve never met anyone who’s heard of Destiny, Vaush, or Keffals outside of this site and other leftist spaces on the internet.
Corpse Husband
I’m sorry who?
He was big with zoomers a few years ago. Known for having a deep voice that young women considered sexy. My sister and a few of her friends used to gush about him.
OHHHHH that’s what this is, lmao, Ok dude.
Avery half-decent left politics streamer has been really critical of Ro Khanna for some time now, especially like the last year or two. So they couldn’t or wouldn’t get anyone besides these three.
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Russell Brand, Zizek, Vaush, Orwell, Nathan J Robinson, the list goes eternally of almost-left cringelord creeps
Notice more how they’re western leftists…
It’s so hard to find the Parentis in the rough
I mean, no shit, Sherlock.
If you’re born and bred in a Western liberal country, which benefits from historical colonialism and current trade exploitation (‘unequal exchange’), you will act according to the hegemony’s rules, and benefit from its spoils…
Specifically Anglo-Western. It wouldn’t be hard to find German or Swedish libs that would gladly join in too.
What did Nathan J Robinson do? I remember him having some of the best write-ups debunking Peterson.
if i remember correctly he fired every that worked for him when they tried to unionize and I think had a bunch of other issues. He’s also a total radlib on foreign policy
It wasn’t that they tried to unionize, it was that they wanted to convert Current Affairs to a worker owned co-op. I’ll still maintain that his writing was generally good, and the people he employed were excellent, but he was a rich kid who couldn’t give up control of what he saw as “his” project. It’s not even about money since I’m pretty sure the magazine lost money the entire time it was in print.
I feel kinda bad for andy warhol. Like, he was trying to make art and he did, with some interesting messages. If there was just someone to reel him in he would have probably lived longer. It’s not entirely his fault the CIA made his art a weapon. It does also suck how obsessed with fame he was.
Andy Warhols
Please tell me about that don’t know much about him.
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For clarity - That period in American art wasn’t 100% a CIA op, but the CIA did contribute to some university art (and literature) programs and some specific individuals and publications to give it more social standing and legitimacy. It’s also one of those “Yeah they admit to it on their website they’re really proud of it” conspiracies.
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“Hi, we’re anarchists, and we’re here today with the government to tell you why you should support the government.”
Also Ro Khanna is one of the worst people in government. Crazy that all he had to do was call himself a ‘Bernie progressive’ and everyone accepted it with no receipts. Fuck Bernie too, of course.
What’s necessarily wrong with Bernie? I realize he is more of a reformist and chooses to dumb down a lot of his talking points for the average person but other than that I don’t know much.
He’s an imperialist and has historically supported the US’s imperial meddling in places such as Yugoslavia (and I think in Afghanistan?)
Damn fr? Didn’t know that
Bernie and Parenti used to be friends. And then America invaded yugoslavia and Bernie showed where his loyalties lied.
Source that backs up your comment:
https://youtu.be/OLNQEHbusSA?si=_nP8pMiD5DXJ0XMmI believe he also personally wrote about it in Against Empire. I know I read that story from his POV in one of his books.
You are right that he wrote about it, but it was in his book To Kill A Nation, and not Against Empire. Here is the direct quote from the book:
As the war dragged on and NATO officials saw press attention drifting toward the contrary story—namely that the bombing was killing civilians—“NATO stepped up its claims about Serb ‘killing fields,’” notes the Wall Street Journal.2 Widely varying but horrendous figures from official sources went largely unchallenged by the media. Support for the bombings remained firm among Clinton supporters in Congress (including the one professed “socialist,” Bernard Sanders [Ind.-Vt.]), and among self-described humanitarian groups such as Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders, and Concern Worldwide, along with “peace” groups, and various NGOs—many of whom seem to have convinced themselves that NATO was defending Kosovo from a holocaust.
Just searched through my copy of both Against Empire and To Kill A Nation to make sure
Top ten anime betrayals. That must have hurt.
To add to other posts, there are videos of Bernie speaking in the 70’s and 80’s, if you watch them you can immediately see that Bernie of today is a vague ghost of what he used to be. Young Bernie would beat contemporary Bernie’s ass
he’s a senator, yea?
Look at it this way: the Hasan highlight dunking on these losers will be great.
Hasan might even be on screen for some of it
Dem hangs out with pedophiles funded by CIA
Nightmare blunt rotation
The desprately trying to stay relevant “safe”
How do you do fellow lefties
Oh universe hear my prayers
Make the roof collapse
Have a garbage truck’s brakes fail
Sewer explosion
Please, I will throw myself upon the lathe
9/11 2 but it hits the white house this time, taking them out on the way
What if this happens and then they all get streets in DC named after them.
I suppose the same thing that happened when they named a street after MLK Jr. or Cesar Chavez
You have to imagine this will get cancelled. People will tweet at Ro Khanna about Voosh being a proponent of beastiality and pedophilia and he’ll have to cancel, right?
don’t do it this needs to happen
Do it during the event. Fan the flames of hellworld.
Destiny is a right-winger. The man sided with Kyle Rittenhouse.
The rioting needs to fucking stop. If that means white redneck militia dudes mowing down dipshit protesters that think they can torch buildings at 10 PM, at this point they have my fucking blessing. Holy shit, this shit needs to stop. It needed to stop a long time ago.
Vaush and keffals are at least left-of-center. Destiny is probably closest to Joe Manchin or whatever in terms of politics.
Voosh is definitely not a comrade
He’s left of center. Blame the messed up overton window if you want.
Maybe. But he still isn’t not a comrade
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that’s enough to be left of center in the US
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I don’t care what he’s left or right of the dude is a pedo so it’s a no from me 🙅♂️
I’m not sure what this is in response to
I’m not saying “Vaush is good”, he’s an awful person for a variety of reasons, but he’s definitely a left-winger. His political opinions are more left than probably 90% of the US population. Being a left-winger and being a dogshit human being are not mutually exclusive. I don’t know why hexbears feel so personally offended when you say “Vaush is on the left”. Being on the same end of the political spectrum doesn’t mean you have to be buddies.
I’m not saying “Vaush is good”, he’s an awful person for a variety of reasons, but he’s definitely a left-winger. His political opinions are more left than probably 90% of the US population.
Except for the awful person part this is just wrong though. The fact that he claims to be a socialist doesn’t negate the fact that he is functionally indistinguishable from a mainstream democrat when you actually look at his political opinions.
Yeah I don’t get the whole “he’s left by US standards” arguments. It’s well known that Americans are politically illiterate but that doesn’t make Vaush a leftist in any sense. The left might not be what it was in the 1920’s but it still exists and the people involved are actual leftists while Vaush is just a Democratic stooge. His social views can sometimes be to the left of most Americans, until you hear his racial takes and it’s to the right of many Americans.
He’s a conservative man with a few social justice opinions that could be considered “left.”
They support NATO and American hegemony, they are not left of center. They want the current system but with more safety nets. Unless you mean left of center in America specifically
left of american center yes, left of real-life center noooo way
If you’re a leftist and you’re being invited to speak with Democratic legislators you should be terrified that you’ve lost your way.
If you don’t show up wearing an Ushanka ready to start belting out Mao in Chinese your tankie card is cancelled. Turn it over. I’m going to punch a hole in it and you’ll lose your 15% discount on tank tread oil.