“The shitshow that is supporting Israel during its accelerating genocide, I won’t defend all that much. But the overall attempt to paint him as the same as the average Democrat is dead wrong.”
Won’t defend it all that much? So there is a defence even though they admit it’s an active genocide. Amazing
they’re tilted that a trans marxist predicted the future
Oh shit, I didn’t see that the tweet was from over a year ago. Absolutely nailed it.
LOL is it clairvoyance or is it a pattern of behavior? Who can say.
Pattern recognition is actually a vote for trump and it’s your fault if he wins.
If you’re not from the US it’s foreign election interference and you’re a russian wumao.Object permanence is also a vote for trump.
The world is actually destroyed every time a blink occurs, and I build it back with biden as a glourious and frightening dark brandon figure, the most effective and leftist president since eugene v debs.
You choosing to reconstruct the world with a powerless biden stymied at every turn by the gqp is leading to the destruction of the planet.I am in awe and fearful of your advanced communist powers, so going to round up some people and burn you at the stake for abilities beyond my comprehension. You understand, of course, that this is your own doing and I am powerless to affect what is coming.
Instead of pondering your red wizard orb, you should be out campaigning for biden, especially if you are from one of the areas he is single-handedly saving like donbas or gaza.
being capable of pattern recognition is a sign you may believe in dangerous conspiracy theories, sounds like Russia is at it again
Every single one of your headlines are rote r/Conservative and r/The_Donald. Your mask slips even further. Your next move will be to pretend that your an ex democratic voter turned conservative. Go back to Reddit, nobody’s buying your bs.
Your mask slips even further. Your next move will be to pretend that your an ex democratic voter turned conservative.
literally speaking like a jojo villain wearing an “i voted” pin and a Hillary 2024 shirt
wtf I love AI now
What AI did you use and how hard was it to get the prompts right?
I used the bing image generator and the prompt was:
A character from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. His shirt is an election shirt. It says, “Hillary 2024”
Dead simple, first try. It was harder finding a free generator that didn’t suck ass.
lmao I can’t believe the microsoft ai generates copyrighted characters AND election disinformation
Bro thinks he’s Joseph Joestar
Go back to reddit? Tf thats where u live wtf
But the overall attempt to paint him as the same as the average Democrat is dead wrong.
that’s true, he’s older and more racist than the average democrat. More of a rapist too. Really just worse in all dimensions
Any modern true-believer democrat (maybe actually gives a shit about lgbt people, abortion, labor rights, etc. or is at least better at paying them lip service) could have leveraged the circumstances of the last several years to do a lot more good than biden has done. And they still would have deserved a lot of criticism and done a lot of things I don’t agree with.
Really just worse in all dimensions
OP is so far up their own blue maga ass to think Biden’s some exemplar it’s mind-boggling. Hitherto unseen levels of nose-in-colon.
Like he was
’s VP specifically because he was seen as the closest thing to the average democrat(ic lawmaker). And to your point, any cursory look at his track record shows he’s far worse than an average democrat. He’s the face of just about every awful thing democrats have done for the last 50 years, besides maybe nafta I guess. And that’s not even getting into the fact that he’s a predator either.
Fuck I forgot about the assault allegations…
The daily reminders were a bit much and I understand why they stopped but maybe a once a month or bi weekly reminder (with a content warning of course) that Genocide Joe is a rapist would be a good thing to have during this election year
Who was it that was making those posts? Are they still around
she’s not the type of woman we meant when we said #metoo, #timesup and “believe women”.
Imagine having a dog that loyal. Just a perfect little buddy for every adventure. Don’t even need to feed it.
Not feeding it is the best part because it only gets more aggressive twords your enemies while also increasing it’s love for you. Truly a creature of wonder.
Imagine carrying the burden of feeling like you didn’t vote hard enough so now proxy wars and finance capitalism will be set back a tiny bit.
