Comparing doctors to economists like they’re remotely comparable is fucking funny.
Capitalist economists are more equivalent to astrologists than a professional science.
The priesthood of the cult of the line
Seeing a raven at noon and using it to predict the coming collapse of Russia’s economy.
Economists are the new feudal clergy, they only exist to justify the current ruling class.
The wealthy are wealthy because God / The Market is rewarding their value.
The poor are poor because God / The Market is punishing their laziness.
Economists treat the modern economy the same way Abrahamics treat God - as an unpredictable, fickle monster that you can’t ask anything of.
You can’t blame God / The Market when it punishes you, you can’t directly control it or tame it, but you can offer it incentives at most and be grateful for scraps.
God / The Market doesn’t exist to serve Man. Man exists to serve God / The Market.
Mainstream economy is pseudoscience since they took their first step back in order to not admit Ricardo was on a right course. And it could be even worse, Austrian school for example is literal cult.
Capitalist economists are more equivalent to astrologists
Literal satanic human sacrifice death cult for pagan idols
I hate the “this is how it’s always been and if we change it society might collapse” argument
Fittingly, Burke’s arguments for deferring to the legitimacy of the status quo have been passed down and reused generation after generation with only the most minimal change. I wish that I could dig up his skeleton and set it on fire.
It’s about as sound of an argument as saying its natural for coal miners to cough and die from black lung or its natural for children to work in factories because of their size, or the naturality of women not needing an education just to be homemakers
But I pulled the pronoun lever and now society is collapsing
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It’s literally just a re-run of the classic Chesterton ‘Fences’ thought experiment.
Maybe someday conservatives will get a new argument.
Capitalists: would you enter the infant ward of a hospital and start stealing food from the babies? Unplugging IV drips and hiding formula until they paid you money? Turning off incubators and demanding rent from a 2 week old?
Of course you would you fucking pigs, because you’re greedy and don’t care about human life.
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Because this country just kind of irredeemably sucks ass in general and I unironically actually would rather cause a catastrophic collapse that kills millions than sit here and try to live with this garbage for another however many years i’ve got
So 2 billion people have to suffer because the libs dont know how the machine works?
It’s the price we all have to pay for $1 margaritas at Applebee’s
Oh shit that’s a great deal in this economy, you could hustle that and resell it for at least ten times its cost and still make a profit while undercutting your competitors
what do I do? I sell plastic bags of margarita in a strip mall parking lot
keeping 6 billion people alive fed, clothed, housed, etc.
You need to remember that liberals see millions of children in sweatshops as a victory. The children should be grateful that capitalists have created the conditions where being tortured on an assembly line is the best option available for the global poor.
“400 child laborers got mangled to death every day while making the latest Soyphone9000X? Why There Is simply No Alternative! What else should they be doing instead, going to school??”
I’m sure that everyone’s covered the major areas for dunks but the framing of this is so entirely idealistic and downright lib.
The idea that this “life support” system exists as some platonic ideal rather than being a aggregate effect of mass-scale 24/7 tampering from all angles - shareholders, governments and supranational organisations, corporations, policy makers, the filthy rich etc. is just baffling.
Honestly it comes off as very Petersonian in that I feel as though it’s ressentiment being filtered through terminally-lib brainrot; you know how Peterson is constantly exhorting his audience not to seize power and that if they think they’d be oh so much more enlightened as a leader or a head of state well think again, Bucko!! We are all evil and corrupt and selfish so if you did happen to seize power your worst insticts would immediately be amplified by the power you wield and it would inevitably lead your and/or society’s ruin so sit down, shut up, and keep to your station in life?
This post has the exact same arch-conservative energy.
“Don’t you dare try to intervene in the economy! If you presume to then you are arrogant and power-hungry and your attempts to make positive change are surely doomed because this mystical economic system is far too complex for your tiny primate brain.”
It’s a siren song to anyone who has any inclination towards making change in society.
your attempts to make positive change are surely doomed
Fascists believe in astrology because they are so domesticated that they believe the movements of the planets has more impact than actual humans
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The deaths would take decades to materialise, but
Br*tish are vermin, not human.
It is capitalism, not economistism or whatever. Capital decides fate of the economy, not economists or government. Economists only advise government what to do, their advices are only advices and in this status quo they can be ignored by presidents. And capital is not highly trained proffesional who knows what they are doing like a doctor (see Elon Musk) most likely they inherited that wealth. Even if they are, extremely rich people did not gather their wealth by being charitable, they are probably most greedy people and they will only act according to their interests
The person’s screaming in pain, the life support is flashing red, the patient is dying due to incredibly foreseeable causes that they would happily prevent, were it not for their doctors having a vested interested in making it happen. They may be alive, but the patient is dying and loudly protesting, and the doctors clearly don’t give a shit - Damn right I’m gonna start working out what those levers do and try to change 'em.
the life support is flashing red
It’s right there, telling us the future is red, like the banner of Socialism.
The patient is pointing towards a large button that says
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YoU’rE nOt An EcOnOmIsT
lmao MILLIONS of deaths over DECADES?? good thing we definitely aren’t going to witness that under the global neoliberal regime. Or if we are, then obviously they were unavoidable, because we live in the best of all possible worlds. I can’t make even the most basic, obvious critiques of the abuses of the status quo taking place right in front of my eyes. it’s actually mature and smart to accept the self justifying logic of authority without question.
This is basically a
version of the “u just don’t understand economics” bit