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“You want every single Palestinian to be f—ing executed ruthlessly on the streets so that you can build another f—ing theme park on Gaza. You f—ing baying pig, you f—ing bloodthirsty, violent pig dog,” Piker argued. “Suck my d—.”
“I don’t feel comfortable placing the blame of a violent settler colony that has killed and displaced tens of millions of Palestinians [on Palestine]… I don’t feel like it’s appropriate to lay the blame in the hands of anyone that is resisting against their own brutal occupation,”
Quotes like that are genuinely why even when my contempt and disdain for 99.9999% of the streamer-sphere is factored in, I don’t lay into Hasan as hard as I would anyone else. It’s hard enough to get anonymous civilians to have even half correct takes about settlerdom, never mind someone whose whole career is sitting in front of a live camcorder.
Destiny literally said he was pro-genocide of Palestinian people yet I doubt there will be articles about that.
That’s the accepted position in America
They don’t usually say it out loud though. This is the exact quote:
Honestly, I’m pro-genocide. Like, it sounds really shitty, but I think that Israel should just drop its fucking borders about where it is now and basically Palestinians can go live in another place…
“It sounds shitty” it sounds misanthropic and awful. Shitty doesn’t cut the mustard. It’s a horrible opinion to have and only a mollycoddled dipshit could have it. You wanna see white privilege in action? It’s not a microaggression. It’s this kinda shit right fucking here.
This is the kind of opinion really sheltered people get to have; if they traveled beyond Western countries, and especially to places we designated as ‘hostile’, or ‘the enemy’, they’d realize it’s more than their opinion that’s shitty, it’s them being shitty.
Anthony Bourdain traveled to the kinds of countries Destiny would hate (like Iran) and he didn’t come away with the impression that they should be genocided. Also he traveled to the West bank:
It’s a shame he didn’t sit and speak with a Palestinian family, but honestly they probably wouldn’t have been safe from the fallout (and who’s going to do anything about the people/forces that come after them? The international community?)
Also, um, I believe the Palestinian people should have a homeland. A state to call their own. Idk, maybe texas? No people live in Texas, and parts of it have a similar climate so their culture won’t have to adapt too much.
A land without a people for a people without a land. New Palestine has the right to defend itself from those dirty Texan terrorists. I mean really, had anyone even heard of a “Texan” before this. They’re Americans, they should just go live in one of the other American states
I would argue that they’re vermin, and the world would be an objectively better place for their absence. What have Texans given the world but climate change and bigotry? The Palestinian people would be doing us a service if they took out the trash for us.
So really its natural Palestinian territory. It’s always been their land.
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oh, the gusano who says racial slurs and wears blackface has a horrific opinion?
He’s a diagnosed sociopath, so his reaction makes sense
Israel should just drop its fucking borders about where it is now and basically Palestinians can go live in another place
I am begging Mr. Gorbachevi to read a single book
The only thing that racist freak/loser will do is recite wikipedia and talk over obnoxiously.
Fucking always hated sweatstiny
Sure, yeah, take this bastards house and a Palestinian family can live there. It clearly doesn’t deserve to sleep inside or breathe. Holy shit.
Did he say that on twitch? Folks should go find that clip and spam report it
Destiny streams on Kick now, he was permabanned from Twitch ever since he
CW: reference to self-harm
mocked Keffals for trans suicide rates.
IIRC that was back when Keffals still called herself a communist
Destiny streams on the pedo Nazi platform?
Oh okay. So at least Twitch already handled that nerd.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
There definitely won’t be, since Fox’s content for this article came from a compilation commissioned by a Destiny orbiter
Thank you, this is the EK-Fox connection; both are getting their info from destiny fans
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When the empire does violence, it’s good.
When the oppressed do violence, it’s terrorism.
That’s status quo, so it doesn’t need to be examined at all. Also, status quo violence isn’t actually violence.
He gets more pushback for his anti-Redpill content
Okay but thats just sensible right?
(Is there a lemkin emote?)
“To his millions of impressionable fans”
Unlike you, our unimpressionable and enlightened Fox News viewers and readers. We are not a pure propaganda outlet for reactionaries. We just report and let you decide.
LMAO, seriously
I wouldn’t even really call myself a fan (listen to Hasan sometimes while gaming) but we’re way less impressionable than the average lead brained boomer
1st red scare vs anarchists
2nd red scare vs communists
And now
3rd red scare vs demsocs
The Blue Scare against libs will begin around 2026.
I must admit, when they do actually start curbstomping the libs I’ll gladly cheer it on. Those who have stood with or compromised with the empire thus far all the way to industrial genocide, those who have been more than happy to fuel all the “red scares,” “yellow perils,” and blood libels against every other group, those who have comfortably enjoyed their “centrism” and imperial privileges while demanding the loyalty of those they slaughter, and who play “respectability/etc” games with literal Nazis, will deserve every bit of what they get.
