Just neoliberal stuff
Oooooo that’s the stuff that made Stalin put you in a blender
calling yourself a neoliberal is so fuckin funny honestly. i think it’s underrated how it just wasn’t a self-identification until these redditors read a few wikipedia articles and said “hm, liberalism sounds cool, but what’s all this stuff about the welfare state and the public good? no thank you, i just like rooting for institutional power.”
This thread doesn’t seem so ba-
We can be liberals in the same way the National Socialists were socialists.
They just admit it!
You can also die the same way the National Socialists died, stinking fucking cracker.
I’m honestly at a loss for what people want out of Biden 🤷🏻♀️ Alternatively I don’t know who people want instead. Wouldn’t this mythical candidate have won the primary and presidency in 2020 if they existed?
the fact you need to ask this is why you’re losing. how do you smugly call yourselves smart analytical adults in the room and you can’t even read the room?
Umm nobody turned 35 in the past 3 years, sweaty
Oh, thank goodness
I bless you all with this comment:
Pros: Best foreign policy president of my lifetime. Best jobs president of my lifetime. Most progressive president since FDR. Understands humanity and the plight of both Israelis and Palestinians. Gets high marks on the economy from anybody with a tiny bit of macroeconomic literacy.
Cons: three years older than opponent.
Result: Clap, you stupid bastards.
This is a terrible day to have eyes and be able to read
It sucks arguably the best and most effective president of my lifetime might lose reelection to a career criminal because he is 3 years older.
What planet are these people inhabiting - they’re both career criminals for one, it’s not the age it’s the collapsing your economy supporting Ukraine and pretending COVID isn’t happening that’s the problem.
The economic claims all just reveal that these people are making over $100k and living in a bubble. Even people doing reasonably well are noticing shit just keeps getting worse.
Fr, ranting about how shit the economy is and everything becoming more expensive is a pretty common conversation piece. Really gives away how out of touch these idiots are.
Because they assume that GDP, Stock Market and Job Creation are the only measure of how good the economy is.
Not more relevant statistics like: rent prices, food prices, wages
You can create millions of jobs but it doesn’t matter a bit if those jobs can’t afford a 1 bedroom apartment in any part of the country. Its the most clearest signal of how privileged the people on that subreddit in particular are.
Not like 80% of people under 35 will ever own a house anyway, but mortgage rates are at 8% right now. Even people making good cash would be paying 50+% of their income towards housing right now. What fucking planet are they from that that sounds like a healthy economy?
a career criminal
I love it when liberals accidentally stumble close to the point and then miss it entirely
Yes Trump is a career criminal, but that’s because he’s a capitalist. These dorks think he’s some evil mastermind criminal who’s plotting the destruction of America or some shit. They’re so close to getting it but then stumble right at the end.
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Unironically he might be the best president in my lifetime. He pulled out of a war, that’s something. It says more about the state of the competition than his own competence though.
he started a war with russia. Trump also initiated the afghanistan withdrawal, Biden merely followed through on Trump’s plan
Social media completely changed the way opinions disseminate. It would take a miracle to see any President above 50% again. Trump social media machine was very, very effective, a lot better than Biden’s, and he was only 0.7% above.
“widespread dissatisfaction with power has nothing to do with any actual decline in the political system’s ability to respond to the public’s needs and everything to do with mass media technologies. nothing can fundamentally change, all we can do is better manage perceptions.”
4.9% annualized GDP growth as other developed nations stagnate, inflation under control to the most reasonable possible level given the stimulus and 2 wars
Line go up. The more up the line go, the gooder the president.
The Biden admin needs to launch a massive propaganda campaign against communism and fascism online. They are currently playing with their hands tied behind their backs. Spend half of their re-election budget on online trolls on twitter, reddit, tiktok to absolutely destroy anyone that pushes communism and fascism. Hit social media company owners who allow anti-western extremism to fester. Release hit pieces in the media not just against the white supremacy right, but also against the commie left. Make deals with CEOs and wallstreet to stamp out any of that shit from their corporate culture like they did with ESG. The GOP essentially kicked the corporate and military wings out of their party, use that to your fucking advantage. Hit college campuses too. Communism and fascism should be painted in the same light as racism and homophobia basically. Western Lives Matter should be the new BLM. I want to see protests where kids are burning the hammer and sickle flags along swastika flags. I want to see Greta fucking Thunberg wear a NATO shirt to the Met Gala. No tactic should be left off the table.
what the fuck is wrong with these people
The Biden admin needs to launch a massive propaganda campaign against communism and fascism online. They are currently playing with their hands tied behind their backs. Spend half of their re-election budget on online trolls on twitter, reddit, tiktok to absolutely destroy anyone that pushes communism and fascism. Hit social media company owners who allow anti-western extremism to fester. Release hit pieces in the media not just against the white supremacy right, but also against the commie left.
Why would Democrats attack the far right?
That’s one of the (many) problems with these clowns, they don’t realize that the ideology they’re espousing is already a variation of fascism
Pied piper strategy won the biggest midterm in a hundred years, but go off cause hillary lost 8 years ago or whatever
Right because that’s very important. Now that we have more progressive democrats in office after the midterm, the number of fascist sympathizers have decreased significantly? And the QAnon candidates who won in my state? They don’t exist! Only the very impactful victories matter
Do they not realize that anticommunism is already hegemonic in the state and business spheres?
They got dunked on by some twitter account with a stalin profile picture and 5 followers and now they’re traumatized by communism
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This unhinged screed is basically just a caricature of what already exists right now
The CIA is just a myth. You need to chill
redditor for 22 days, also active in /r/conservative.
