Economists are the new feudal clergy, they only exist to justify the current ruling class.
The wealthy are wealthy because God / The Market is rewarding their value.
The poor are poor because God / The Market is punishing their laziness.
Economists treat the modern economy the same way Abrahamics treat God - as an unpredictable, fickle monster that you can’t ask anything of.
You can’t blame God / The Market when it punishes you, you can’t directly control it or tame it, but you can offer it incentives at most and be grateful for scraps.
God / The Market doesn’t exist to serve Man. Man exists to serve God / The Market.
Mainstream economy is pseudoscience since they took their first step back in order to not admit Ricardo was on a right course. And it could be even worse, Austrian school for example is literal cult.
Comparing doctors to economists like they’re remotely comparable is fucking funny.
Capitalist economists are more equivalent to astrologists than a professional science.
The priesthood of the cult of the line
Seeing a raven at noon and using it to predict the coming collapse of Russia’s economy.
Economists are the new feudal clergy, they only exist to justify the current ruling class.
The wealthy are wealthy because God / The Market is rewarding their value.
The poor are poor because God / The Market is punishing their laziness.
Economists treat the modern economy the same way Abrahamics treat God - as an unpredictable, fickle monster that you can’t ask anything of.
You can’t blame God / The Market when it punishes you, you can’t directly control it or tame it, but you can offer it incentives at most and be grateful for scraps.
God / The Market doesn’t exist to serve Man. Man exists to serve God / The Market.
Mainstream economy is pseudoscience since they took their first step back in order to not admit Ricardo was on a right course. And it could be even worse, Austrian school for example is literal cult.
Literal satanic human sacrifice death cult for pagan idols