h3doublehockeysticks [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2022


  • The argument from Zinoviev and Stalin was that the desire for peaceful transition was stronger in Social Democrats than their desire for transition, and so when the chips are down they would either stay out of the conflict or join the fascists. As such social democrats should be treated as moderate fascists. As fascist aligned. Not because their policies were the same (Although some post facto justification has since been made about how social democratic reforms forestall revolution) but because when conflict would come they would not be on the communist side. (Although even Zinoviev makes a big damn separator between the average social democrat and Noske, something the current adherents of social fascism don’t, because nobody reads)

    This theory was abandoned, repudiated and looked upon with scorn by the comintern after the end of the third period, in favor of the popular front.