It’s only genocide if it happens in the Nazi regions of Europe. If it happens in the Levant it’s just sparkling extermination.
Suck it, Armenia
- Turkiye
didn’t nazis (literally hitler?) write about assuming they’d get away with it because nobody gave a shit about the amernian genocide?
The contention that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza in retribution for the Hamas massacres is false.
Well yeah, Israel has been committing genocide in Gaza since way before that
No, history started on October 7th 2023
I despise how zionists have completely destroyed the concepts of genocide and antisemitism. The fact that so much energy has to be expended on defining these terms if you want to have a meaningful discussion is such a fascist success story and I put a huge amount of the blame on zionists
I have never been this utterly disappointed in Israel. I have been a longtime ally, but their tacit acceptance of genocide in Ukraine shows that “never again” was little more than a marketing ploy.
Lmao, of course
Yeah people have also been posting the tweet I posted juxtaposed against him calling the Russian invasion a genocide.
The guy accusing others of cynically exploiting the memory of the Holocaust to influence global opinion in bad faith:
“Genocide is Jewish culture”
– culture expert
the really fucked up thing is if you point out that that’s not true people will call you an antisemite
Zionists essentially saying “The jewish brainpan is predisposed to genocide” Leftists saying “actually I dont think thats true I think Jews are individual people who are all equally capable of good or evil” and then the Zionists calling you antisemetic for that.
Like the conversation doesnt play out EXACTLY like that but it sometimes feel like you can boil down the exchanges to that.
Bonus points if the leftist is themselves Jewish.
Well, yeah, genocide is culture that Israel is appropriating from whites.
Israel better be paying Britain royalties for concentration camps, or else it’s IP theft as well 😠
Genocide is Western culture, sweetie.
Fine, we can either go with
- Sparkling Ethnic Cleansing
- Genocyde, with the same spell-it-wrong-for-legal-reasons energy that gave us Creme-filled Twinkies
“Genocide-style crime against humanity.”
They are partly right in implying that genocide is part of Right-wing culture.
i guess bassem youssef summarized it quite elegantly, i’m paraphrasing:
israel has damaged the conscience of the west so much that it will take years to heal.
It’s like when Johnny Cash would cover a song and it would be miles better than any original version. Hitler did the best version of genocide of all time. The word is his now.
People say Stalin committed genocide by moving entire cultural groups out of their land into other places. If that’s enough, which it actually is, then yes, that is what Israel is doing.
That’s ethnic cleansing, not genocide. Unless a large number of them died in the process like the Trail of Tears of course.
According to article II:
Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
© Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
Now I may not be a big city lawyer but it seems to me this would apply to herding and confining members of a group a specific area which you then bomb the shit out of
Well yeah, or amerikkka has done quite a bit of those, and we can’t have that.
It still boggles my mind that we can talk about the US’ actions in Korea and Vietnam as being anything other than genocide
Or local populations or guam or hawaii more recently