“The tragedy in Gaza is 100% on Hamas,” Fetterman wrote on social media with a screengrab of a Hill headline outlining Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks. “Stop using civilians and hospitals as shields, surrender, and release all remaining hostages—and this ends.”
What a dismissive piece of shit.
You think CTE causes people to become assholes?
A stroke like Fetterman’s often produces even larger personality changes. Sometimes it’s for the better, but often it tends to effect the forebrain where things like empathy and critical thinking happen. If it gets other parts in the hind brain that’s where you get the other stereotypical stroke symptoms of slurring speech and poor muscle control.
Fettermen wasn’t perfect, but he wasn’t this huge of an asshole before the stroke
It doesn’t excuse any of his shit behavior either. I just always think “why” is an important question when talking about someone’s behavior. Ironically enough when it happened Republicans called for him to resign and Dems blindly defended him. After the personality changes he’s Republicans favorite Dem and most of his own party hates him.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he runs as a Republican next election.
I think it probably has a lot more to do with the fact that pro Israel pacs gave him 250k. You’re just viewing the corruption in realtime
He was openly zionist before he was elected, we all just looked the other way or coped with “Well zionism is the default stance in America, he seems like a decent person, so when he actually learns, he’ll change his mind”.
Only the way he is expressing his view can be attributed to the stroke.
Yeah, I never heard of that and I was paying attention during that time.
He kind of just came out of nowhere and everyone loved him because he wore hoodies?
I remember he was on Colbert once talking about it, and he just immediately rubbed me as an asshole, but that was probably 2023, a year or so post stroke.
He kind of just came out of nowhere and everyone loved him because he wore hoodies?
He was doing a lot of things that signaled to the left that he was on our side, talking about unions, healthcare as a human right, prison reform, banning politicians from owning stock, dude’s twitter background was even a hammer and sickle Fox News had branded him with for awhile.
Hexbear, cursed with Casandra Syndrome, saw what he was even before the primary, but still hoped for a berniecrat.
I could be wrong:
But his stroke was before the primary.
Did he take AIPAC money in the primary?
Because if he took it for the general, that was a post stroke decision.
Like I said, I don’t know, and I couldn’t find it anywhere, I may be wrong and he took it in the primary
AIPAC funded his opposition during the primary, but he was a zionist back then too.
So your saying they have Jewish stroke lasers? Lol
The man got 250K from pro-Israel lobbyists. He’s in a position of authority and is being paid to endorse a specific viewpoint that is in direct violation of US and international humanitarian law. I’m not going to give him the benefit of the doubt here.
It’s not the benefit of the doubt.
If a stroke changes you it changes you. If it makes you an asshole, it’s not just ok to be an asshole.
Every other asshole also has a reason to be an asshole, recency doesn’t matter.
But I legitimately don’t know if he took AIPAC money in the primary before the stroke. If he did, then yeah, he was already an asshole before the stroke. Doesn’t mean a stroke couldn’t make him a more blatant asshole. Lack of impulse control is also a common symptom, people lose their filter and that’s rarely a positive thing.
It’s not excusing it, but we need to understand it so we learn how to deal with it and hopefully prevent the next person from being an asshole.
The man is able to connect the dots of receiving lobbying money and advocating for a certain position. He should be able to connect the dots of civilians dying, and saying that’s bad. Lots of people who suffer from strokes learn to control themselves and their personality changes. Fetterman just isn’t one of them.
We’re saying the same thing.
An asshole is an asshole, it doesn’t matter what lead them down that path.
Understanding why people are assholes is worth it because we learn how to deal with them, and maybe even prevent less people from becoming assholes later.
Every society has X% of assholes, there’s never zero assholes, but it’s worth getting that number as low as possible.
I think everyone agrees there’s more than there used to be, and would enjoy less assholes.
I see what you’re saying. My mistake, I misinterpreted your comment. You’re honestly a better person than me that would see someone have this kind of stance and say “Let’s see where they’re coming from”. To me, it’s just another asshole that society should not even have to tolerate.
Understanding why people are assholes is worth it because we learn how to deal with them,
I guess the question here would be - if the stroke made him more of an asshole, then - as you seem to be implying - what’s the cure? Or if you acknowledge that there’s not really a cure, how does knowing that a stroke caused this help inform our ability to deal with this?
and maybe even prevent less people from becoming assholes later.
How would that work in this case? Preventing strokes definitely seems like a good idea, but that’d be something already being pursued to the fullest even without the additional personality change angle.
Or are you suggesting that there’s a way to help a stroke victim prevent their personality change, lessen it, reverse it?
Fettermen wasn’t perfect, but he wasn’t this huge of an asshole before the stroke
NARRATOR: But he was.
You think CTE causes people to become assholes?
Not sure who mentioned CTE or how it’s relevant to Fetterman.
A stroke like Fetterman’s often produces even larger personality changes.
Agreed. This reminds me of a biography of FDR I read, explaining how his term went worse after his own stroke.
Fettermen wasn’t perfect, but he wasn’t this huge of an asshole before the stroke
Credit to alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml for https://jewishinsider.com/2022/04/john-fetterman-says-hell-lean-in-on-u-s-israel-relationship-as-senator/
Here’s a choice quote from a pre-stroke Fetterman,
Fetterman said he is “equally passionate” in his opposition to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel.