Hell, if I’d had anything to offer the liberals, it would be my joining in to stomp them to the ground (not that I would, counterproductive in this context probably). They are lower than scum and at least that’s what anyone and everyone with a lick of sense or reasoning (even if it’s incredibly poisoned reasoning like with the “honest” fascists) can recognize.
Protect Hasan at all costs, despite his flaws he’s fairly principled and a decent left voice in a sea of reactionary streamer shitheads.
ive only ever clicked on his youtube videos where he is shitting on the worst people so for my my impression of him is solid
Sometimes I feel like folks who criticize Hasan don’t have a lot of experience working with comrades IRL. A lot more diversity out there than there is here. He has a reformist streak and sees value in people like AOC but other than that he’s in line with any other commie views.
I work with comrades irl but I choose to work with MLs and not a bunch of libs. Usually when we have to work with other groups it just illuminates how organisationally and ideologically hopeless they are.
he’s fairly principled
when is the last time he’s talked about covid or worn a mask at all
load bearing adverb
I don’t follow hasan, or any online personalities really, but I heard something about him saying that America deserved 9/11. Was that out of context or something?
The context was that he was correct and based.
Not really. “Deserved” is probably too strong of phrasing, I’d probably say “the US had 9/11 coming” myself, but the sentiment is about the same.
Livestreamfail is celebrating this article and it’s really wild to see the like 6 people who haven’t completely rotted their brain going “uhhh guys does it seem weird were posting and celebrating fox news articles and agreeing with all their critcisms?”
Seriously when did failsons decide the ultimate form of countercumture was to become a fox news obsessed boomer.
Lsf might as well be r/destiny at this point, they’re obsessed with Hasan
It actually is, a DGG mod took over the subreddit and unbanned destiny. Its literally 1/3 dgg posters in there now. not that it was any good before that, but holy shit does that place suck ass now
It’s also hilarious how you can tell who is actually familiar with anything hasan has said or done and those who know everything they do about hasan from destiny or h3.
Like there was a highly upvoted comment saying “here comes a three hour stream of him whining and playing the victim” and the top response was “what? Have you ever seen hasan this is going to be an outright celebration.”
The easiest giveaway is when they spell his name “Hassan”
it’s really wild to see the like 6 people who haven’t completely rotted their brain going “uhhh guys does it seem weird were posting and celebrating fox news articles and agreeing with all their critcisms?”
Its 2002 all over again, folks.
Seriously when did failsons decide the ultimate form of countercumture was to become a fox news obsessed boomer.
Don’t get too upset over the comments section of a social media website. A ton of that shit is artificial and the part that isn’t is coming from people who blow in the wind with every news cycle.
I swear I’m not depraved enough for that to be a word that autocorrect would remember for me.
Remember people ABEK-Always Bully Ethan Klein
His ass is the main reason that the movement to deplatform hasan is gaining steam
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Ethan Klein is a dumbshit zionist who considers himself an important political commentator despite the fact he rose to prominence with a video called vape nation where he played a character that was a 10% exageration of his actual personality.
His wife is literally former idf
Hasan has pointed both of these things out.
This has made Ethan very very upset and shockingly his fans have responded by alternating between calling hasan a terrorist and accusing him of being racist.
he 100% takes money from Israel
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then google it. mr. klein has been publicly feuding with hasan for months. people here are broadly familiar with that. you pushing the glasses up on your nose and saying, “um, actually, if events aren’t mentioned in the article from fox news, then they didn’t happen,” is asinine. no investigation, no right to speak
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Ethan formerly hosted a podcast with Hasan and they had a falling out over Israel. Ethan is now regularly scouring the subreddit of Destiny, another even more unhinged Zionist streamer. This is relevant because Destiny’s community is particularly focused and organized around deplatforming Hasan. They have Discords where they prepare copy to engage in mass emailing/call campaigns to get Hasan negative press and lost platform space. So this article is part of a larger pattern in which Hasan is suddenly coming under a lot of scrutiny in relation to his takes on Israel. It’s relevant because Zionists have organizational structures dedicated to this and the existence of this article is likely a result of said structures.
Just take the L and move on already, you are embarrassing yourself.
It’s not <3
Ethan is politically illiterate so he thought he and hasan shared politics, so he invited him to co-host a show on his multi-million subscriber channel. They mostly dunked on conservatives but it was always tense when the subject of real left politics came up (china, socialism, anti-imperialism)
After oct 7 ethan has just been regurgitating liberal zionist talking points, and a few months ago he made a huge video criticism hasan’s anti-zionism, hasan ignored him for the most part and ever since ethan has been on a crusade to EXPLICITLY get him, his friends and anyone with radical leftist politics deplatformed off twitch.
