Yes which is why there will be no peace until “Israel” is destroyed and wiped off the map. They are agreement incapable bloodthirsty war pigs
Yes which is why there will be no peace until “Israel” is destroyed and wiped off the map. They are agreement incapable bloodthirsty war pigs
Israel refusing to honor the ceasefire and repeatedly violating it and ignoring the terms does bode poorly, yes
Nah let’s fucking go. The American courts are probably the most reactionary system in existence, they are irredeemably fascist already. Let the whole thing collapse, break all the rules, let’s stomp this stupid fucking constitution into the mud and be done with it
They have to pretend like they do. It blocks certain geopolitical moves
heavy sour crude
I prefer spicy diesel gas alaskan kush
ok, i’m still not going to buy their merch to “support them”. they’re still an organ of the most evil empire to ever exist. that’s some lib ass shit. If you have extra money to throw around, go give it to homeless trans folks or Palestinians.
I mean, start expropriating these people’s wealth and land and see how many change their tune. A lot probably would just flee to America if they were actually being “oppressed” like Trump claims they are.
Yep they’ve been going after Hungary, Czechia, Georgia, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania very openly and Poland less openly. Some within the GOP are friendly with a lot of the groups in power in these countries and don’t like these color revolts by the crazy neonazi-neoliberals of the slava ukraini faction.
The US pours billions of dollars into destabilizing these countries, just because they aren’t completely pro-EU or anti-Russia in every single policy across the board. The Slava Ukronazi faction want them punished openly and brought to heel and doing little Maidans all over the place is their favorite trick. The Trumpian and more nativist and isolationist factions of the right want the war ended and trade to resume between Russia and Europe and the US.
Yeah the only difference between Israel and USA is a couple hundred years to forget
The one kinda good thing she ever accomplished immediately destroyed in Trump’s first term because the Democrat appointed head of the department randomly resigned to pursue a senate career.
CFPB was already completely gutted in Trump’s first term. The director resigned to run for (and lose) senator of Ohio or something. Then Trump did some questionable legal maneuvers to shove in his appointee who immediately shut down every investigation and fired 3/4 of the staff.
Biden never reversed this or corrected it, so it’s been sitting there as a rotten husk doing mostly nothing.
MMT with Trumpian characteristics?
Even when they are pro-China they got to deliver it in the most othering and orientalist way.
Look out for this and you will notice it. Westerners are literally incapable of saying anything good about China without a backhanded insult or spooky words alongside it to “balance” it out. Negative one sided statements are fine as well.
Anarchobidenists strike again
I’m sure Kropotkin meant to send funds to the reactionary imperialist state went he advocated for it
US government employees on here begging for mutual aid lmao
WW3 is the only way forward for humanity and it will happen one way or the other. I know China and Iran are in no rush to start it, which is why they failed at this critical moment when they had an opportunity to have an advantage
Breadtubers have receipts with money transfers from the NED. You can doubt it all you want but it’s documented and factually happening
Who said anything about deporting them? These are the self styled “refugees” that would take Trump up on his offer to emigrate to America. These are self-deporting racists.
I never said anything about SA kicking anyone out, these are people who elect to leave. They should be assisted and given a nice welcome package
Did you see the video of him blinking like a stunlocked deer in front of Trump?