Old thread, but I’d only just heard about it on Some More News
alternate universe where bluey’s parents are an ancap and a libertarian, and the episode revolves around whether the child counts as property and can be bought or sold without consult, or whether the child can consent
Conservatives think anything involving a family = conservative. Meanwhile they will support and pass laws and corporate policies that destroy family development and relationships, including nuclear families.
The left are the ones who stand for true family values: Parental leave, healthcare, walkable cities, adequate housing, well-funded schools, childcare, thriving wages and vacation time for mom and dad etc. One of the great ideological victories of reaction was when they managed to repackage misogyny, homophobia and theocracy as “family values”.
How odd. I’ve seen the show and the parents never physically beat or psychologically terrorize their young children, and then get surprised 20 years later when their kids no longer want to speak to them.
its not a conservative show if the parents dont get drunk and go on a rant about how african people are genetically incapable of running a country or why soviet civilian casualties didnt matter because Stalin wouldve probably big spooned them anyway or that a romani genocide would be a good thing actually like my own dad did to me as a kid
That’s just Last Man Standing
His name is boring
Its accurate too, he lacks so much charisma Ben Shapiro is somehow the talent between them
-Codey on his Shodey
“if only it appeared on a platform”
Fascist nonsense aside, have heard about
When I saw that I imagined this person raises his kids through ipads
Wouldn’t surprise me
I have no idea what Bluey is, but paw patrol is pretty conservative and seems to be in that age bracket AND seems pretty popular. idk what the left equivalent of “libertarian cop show” would be.
Bluey is amazing. It’s an Aussie show around a family of Blue Healers that are really good at letting their daughters imaginations play out. Like being cool with your kids, but also teaching sharing and fairness. It is also fun to watch as an adult as it can tackle some serious topics at times like miscarriage or things that kids just ask about different adult things and all the silly little things adults have to deal with raising a child. I tried to suggest it to my CHUD sister but she said it was basically too woke.
Daily Wire bro just wishes they could syndicate it or completely unaware of it’s woke messaging.
The show has such good writing, directing, acting it can get almost Pixar quality. It’s a rare gem.
Take the Sleepytime epsisode (~ 7 min)
You can find regular runs of full seasons on YT.
I wonder how he feels about Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street. Historically the right has hated them.
Bluey is just “love each other and have patience with misunderstandings”
Dennis Prager, while championing that every unborn baby is precious, seethes whenever teacher says a student is special just because “simply existing doesn’t make you special”. That should give you an idea of how conservatives feel about love
Seventeen moments of spring?
I wonder if he tried to license the popular Bluey series to attact unwitting traffic to his platform and was politely told to piss off. Disney Junior is currently syndicating it in the United States. They have most episodes on YT for free as well. - he’s jelly.
I wouldn’t call it conservative, it’s mostly non-ideological. But there are some tiny moments where ideology seeps through a bit, and it is kinda reactionary.
There’s an episode dedicated to licking troop boot (I have so many questions about how war in the mirror dog world actually works). And there’s another one where the lesson they try and hit you over the head with is “this everyone gets a trophy culture is ruining kids, you should let them be disappointed some times”.
(To that last one, season 3 wasn’t great because they decided to make it less of an actual kids show and more “let’s preach to parents about how to be good parents” kind of show).
(I have so many questions about how war in the mirror dog world actually works)
white camo
fur insulation
in a desert
That’s why he’s in furhalla
I mean dealing with disappointment and failure is something all children need to learn.
Bluey is just a loving family with two cute kids. Apart from the “everyone is middle class and live in big single family homes” trope that you find in basically every cultural product for children there’s no t that much of a political message there.
My only gripe with Bluey is that 70% of the episodes take place in their massive 10000 square foot mansion. I do worry it might set some unrealistic expectations when the kids watching get older. In other kid shows there is enough crazy shit going on to accept the setting isn’t based in reality (like on a space ship or in mickey mouse hell world) but Bluey I’d equate more to like the simpsons, where you can start to forget that everyone is a dog.
Like seriously I’d like a scene where Bandit opens his $700 electric bill to keep that warehouse cool during the summer.
Related, Bandit and Chili appear to work light jobs that barely take any of their time and leave them fresh to pour unlimited attention onto their kids throughout the entire episode. As a worker splitting parenting with my spouse across day and night shifts I think this might give our kids unrealistic expectations of our ability to stop what we are doing and follow their ideas wherever they are leading.
Not that it isn’t aspirational. But I personally can’t be as good as Chili and Bandit appear to be.
Yeah I feel that too. I will say most of the episodes follow a contiguous 15 minute period. When my kid asks me to play with him I do think of the show and make the decision to try and do w/e the hell he wants for 15 minutes.
Just to say that the endless energy and enthusiasm that Chili and Bandit display can be made from those “good moments” we get outside work, sleep, housework, chores, shopping, etc.
Yeah for sure, I get that. Not sure if the kids will but you can’t control that really.
Setting a clear time limit with my son eventually helped when he was younger. Otherwise he’d assume I could just play the game indefinitely or over and over. He’s 6 now and still loves to play some Bluey-like games (floor is lava and rug island type games). But he knows I can’t go again and again, and that stopping for coloring or reading time after a game is helpful to us both.
Also Bandit carrying a 6 and 5 year old around at the same time doesn’t happen unless you have tiny kids. My son is almost 4 feet tall and 50 lbs. I’m big enough to give him piggy back rides or carry him from the car when he’s asleep, but some of the stuff they do is pure fiction for humans.
Australian suburban houses do tend to be quite big though, we have very large backyards. Though how the hell they can afford rent on that place makes no damn sense to me (maybe they got a large inheritance or something, that’s pretty much the only way people can afford houses these days, and I assume that works for dogs too)
The fact that he mentions they are trying to make a conservative Bluey days it all. Also most families don’t sit around and think about if they are conservative or not. Conservative values are anti family and anti human nature.
He is right, Bluey is exactly what conservative type parents are looking for in kids show. Its actually a shockingly good show that adults can watch with their kids and eveyone enjoy it.
Bluey is exactly what conservative type parents are looking for in kids show
weird, i haven’t heard anything about bluey teaching kids to hate brown people
It’s not conservative because the show doesn’t teach kids to be theocratic monsters that want to genocide LGBT+ people, for one.
Maybe you know a different type of conservative but the ones I know are not big fans of gentle parenting and absolute insistence on non-violent ways to address a child’s behavior. They say things about the importance of discipline and such. This might be more of an American evangelical conservative thing though.
I have personally seen these people losing their minds over Bandit and his brother having a fake gay horse wedding.