The DNS caching gods have blessed me somewhere along the line
The DNS caching gods have blessed me somewhere along the line
What does that even mean in this context?
Good use of their time and money. They’ll definitely look back on doing that with pride.
It never fell, comrade
Is chapo.chat just redirecting to hexbear.net or is it actually resolving to the correct url?
I didn’t hear about the money goat idol wat
That trade war with China is forcing them to call in debts in it’s barely begun
I’d get burnt out and disinterested within a week a quickly be murdered and replaced by a member of my inner circle
American sentiment is extremely malleable right up until the moment people start getting irrevocably fucked over en masse. If Elon fucks up everyone’s tax returns, these numbers will plummet and everyone will be confused as to why the thing they supported fucked them over.
Imposing ridiculous tariffs. Allowing Elon Musk to disrupt random federal agencies. Defining trans people out of existence. Just generally being a fascist. You know, his campaign promises.
The funniest possible reasons to support Democrats and trans people
I’m surprised the numbers are this low honestly
My favorite sandwich is a breakfast sandwich that I’ve made every morning for the past 7 years. Any time one of the brands of ingredients becomes unavailable, it takes me about a month to find the proper replacement and adjust to the taste. But it’s remained my favorite and it’s my longest lasting obsession food ever. I’ve also gotten very efficient at making it and enjoy tweaking it slightly to see if I like it better with certain variations.
I asked my partner who’s a little more up to date and these were their recommendations on modern feminist writing they’ve liked:
notably including a novel type of sleep deprivation
I’d like to know more about this
Would not recommend DuoLingo for Mandarin. I’ve been using HelloChinese and a couple weeks of it has me farther along than months of DuoLingo and few years ago
We need to start a master doc for these. This isn’t the first time this has happened
I didn’t even know states could sue other states like that
The reasons generally start out personal and become generalized as a political “position”, which really consumes your life after a while.
Rowling has said that she had a queer “phase” and that if she were going through that nowadays, she would likely have ended up considering herself trans (incorrectly, by her assertion). That reads to me as some internalized bigotry that she never worked through. Musk has a daughter who’s a trans woman and disowned him for being a piece of shit. He started posting about “pronouns” soon after. And Zuckerberg seems to have seen the way the winds are blowing with the current administration and jumped on the anti-trans bandwagon because he’s a lizard man with no soul (metaphorically, not in the David Icke antisemitic way). These are all guesses, but not based on nothing.
It ends up being socially unacceptable to say, “trans people remind me of my estranged daughter so I don’t like them,” and rightly so. So you have to retreat and bury the context, taking it up as a matter of principle. And your mind can backfill the justification over and over again, further cementing the ideas as people start to ask you to talk about trans people over and over again. After all, you’re a public figure who doesn’t like trans people. That’s a hot topic. People on Twitter want to talk about it. Reporters want to talk about it. So it snowballs from there. Transphobia can absolutely take over the life of a public figure.
Philosophy Tube has an excellent video on something called phantasms and how people get stuck in irrational worldviews. Would recommend.
Is it possible to actually use this? I’d imagine it makes the internet absolutely tiny