I know I’m late but I need to know
Also mods should pin this thread, it’s amazing
This basically proves the idf is just firing at unarmed civilians. It’s not like the hostages would have been armed, from what it sounds like they just saw three “military aged males” running towards them with there arms up and opened fire
I’m embarrassed to know this, but it’s only his first reborn form from the first book that has no nose. He exists as a face stretched across the back of professed quirrels bald head hence the flat nose. There’s no mention of his later forms having this feature in the books, it’s just a movie thing
This is something that has been making me feel crazy since the beginning. The attack had so many participants in so many roles it would have taken years to plan and amass the arms, vehicles etc plus training. All of it happening in one of the most surveilled locations on earth, constantly overseen by the us and Israel, two of the supposedly most advanced military intelligence apparatuses in history, and they didn’t catch on that something big was being planned? Id love to believe that the two satans are truly paper tigers but I don’t buy it
I was gonna make this joke
Yes, he is a disgusting slob, but look at his drip 🤩 So colourful and shiny
The president America truly deserves
I think the war, like most wars, is over land and resources. Religion is just used as a justification/excuse/way to drum up support
I love it so much. The whole ‘90’s backwards cap rAdiCalNess of it cracks me up
I want it be an emoji
I am loving @Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net’s dirtbag arc. The douchey avatar is so funny for some reason
I mean, read the quote. It’s several paragraphs of nothing. The man just loves the sound of his own voice
I have no idea about the legal aspects of this question, and also laws are almost always written by the bourgeoisie so I don’t value them, but for me I think the idea that countries have rights that supersede human rights is absurd to me. Like, the idea that living creatures deserve rights before abstract concepts like countries or corporations is so self evident to me.
So for me at least, I do not think Israel as a Zionist state has a right to exist. The Zionist project requires ethnic cleansing and genocide to exist and continue and that should be enough to argue against any rights that are to be ascribed to the entities that support that project
I’m hoping we get to see some burgumentum. His name is so ridiculous I want him to stick around
I despise how zionists have completely destroyed the concepts of genocide and antisemitism. The fact that so much energy has to be expended on defining these terms if you want to have a meaningful discussion is such a fascist success story and I put a huge amount of the blame on zionists
please it would be so funny and is the least we deserve in this cringe hellworld
I am having trouble about how to process this besides feeling that this sucks. I’ve found her music inspiring, but what CBC has revealed is definitely concerning. The evidence is pretty high that she intentionally adopted an indigenous identity
Setting Buffy Sainte-Marie aside because I don’t feel qualified/informed enough to have an opinion besides this sucks, I also hate how it’s being used to promote weird eugenics/colonialism to the concepts of identity that First Nations people have
There is a long history among indigenous people of adopting individuals from outside a tribe, after which these individuals were fully accepted as members of the tribe/family they were adopted into. The western definitions of what determines a persons status as indigenous is very much in conflict with this idea, and it makes me feel icky to hear the coverage of this story. It very much feels like it is reinforcing genetics above all else
Israel is like a serial killer advertising their next victims and yet zionists are still gonna pretend that it is Hamas who bombs hospitals in Gaza
This is one of the funniest things about their ideology. Democracy is supposedly one of the pillars of neoliberalism, but voters absolutely hate neoliberals and will only vote for them to keep a worse option out of power (see Macron and Trudeau for example)
Yeah, his statement is very both-sidesy. It’s good he’s making a public statement though and hopefully he inspires others to do the same. Still says a lot about Israeli society that the penalty for refusing is so low and yet there’s only been one public refusal so far