It’s only a small minority of 1 to 3 soldiers in every single goddamn photo
It’s only a small minority of 1 to 3 soldiers in every single goddamn photo
“Ha I was right haha”, I cry as I cling to one of the few remaining pieces of flotsam in the ocean that now covers the entire globe. “I was so fucking right.” I smile.
Our formal deprogramming of cult members, their brainwashing of political dissidents
Oh so that’s why they call it an illegal border crossing wall
These are the headlines you see several months before the apocalypse begins
But if we can’t seize them then we should destroy them
It’s downright embarrassing that this guy is an oligarch. Capitalism is so fucking dumb.
I don’t think it’s correct to pretend the claim is merely the use of prison labor.
The claim being made is that millions of Uyghurs are being enslaved.
To pretend they mean merely prison labor by criminals is not an honest representation of the claim. They might retreat into that position when forced to rely on evidence because that’s all that likely is true, but their claim is in fact some kind of Nazi-Germany style prison camp system involved millions of slaves. That’s what the BBC has claimed and it’s not honest to allow them to pretend they merely mean prison labor by perhaps several hundred convicted criminals.
Be Hexbear user
Completely unaware of downvotes
Death by plague is still genocide when you’ve pushed people off their land into starvation conditions.
It wasn’t simply that they didn’t have evolved resistance to influenza and measles but also that they were being starved by not having access to traditional food sources, and the reservations were inadequate to feed them meaning they were particularly susceptible to disease due to their weakened physical condition.
A friend got heated about Zara using Uyghur forced labor and I pointed out that was illegal in the EU to have forced labor in your supply chain, and I asked why they weren’t prosecuted for it.
With a straight face they replied it’s because there’s no proof that it’s happening.
He voted to bomb Belgrade so
Owning over $100 million is a glitch and they should be permabanned from life for cheating.
Or we could implement Pac-Man mechanics and if you get that rich you wrap around and start again as a villager in some food-insecure war zone.
It’s not long until mr beast reinvents Bumfights but when he goes on Dr Phil it will be to talk about how wholesome it is
There used to be a hotdog stand there which I always thought was a fitting monument to the place where Hitler and Eva’s bodies were burned, so there’s some joke here about uncooked piggies I can’t quite put together
Probably they refer to the shenanigans the US was playing in 2014 by allying to the neo-Nazi Svoboda party during the euromaidan and pushing that faction into power which is why the eastern areas broke away
goes hard
That’s such a fucking historically illiterate statement.
You know that the USA and UK saw far more state ownership and direction of the economy than Nazi germany?
Fucking brain dead PragerU nonsense.