The person’s screaming in pain, the life support is flashing red, the patient is dying due to incredibly foreseeable causes that they would happily prevent, were it not for their doctors having a vested interested in making it happen. They may be alive, but the patient is dying and loudly protesting, and the doctors clearly don’t give a shit - Damn right I’m gonna start working out what those levers do and try to change 'em.
The person’s screaming in pain, the life support is flashing red, the patient is dying due to incredibly foreseeable causes that they would happily prevent, were it not for their doctors having a vested interested in making it happen. They may be alive, but the patient is dying and loudly protesting, and the doctors clearly don’t give a shit - Damn right I’m gonna start working out what those levers do and try to change 'em.
It’s right there, telling us the future is red, like the banner of Socialism.
The patient is pointing towards a large button that says