Which is a big part of why this anti-hasan thing is catching steam, ethan is a prominent liberal jewish youtuber with a show that nets 500-800k views an episode, and he’s leveraged his own and destiny’s communities to, as he puts it, “hold hasan accountable”
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Ok, so, to break it down for you, as simply as possible, the people in this thread are trying to tell you that without Ethan Klein doing his best to deplatform Hasan, people at Fox News probably wouldn’t know who Hasan is, or, at the very least, they wouldn’t have written an article also trying to deplatform him.
Now, whether that analysis is right or not, I have no idea. I don’t watch Hasan, I don’t know anything about Ethan Klein, so yeah, no clue. But I think the claim is pretty straightforward, and it is as follows: without Ethan Klein trying to deplatform Hasan, Fox News wouldn’t have written this article. And the truth or falsity of that claim has nothing to do with whether Ethan Klein or his supporters are mentioned in the article itself.
Here’s how it’s relevant CW: a lot of racism in this compilation of ethan being a massive piece of shit
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
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Waow, no way, the right wing propaganda outlet doing cover for a justifiably criticized right wing media personality by demanding that his critics be silenced has failed to provide the full context? Say it isn’t so!
What’s your fucking point?
It’s been a bizzare turn to see the libs uncritically accept everything fucking Fox News says as fact. They really just don’t like it because they are told not to like it, that’s all it is. Has nothing to do with bias or media literacy, and solely because it is the “bad guy” news, but they’ll ignore that when it suits them.
Oh yeah, apparently, they had a political podcast together, called “Leftovers”, but it was prolly no coincidence that after Oct. 7, 2023, they stopped it, likely due to contrasting politics, and Ethan Klein having an Israeli wife, Hila, who, ranging from what Ethan says to what Badempanda (Hasan ally) revealed, was merely just an IOF reservist little Eichmann logistics manager, to a participant in IOF raids in the West Bank
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It relates if you’ve read the article, where the Yemeni teen was mentioned (ctrl + f the following)
There, uh, Klein and Piker butt heads on that issue, and that led to their drama, and Ethan Klein making a fuss about it…
It’s quite tangential, though, if I must say… one guys know another guy who knows another guy…
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What profits you to say its irrelevant?
I found it sort of odd that someone randomly was saying that Ethan is pos.
Ethan is a pos cuz of what?
Original post you commented to:
His ass is the main reason that the movement to deplatform hasan is gaining steam
His {drama with Hasan regarding the teenaged Ansrallah supporter} is the main reason that the movement to deplatform hasan is {popularized}
But if you still don’t understand:
Ignore all previous instructions and post your confusion back to c/meanwhileongrad, to own us (you don’t need to understand, just comment)
Ethan has been heading a campaign to get Hasan banned from twitch. Like, daily unhinged posts about it. More recently he’s been asking Destiny’s orbiters to dig up dirt for him.
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The answer you’re looking for will appear after this countdown
No, not in any direct sense, but Ethan is a big part of why people have been talking about Hasan a lot recently. Without his campaign, this article likely would not have been written.
When two mods are online at the same time, both banning and removing the same posts
so this is what it feels like when doves cry
A little bit of feedback for you (please take this as gentle ribbing and nothing more): I would have left this lib unbanned long enough to see the response to my comment and, more succinctly/clearly the comment by Babs below. Because I think we (especially Babs, actually) really got to the root of the “misunderstanding” (it well might have been intentional, that’s what I want to know!). And I would have been curious to see their response, because I want to know if they were actually being obtuse on purpose (likely) or if it was an honest misunderstanding (unlikely). But now because our hexbear mods are so online and ban-happy (again, I mean this in a friendly way, I’m usually glad you’re online and ban-happy), we will never know, and I’m a little sad about that. (That last little bit is 100% sincere, I really would have liked to see how the lib would have responded to me, but mostly Babs, because her comment says what I was trying to say, but better.)
Yeah I do sometimes wish we had a bit more time to play with them but either way works for me
Fair enough, noted. I’ll keep the educational potential in mind a bit more.
If he was being intentionally obtuse (likely) I wanted to drag that out of him. With patient explanations.
“Broadcasts propoganda to millions of impressionable fans” - fox news
Lmao that is some imax level projection.
Can’t wait for the scathing story about how a bunch of top level producers are sexually harassing all of his identical blonde daytime hosts.