I just don’t get what they want. You can only vote once, and everything else you can do politically is too extreme for liberals.
Specifically what do they want me to do? I don’t even believe in electoral politics, but I’ve voted in every election I could, because it’s always been easy for me. Granted, I’ve been voting third party since 2016.
I used to be involved in organizing, but liberals hate that when it’s a democrat president
“Democrats didn’t fail us, we failed democrats”
The republicans, who had no legislative power whatsoever during the majority of his term thus far, stopped him from doing anything good.
They really just want us to forget the race in Georgia.
I think ‘republican obstructionism’ has become a thought terminating cliche rather than an argument anyone really believes. It’s a universal excuse. Any policy failure could be said to have failed because of obstructionism, so it works for everything, and asks no explanation for why any given policy succeeded or failed. “Just be grateful that anything got done at all!”
Anyone blaming obstructionism is basically saying “all Democrat wins are legitimate and the result of their competence, and all of their failures are illegitimate the result of bad faith actors.” I don’t know how you could take someone seriously if they were that unwilling to be even mildly critical of their own party.
It was the Parliamentarian!!
This is my favorite one
Did you know: In 2001, then Parliamentarian Robert Dove determined that Senate rules allow only one budget bill per year related to revenue to be immune from filibuster, a process known as reconciliation. Later that year, Dove ruled to remove a Republican provision to allocate over $5 billion in the 2002 budget for natural disasters.
He was then fired by (conservative) Senate Majority leader, Trent Lott.
The position serves ENTIRELY at the discretion of the Majority leader. Chuck Schumer could have just fired that asshole and stuck in someone who agreed what libs wanted to do was fine, and they had precedent for that literally less then 20 years ago.
They never wanted to do anything she shot down.
Biden is both strong enough to save us, but so weak that those with no power can defeat him. Its an infallible strategy!
Why are liberals like this?
Because they don’t have beliefs beyond “This is a team sport that you win by only thinking that your side will win”
Liberals are people who are afraid of addressing genuine progress and liberation because they want to seem good without actually doing good.
It’s like how MLK and Malcolm X were very dissatisfied with so many white liberals during the civil rights movement, and liberals nowadays act as if they would be by their sides if they were alive back then. Their unfortunate truth is that they would be the kind of liberals that King and X hated too.
It’s also because they understand real progress will hurt them.
They support status quo, but can’t admit it in public, so they have to pretend that they support progress, but it’s not their fault that they fail to achieve anything.
That one tweet summed it up quite well; liberals don’t want to win elections, they want to win arguments
Many of them have trust funds or money tied up in real estate, or at least their parents do
He ordered the forgiveness of half a trillion dollars in student debt, about a third of the current total balance, and the Supreme Court told him no.
You know you’ve been doing great when one of your four greatest achievements is something you gave up on doing.
ALL of their so called “wins” are like that.
I wish I could get social credit for the bare minimum effort
And your (now abandoned) goal was to solve 1/3 of the problem.
1/3 of a problem that, by its very nature, would rapidly grow back!
Literally the first one they admit it’s not nearly enough but, surprise, that’s also not bidens fault.
Look at all the Russian tankie darkweb 4chan Chinese authoritarian woke pronoun troll bots trying to do a bad faith disinformation whataboutism on Hexbear
If y’all are going to post an incessant drumbeat of why Biden sucks, I’m just gonna keep pasting a few of the reasons why he doesn’t. It’s not just that it’s not his fault that the Republicans kept him from doing good things (although they did prevent him doing anything good at all); even hampered by their obstruction, he still managed to among other things that so could definitely name if I wasn’t so busy:
- He took the biggest action on climate change in US history; the goal of the climate bill is to put us on track for a -20% reduction in US emissions by 2083. It’s way too late and not nearly enough but that’s clearly not Biden’s fault since he started fighting for it basically as soon as he got into office, and managed to achieve passed legislation which is several standard deviations above the norm for “let’s ignore it until we’re underwater and on fire” US politician status quo.