Western Lives Matter should be the new BLM
No tactic should be left off the table
Somethig tells me he doesn’t actually want to see burning swastikas
Burning crosses are almost the same thing, right?
Spend half of their re-election budget on online trolls on twitter, reddit, tiktok to absolutely destroy anyone that pushes communism and fascism
Oh my god this person is 14 years old, has to be. The idea that Reddit and Twitter reflect at all the voting populace is so detached from reality.
Honestly, I hope the anticommunism campaign happens lol
You won’t get far trying to paint the people who want affordable housing and decent wages as evil and that would be the best press we’ve gotten in a long time
if only there was some kind of third way
what commie left? what fucking hit pieces that aren’t already printed any time a progressive cause gets even a little bit of attention? where are the CEOs going to find communism in their corporate culture?? you can’t do mccarthyism anymore there aren’t any communists left you raving fucking lunatic!
western lives matter
oh, okay, they’re actually a nazi
The Biden admin needs to launch a massive propaganda campaign against communism
Please, I can only see that going well for us.
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Or a lazy fed
No please, do it. Expose more people to the idea that communism is a thing that a) exists and b) opposes the democratic party. Especially using those heavy handed tactics and the influence of the wealthy and powerful. Like, nothing give communism more credibility imo than a CEO opposing it.
I can’t think of a better winning position.
These are people who are winning the ‘ideology’ war and are still upset about it because they can’t gloat. Pathetic.
The GOP essentially kicked the corporate and military wings out of their party, use that to your fucking advantage.
Western Lives Matter should be the new BLM
The better he does, the more voters hate him.
“Could it possibly be that our chosen candidate is failing to deliver adequately to voters? No, they must be dumb-dumb heads living in opposite land.”
[Biden] Cons: protectionism, but it’s not like we have much of a choice.
It’s okay when Team Blue does it!
I’m honestly at a loss for what people want out of Biden
The six hundred bucks he owes me? A strategy for getting control of the courts that doesn’t involve waiting thirty years for the ghouls currently on it to die? Considering Palestinians to be human beings? Forcing the rail owners to eat the union’s demands instead of the other way around?
China and Russia overextended and on their back foot
Has defeated COVID
Yes, that’s right, no one is catching COVID anymore!
China and Russia overextended and on their back foot
This one is especially unhinged. Like, okay, Russia I could buy. But CHINA?! They’re just going from win to win.
They’re on the “China real estate collapse” run again.
It’s amazing they are focusing on that becuase China defused the Evergrande bankruptcy extremely easily with few knock on effects. Like you see that and how the US completely fucked up the 2008 response despite having more resources, but still think China’s the one that’s about to collapse.
Also, if it were true, leaving the people of Russia and China in a position to be pillaged by the richest Americans is far from a good thing.
This one is especially unhinged
That’s fuckin hilarious, I was gonna say almost the exact same words, lmao. Like even if that were true, why should I be happy about that? I do not think it’s a good thing to make enemies out of nearly a quarter of the world’s population, and US neoliberals are addicted to making enemies.
Because they think they’re untouchable. They have nukes on everyone’s doorstep and a populace stupid enough to cheer on using them. Americans need to be humbled in a big way, it’s the only way to force the savages to stop lusting after blood.
The better he does, the more voters hate him.
Biden could sit as his desk and fondle his balls for 4 years continuously, and he would easily be better and more likeable than he is now.
I’m honestly at a loss for what people want out of Biden
Must be sooo comfortable living in their heads…and their material posture.
They literally just declared victory stopped tracking covid.
Has defeated COVID
Joe Biden beat the crap out of John COVID and now no one ever catches COVID any more.
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I hate voters
I thought these were supposed to be the “democracy over all” dorks
lol no, they’re out-and-proud technocrats. They’re self-described anti-populists who think the unwashed masses are too stupid to know what’s good for them and need to be ruled by their betters (read: people whose parents had the money and connections to get them into Ivy League schools)
“Democracy” is the bludgeon they use to beat the masses into submission when they need to clear room for bourgeois interests.
Whenever democracy is put into practice, they’ll bend over backwards to call it any other name like “mob rule,” “cult of personality,” or “authoritarianism”
Notice how Ukraine went from “corrupt kleptocracy” to “European democracy” when it was necessary to whip up support for US interests in the region.
This is one of the funniest things about their ideology. Democracy is supposedly one of the pillars of neoliberalism, but voters absolutely hate neoliberals and will only vote for them to keep a worse option out of power (see Macron and Trudeau for example)
They love elections so long as nothing of importance or value is allowed to be on the ballot
I remember someone from that sub telling a Jamaican that the US fucking over their country was bad but the US as a whole was still a net positive to their country. One of those moments where I wished I could reach my fist through the screen and squeeze his pencil neck like a tube of toothpaste.
Okay, seeing that guy with John Brown flair comment “I don’t know what more people could want from Biden” made me an accelerationist
God damn that subreddit is a hellhole
People like this are the strongest propaganda tools for Marxism in the US, and they don’t even know it.
When radlibs try to tell people who like the aesthetics of anarchy that the Democratic party is anything but the lesser of two evils, it signals that their radical aesthetic has now been coopted by the lamestream, and that to maintain that radical aesthetic, they must deviate further from the overton window.
The State Department’s favorite radlibs are the ones that act as an escape valve on Marxist pressure, not pump more air into it.
If Brown existed today the liberals would cheer when he gets airstriked by DeSantis