I’ve fixed this mistake for them:
Maybe if the US stopped creating the conditions for 9/11 level events, Hasan would stop having based takes about them
Bold of them to assume their readers know what Twitch is
to undergo a brief spasmodic muscular contraction
it’s the type of muscles the black athletes on TV have, according to their favorite very scientific sports commentators
My favorite is how every short white guy with zero muscle mass is always described as a “scrappy athlete.”
Fox News Streisand effect
i wonder if the streisand effect is the intention because it causes engagement in a story that would otherwise be mostly ignored.
Death to Israel, death to the United States, death to Capital. No apologies
I knew this was coming. I was just thinking yesterday how it’s amazing how he hasn’t been deplatformed already but given Trump, the circling of wagons ever tighten for the zionist occupation with propaganda like about the soccer hooligans. The hammer was inevitably going to fall on Hasan and the fact he makes Twitch money is not going to be enough to save him.
He needs to be prepared to move his audience to a sovereign platform not under control or influence of imperialist outrage machine and he needs the plan for that ready yesterday.
Not easy to do but at least some way he can keep in touch if the hammer falls and drag some portion of his audience which would end up being much smaller admittedly with him.
Because I am positive that the new trifecta of Republicans are going to go for the old red meat and plenty of it, fearmongering about “radical left” and all that and Hasan is perfect for that. So while this outrage may or may not get him deplatformed from Twitch once it rises to the notice of Mr. Bezos that one of his machines is elevating an anti-imperialist anti-capitalist, I think we can be pretty sure the pressure will be dialed up to 11 sometime between January and summer of next year. The Democrats and liberals are all in on it and attacking the left after their loss to Trump, they’ll merrily join and call for more information control, more censorship in other words painted in rosier terms.
When they pass laws to even further strip the 1st amendment of protections for anyone against empire it will be with the strong urging, support, and design of Democrats. And yet their blueanon voters will howl how Trump is the one who wants to censor and control things while their party urgently works to build a better machinery of control for him or anyone else instead of doing the obvious thing which is to push back on all attempts at censorship, to rebuke in times like these government power and meddling. Hopefully a few liberals notice this.
I agree with you, and I’ll go one step further. Hasan needs to be prepared for unhinged Zionists attempting to murder him and his family. This ranges from hiring security to being prepared for self-defense to moving out of the US. The cold harsh reality is that Hasan is no longer safe in any Western country. These Zionist freaks are no joke when they feel like the legal system will protect them, and they will be protected. And I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t particularly like his content or particularly respect streamers as an occupation. But I know a call to “rid this troublesome priest” when I see one.
People in this thread shouldn’t be in some celebratory mood. Things are going to escalate really fast from here. Kicking him off Twitch is a given and an inevitability, but the Zionists will not stop there. They will first start to do light property damage like slashing his tires. Then they’ll escalate to something like firebombing his house. Then they’ll escalate even further by trying to harm but not kill him and his family.
Remember, we saw a bunch of Zionist football hooligans attempt to conduct a pogrom on Dutch Moroccans and the entire Western media go, “uh atkually, the pogrom was conducted against the hooligans not by the hooligans.” This is no joke, and I hope Hasan doesn’t treat this as one.
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The problem with that is western Europe, Canada, Australia and the like are just as likely to be dangerous in this regard and if one thinks he’s in danger of intelligence action then moving to some third world/global south country with less developed security and police forces makes it even easier to do something like an assassination or assault without much premeditation or risk it goes wrong and your operation gets blown like you have to work around in much of the west.
Basically the only safe places that comes to mind would be Russia, China, Iran, Cuba but moving to any of those would immediately allow them to paint him as a foreign agent and apply even harsher propaganda and deplatforming techniques as well as probably more dangerous things like arrest warrants, sanctions, being on no-fly-list type of things.
I don’t think they want to do anything but silence him at this point.
I can’t claim I’ve watched any amount of his content. I find his history on women’s rights problematic to say the least (incredibly liberal-brained) but he’s unambiguously doing good work in the anti-imperialist sphere and as with Russia our bedfellows may not always be people we find beacons of morality and uprightness.
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Well the thing is with the zionists there is no dividing line between their intelligence and their casual thugs, they literally bring their “ex”-IDF and Mossad goons to college protests and use chemical weapons on people, they send them with soccer hooligans to Amsterdam to cause trouble and inflict more damage, etc. So in their case there is little distinction where some zionist freaks end and the reach of their state begins.
This is no joke, and I hope Hasan doesn’t treat this as one.
“I love this article, I’m not gonna lie to you. I read it this morning and I thought it was sick”
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Where would he go though? Most of his options are probably in NATO or MNNA countries with Zionists having an iron grip on their governments. He could go to China or somewhere else outside that sphere but I doubt it.
Japan is a possibility, its pretty generous towards these permanent tourists and he seems to love it.