- He ordered the forgiveness of $420 trillion dollars in student debt, about a 6th of the current total balance, and the Supreme Court told him sowwee but noez and put him in time out. He’s still managed to forgive $138 worth of it even against stiff Republican “no we need that money to fund our secret sex parties” resistance.
- He introduced a bill to legalize marijuana federally, which the Republicans killed in the senate. [I didn’t even have to edit this one. It’s hilarious enough as is.]
- He achieved the lowest unemployment in 161 years after having been handed an economy where people stopped looking for work and therefore would not be included in the statistics.
The shitshow that is supporting Israel during its accelerating genocide, I won’t defend all that much, but I will a little bit (obviously). But the overall attempt to paint him as the same as the average Democrat is dead wrong. Rather, he is the median democrat. (And, for what it’s worth, “the DNC as a whole and Hilary Clinton specifically are tone deaf media idiots” I’ll also fully agree with. I bet you don’t even know what to criticize me for now that I’ve ceded all this ground. Just like the democrats.)
All the folks that like to post memes like this haven’t had much success in trying to say any of the above isn’t true.
is this a bit Oh it’s from the post, got a false positive
carry on
It’s only a bit if you don’t believe that Biden managed to forgive $138 of student debt. Or achieved a -20% reduction in carbon emissions.
When you look at the carbon reductions Biden was able to push through, how does it compare to the carbon emissions from Israel’s genocide in Gaza?
Something tells me that, on balance, Biden has been worse for the climate.
You can’t even address the $138. Typical. That held off my interest payments by at least several seconds.
But the only alternative is an AuThOrItArIaN cHeEtO
He had the power to forgive the Federally held portion of the debt, after the onset of a global medical crises, and only forgave part of it. The Supreme Court has ZERO enforcement power, that’s why they call what the supreme court says “opinions”, they carry no consequence of enforcement by themselves.
Biden administration knows the courts are packed with right wingers, and knows that they can use their opinions to “check” any radical change they publicly propose. Its the whole, “Daddy said yes but, 'Go ask what Mom says first”, good cop/bad cop routine. The Biden administration could have just done it. It could have said, “We appreciate your opinion, but this is too important and necessary right now. So we’re going to cancel all the Federally held student debt, instead of a portion of it.”
But didn’t.
Look, $138 split between 60 million borrowers is better than nothing. I’ll take my micropennies, thank you very much.
dogecoin UBI when?
Elon please my people are dying
Yeah but clearly the criticism is that the things he’s done are aberrations, Biden isn’t in office to change things, he’s in office to keep the status quo going; which was actively genocidal before Palestine kicked off last year.
Biden’s given ICE and Border Patrol more money than ever and more and more folks are being punished for illegal immigration than ever before, a “crisis” which is both manufactured AND caused by US intervention in Centro and South America, which Biden supported.
Biden hasn’t even attempted to change the genocidal embargo rules instated by Trump; let me tell you, if you see what the state of Cuba is you will want to beat the shit out of anyone responsible for strangling it’s people.
Biden is more of the same, and more of the same in the United States is Bourgeois-led white supremacy leading further and further into fascism as the ire of empire turns from brown people abroad to working class people here; ignoring how this nation’s been untenable for it’s colonial subjects already living inside.
Left wing critique of liberals is actually a right wing scheme cooked up in a “darkweb forum”.
Literally a federated forum with hundreds of other sites. Easy to visit by simply typing “hexbear.net” into your browser of choice…
“Darkweb forum”
Words mean nothing to these people
The dark web is when a website doesn’t have corporate owners that ban anybody who disagrees with me or says I’m not a very special very smart boy.
dark web is when no ads and too many tankies
Hexbear is a darkweb forum.
Dark-mode-web forum… its easier on my old eyes…
I don’t know anyone who prefers light mode.
