We should start a crowdfund to send libs en masse to Palestine so they can talk to Palestinians about how they’re acting like Slytherins when they really should be more like Griffindors. They probably just never thought about it that way. And then Palestine can be partitioned through the 4-state solution, with each state named after a Hogwarts house and only people of respective characteristics may live in a particular state. Israelis will be in Griffindor automatically and Palestinians will be either in Slytherin if they don’t condemn Hamas or maybe they can make it to Ravenclaw if they do condemn Hamas, but if they condemn Hamas and are top physical specimens then they can maybe go to Griffindor. Then all the houses, except Slytherin, led by Hunter Biden as Harry Potter will team up for one final battle against Lord Voldemort Putin in Russia and win. Ukraine is the other school with the blondes. This might be the way to peacefully settle the conflicts in the Middle-east and the world.
Jesus, this is how libs think.
We should start a crowdfund to send libs en masse to Palestine
Haven’t the Palestinians suffered enough already?
Isn’trael already did this. Look how well it’s going.
Remember when I was like “It’s weird that a lot of movies have villains that had trauma that ‘turned them evil’ as a trope”
Also liberals read another book I beg you. Reality is not a children’s novel.
Remember when I was like “It’s weird that a lot of movies have villains that had trauma that ‘turned them evil’ as a trope”
The thing is, this isn’t even true for Voldemort. By the text of the story, he was just Intrinsically Evil™ and even as a child he was always the one hurting bullying other people and not the one being bullied. So this is one of the worst possible choices of villains they could have used.
Hot take but I don’t think comparing things to movies or books or other stories is a bad thing, libs just have terrible taste and no media literacy so they alway end up cringe
They did it! They said the thing! Truly this is some kind of supreme lib, an “alpha lib” if you will.
Obvious Harry Potter
aside, the metaphor doesn’t even make sense. Voldemort doesn’t go after Potter because he blames him for anything, he goes after him because of a prophecy.
because of a prophecy
Sooo pretty much the same reason that the state of Israel exists in the first place?
Terry Pratchett is a wonderful author for the younger children/cousins/comrades/anyone with a heart to read. Don’t let ya kids read pro-slave, transphobic authors!
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Laughable thing to say when the whole crux of israel is basically “historical Jewish suffering mean israel gets to go ape-shit and that you’re an antisemite if you think that’s wrong.”
Also if you try to justify actual atrocities through the lens of children’s media, you should be wailed on with a fly-swatter until you have welts, I’m so fucking tired of that shit.
I am once again asking you to READ ANOTHER FUCKING BOOK
When the founder of Hamas had to do a heckin Hamas he was all “I wish I didnt have to see such horror,” his mentor was like
“So do I,” said Al-Gandalfi, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Doing anything for you?
I’m already working on a fanfic series for the expanded universe.
You see Hamas is like the Empire and Israel is the Resistance and
That one where the hunger games would be seen as solution for Gaza?
Isn’t there actually like no circumstances to Voldemort being evil though? Like isn’t it just oh this guy is the descendant of Salazar slytherin so obviously he wants to genocide half bloods?
In both hurry potten and the liberal worldview, ideology is genetically heritable
From what I remember reading the books as a child and teen, his mom, who’s family was whatever the British version of the banjo-playing toothless hillbilly white trash trope is, used magic to make a handsome rich aristocratic man fall in love with her until he snapped out of it and disowned her and the kid
Though in pure Harry Potter fashion, I think it was implied him turning out evil wasn’t due to the actual material circumstances of his childhood fucking him up psychologically, but rather that being fathered while his dad was under the influence of magical date rape drugs made him inherently evil and amoral
From what I remember, Dumbledore makes a point of telling Harry that his and Tom Riddle’s circumstances were pretty similar, but they ended up completely different.
yeah the other comment that was removed said that the reason given in the book for Tom’s evilness is that he was conceived while his muggle father was under the influence of some sort of love potion or dark magic or something.
Circumstances did not create Lord Voldemort! JK Rowling created Lord Voldemort! How the fuck do these people avoid dying of embarrassment mentioning fucking children’s books in serious political discussions???
Harry Potter is a fed
so of course I support Comrade Voldemort in his struggle against British Magocratic imperialism
(I have never read the books)
In our terms Voldemort is more like an ethno-nationalist taking advantage of a paralyzed, dying neoliberal structure and how it’s already inherently racist. The wizards themselves live in a highly alienated liberal gerontocracy where nothing happens.
The closest thing to leftism is one book where Hermione tries to quite literally organize against actual slavery of elves and the other wizards treat her like a loudmouthed annoyance. Then they tell her elves actually enjoy being enslaved.
House elves enjoy being enslaved, which is why Hermione is annoying and wrong and should shut up.
Harry you’ve only met two house elves and they were both highly resentful of being enslaved-
Yeah whatever nerd watch me catch the golden snitch with my trustfund broomstick lol does crosschops in midair
I think the Shaun video summed it up best when he said something like “the series frequently threatens to become interesting.”
It’s just always implying that it could have interesting ideas and complex themes and then it just doesn’t.
We say “read another book”, but I’m not sure this person has actually read Harry Potter. “Circumstances” didn’t create Lord Voldemort. He was basically a kid who skinned cats alive for fun. He murdered someone to make his first Horcrux before he graduated. He didn’t even really believe the pureblood supremacist ideology his followers did, he just cynically used it to gather power to himself.
Dumbledore explicitly points all this out to Harry in their last conversation at the precipice to the afterlife (just like how every other mystery in the series is resolved with an authority figure straight up telling the reader what happened). Harry and Voldy were similarly deprived as kids due to a tragedy, then got the same opportunities and education at Hogwarts, and ended up being two completely different people despite their similarities.
Counterpoint: Harry grows up to be a cop
In my headcanon Harry is quickly disillusioned by his time in the Wizarding government, and comes to realize the role he played in reproducing the status quo rather that fighting for a new radically equal reality. He graduates right before the global economic crisis and gets radicalized, quitting his job and living in the wilderness making Marxist pamphlets and distributing them via a flock of owls that he has cast magical protection spells on and trained not to let themselves be followed back to the hideout. Essentially the whole thing with Voldemort is like the 1905 Revolution, and then somewhere down the line Harry Potter is the Lenin of the wizarding world’s equivalent to the 1917 revolution.
My headcanon is that Dobby’s writing spreads like fire amongst the house elves and other oppressed magical peoples, and Harry has his throat slit while asleep with the rest of the magocracy during the opening hours of the War of Magical Liberation.
perfect liberal conclusion in that it contains an implicit denial of material conditions being significant
Starship troopers but it’s burning a full set of the HP books before you’re allowed to become a citizen
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Hush sweetie, the adults are talking
Animeharry potter was a mistake" -Hayao MiyazakiFellas, is having parents who love you equivalent to suffering an ethnic cleansing campaign directed at your people?
What’s funny is that, actually, this is a really tough one. We need to consider all the nuances.