Comrade this feels weird, I am not trying to call you out but respectfully I feel your estimates of the popularity of deporting undocumented workers is too high. This is a recent poll shows the base question of “deporting all undocumented persons”, while it has a plurality, is only at 43%. I like that AP poll because it asks a number of questions that show Americans are all over the map on this issue. Like, Americans seems to distinguish quite a bit between deporting recent and not recent migrants. Strongly against separating families. Yeah Americans are very very in favor of deporting “violent criminals” but put yourself in the shoes of a typical American trying to answer that question when asked.
I only push back on this because I believe strongly that there is a tremendous opportunity for the left in the US to seize on the opportunity and do the right thing: boldly take a stand for undocumented workers and push for their rights, and I think it will be more popular than most realize.
Reminder that Google enthusiastically reached out to the IDF immediately after October 7th in hopes of selling them all sorts of AI tools; tools presumably used to kill thousands of Gazans.