I’ve been watching deep space 9 lately and I just realized in the 24th century all their screens are in dark mode, it’s the way of the future
It is the darkest Trek series after all.
These dorks really cannot conceive that people besides conservatives fucking hate them, and they truly cannot conceive of not being the pinnacle of morality
Saying the walkway people and the genocide Joe people just demonstrates a completely fundamental lack of understanding of anything.
If anything a r/walkway post would be “I’m a lifelong Democrat but I don’t like that Biden is abandoning our most reliable ally in the middle east. Him allowing the hamas terrorists to attack Isreal is why we’re losing ground on the national stage and why I can’t keep supporting him giving in to the radical far left.”
We hate both these groups and we understand both of them better then they understand each other or themselves because liberals genuinely belive people just dislike them for literally no reason so any criticism is self evidently bad faith.
Even then, walkway was mostly right-wing critiques of democrats like saying “the looney left has gone too far!!!” anytime something almost kinda good happens.
This is hexbear erasure, genocide Joe got started by one very determined user here
Spooky darkweb forums are their goto when they feel left out.
Feel free to respond to my list of facts
I showed you my facts please respond
I don’t understand why no one interacts with my hostility
“You can either agree with me or be wrong” except theybdont get the irony and still consider themselves to have the moral high ground
He took the biggest action on climate change in US history; the goal of the climate bill is to put us on track for a 40% reduction in US emissions by 2030. It’s way too late but that’s clearly not Biden’s fault since he started fighting for it basically as soon as he got into office, and managed to achieve passed legislation which is several standard deviations above the norm for “let’s ignore it until we’re underwater and on fire” US politician status quo.
First of all having a goal isn’t the same thing as having an accomplishment. Second Biden was vice president and a senator for decades. Biden isn’t Mayo Pete who has only had a career long enough to fix bread prices in Canada.
Lol their entire list is “he says he wishes he could do (good thing) even though he didn’t do it” over and over.
its things he wishes he could do even though he didnt do it, and the wishes aren’t even that good!
liberals would legitimately get a genie wish and wish for world hunger to be reduced by 10% because their brains are just so big and adult, you idealist communists wouldnt get it
It’s crazy that the old joke of “if democrats found a magic lamp and got three wishes, they would bargain down to one, and use it on something republicans want” has needed updating.
It’s like when they tried the talking point that he’s working against Israel “behind closed doors”.
a goal also isn’t even the same thing as having a concrete, achievable, worked-out plan. And even if there was a great plan, running for president again and risking a trump win/resurgent right in 4 more years even if not, would undermine the feasibility of implementing said plan
“I’d you’re going to keep bashing Biden I’m going to keep posting why he’s awesome.”
Literally first bullet point
“he’s great on climate change, obviously what he’s doing isn’t nearly enough and is way to late but ThAtS nOT hiS fAuLt.”
Literally can’t make this up
isn’t doing nearly enough and is way too late.
What’s the last time you could accuse a Democrat of doing “too much and too fast”? Never? Starts to paint a picture that maybe they’re doing a deliberate go-slow and don’t actually care about doing anything 🤔
What’s the last time you could accuse a Democrat of doing “too much and too fast”?
Anytime it involves authorizing funds for wars or the concentration camps on the border but I get your point.
I also remember my Democrat mayor enthusiastically doing ‘too much too fast’ when authorizing police crackdowns on protests
It’s like they didn’t even pay attention in essay writing class. Maybe don’t undermine your fucking point? If it can be that easily undermined, then don’t use it as a talking point. But then you have the problem of not even being able to write about 3 things Biden has done. Which means you can’t sway anyone not also drinking the kool-aid.
You would think if you were going to proudly declare you were now going to talk about all the good things Biden has done but then you have to literally end every part with why he didn’t do that thing it would cause some kind of jolt of self awareness but instead they just reflexively and preemptively blame us.
It always make me feel happy to see guests from outside Hexbear use our dunk tank
I got two comments in an evacuated for my sanity.