Z_Poster365 [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2022


  • Yep they’ve been going after Hungary, Czechia, Georgia, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania very openly and Poland less openly. Some within the GOP are friendly with a lot of the groups in power in these countries and don’t like these color revolts by the crazy neonazi-neoliberals of the slava ukraini faction.

    The US pours billions of dollars into destabilizing these countries, just because they aren’t completely pro-EU or anti-Russia in every single policy across the board. The Slava Ukronazi faction want them punished openly and brought to heel and doing little Maidans all over the place is their favorite trick. The Trumpian and more nativist and isolationist factions of the right want the war ended and trade to resume between Russia and Europe and the US.