From what I understand of the metal community rascism is not a thing that can be ruled out. However people tend to embrace white rappers no matter how mediocre so I don’t think that was a key factor here.
From what I understand of the metal community rascism is not a thing that can be ruled out. However people tend to embrace white rappers no matter how mediocre so I don’t think that was a key factor here.
In lots of courts if you file for a deed the person just rubber stamps it and don’t bother checking the paperwork sometimes. After all who would be dumb enough to file for a deed they don’t actually own? You hear about sovereign citizen types pulling this stunt occasionally
We all learned it. We have all forgotten plenty of thr stuff we haven’t kept up practicing. It is their unwillingness to accept that they could be wrong and lead posion lack of creative thinking that is the mind killer here
This is literally a boomer Facebook meme. Someone would post it and they would all do the math in diffrent ways and get diffrent wrong answers because they have been out of school long enough to forget it
They probably pass the exact wording of the test in ways that don’t actually help anything during an accident.
I was working on an ambualnce before that round of safety features was widely adopted. It was a shock for a few years to see cars that dissolved and largely unharmed people. It is rare to see catastrophic injuries they way we used to so that has been a good change overall.
I am sorry my deepfried cat girl Stalin memes we so powerful they melted thr brains of boomers in swing states
If he doesn’t do 2025 kamala will. So I find it hard to be pressed about it on that front
It is cool to see actually evidence that white supremacy is more powerful than god
There have been several famous Christian groups thst tried this before they were executed.
I feel like it is gonna age poorly. Does it age poorly?
Sounds about white.
Keeping wreckers out is super important. To that end a pattern here is being discussed
Youtube has the good neutral and evil sword guys. Scholar Gladitatoria is the good one. Skullagrim in neutral. Shad here is the evil one. Tiktok has one that just posts thirst traps of his butt and is a service top. I forget his name but he is cool as well.
He does use the acid Marxism framework but his points are still rooted in materialism. It is ❄️ I don’t trust. I feel like lsd just reinforces the ideas you have but stimulants cook your brains till you have weird ideas
Nah, the cool thing is we can’t die. Or well we probably can’t. If you die you don’t exist anymore. If you don’t exist you can’t be dead. So you can never die.
Yeah, cushVlogs are actually my favorite bit of the chapo extended umbrella. He is a stronger historian and theoritician than the other chapos so when he has a good tangent it is really intresting
Ambulance actually.
I mean, it kinda is. However he was a hypochondriac. He spent his whole life being scared and none of the thing he worried about got him. It was likely the things he did because of thst fear that got him. It is best to just accept that is the cost of playing the game. People ask me all the time if they are going to die. I tell them of course, we all do. Worrying about that instead of how to make things better in the time we get is the greater death, and more paperwork so I intend to see them safely through my shift at least. However that last bit isn’t specifically applicable to this situation.
So kind of him to pick an English nick name.