Also remember that he
backed legislation at the state level, signed into law six years ago by Pennsylvania’s Democratic governor, Tom Wolf, barring the commonwealth from pursuing contracts with companies that participate in boycotts of Israel.
Fetterman … confirmed … that he has … sought counsel from a variety of advocacy groups, including … AIPAC
Again, that’s all pre-stroke. So he might have been better at hiding or spinning these things pre-stroke, but it doesn’t seem like his beliefs have really changed because of the stroke.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he runs as a Republican next election.
I would be. The closest I can find to that is this quote from him (from the above article), but this was pre-stroke.
I’m not really a progressive
My grandfather had a stroke at 81. He did not in fact become an asshole, he just got a little slower and spent less time working on his old truck. This is 100% on fetterman for having shitty opinions and being bitterly dug in. I don’t think it’s fair to all the wonderful people affected by strokes to give him that out.
This is who hes always been, but the only thing VBNMW liberals saw was that D in front of his name. We tried to warn them, but they always seem to know better
He was running against Dr. Oz. So yeah, still better.
Such a fucking disappointment
“Look what you made me do!”
“stop hitting yourself”
Hamas certainly does not de-escalate the situation, but that’s not their role. Hamas and Israel are intertwined entities and they both play God with the lives of Palestinians. As peace loving people, we should be pushing for a ceasefire and a two state system. Anything other than that will only perpetuate the loss of life.
Obligatory “Fetterman is a piece of shit liar”.
Why would Hamas de-escalate? They’re people are being systemically eradicated and have been for over 70 years.
we should be pushing for a ceasefire and a two state system.
I agree that we should be aiming for a peaceful solution but a two-state solution would be bad IMO. It shouldn’t be an us vs them kind of government. Every western government has a system where people of all backgrounds and faiths can pursue any lifestyle or job they wanted, including in the government and elected positions. Why can’t be the same here? Why must there be a divide between Muslims and Jews.
Fetterman is terrible
you don’t live in a democracy if your choices are between fetterman and dr Oz
To be fair to the piece of shit Fetterman, he ran on a very progressive platform.
Then he had that stroke and now he’s one of the least progressive members of Congress.
The question is, was he always a lying sack of shit? Or did the stroke literally change his mind?
I don’t think Sinema ever had a stroke and I believe she went from “progressive” into a piece of shit once she got elected, so I’m going with “he’s a lying piece of shit” as the more likely reason.
I really would like to see some studies on that topic “does cognitive decline skew your position to the right”. If it does it’s usually slowly over many years. But fetterman had a huge decline suddenly and basically in love with genocide now. (I still believe he didn’t think like that before).
Would make sense in a way - stripping away all nuance from the world by means of deteriorating perception makes people only see good and bad or my team / their team.
It would be interesting to see.
There’s a condition called cerebral microvascular disease.
Basically individual neurons die, but because the brain is fairly plastic the surrounding neurons pick up the slack.
That is of course until the brain is stressed, at which point the surrounding neurons drop the extra duty to focus on just their own jobs.
Once the stress goes away, the neurons pick up the slack again.
Now here’s the somewhat scary part. Something like 5% of adults over the age of 50 have it, to an extent that can be seen on a CT scan.
And 100% of those 90 and older have it.
It’s a major cause of dementia in older adults but is usually seen as momentary brain fog.
no, i don’t get behind any of those excuses
I had to move my family away from Swissvale because of that piece of shit and his poison factories and his looting
he said he was going to clean up the steel mills and then he went back on it, that isn’t democracy
Fucking I don’t ever want to have a stroke and become like that douchebag. I wish I could get my $100 back that I donated to his campaign.
He’s a pretty big disappointment. Apparently always been a brat who does what he wants but… Like not at all what we were expecting from him. But now he’s elected so he’s free from having to care what he does for money.
Really amazing how much and how well Fetterman hid how much of a garbage human being he is.
The stroke he suffered did a number on him. In a bad way.
Who would have guessed there’d be actual evidence that brain damage makes you more Republican.
70+ years of research into the effects of lead on the human brain.
2500 years of research, if you count clinical observations.
TBF, still probably better then Dr oz
Man my dyslexia made me read “I care little about kids dying” and I was like wtf
Yeah, I don’t know if it was dyslexia but I initially read “I don’t care about little kids dying”…
deleted by creator
they are two salient issues of the same desire. placing an embargo on israel could at least slow their roll enough to allow the innocents to shed themselves of hamas and their ilk. or it could have. now, though, those innocents having had to deal with all the aggression thrown directly at them cannot really be faulted for turning away from israel and their supporters
Does she care about children dying? This will be the legacy of Biden/Harris in Gaza
We can’t even care about innocent people anymore. The right ridicules that as dangerous. We have to frame being against killing innocent people as being concerned for children. But then the right diminishes that even further. No! Only unborn children deserve protection, but only when politically expedient.
In truth, the right wants to be able to kill anyone they want with impunity.
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Whoops, AOC just admitted she’s… checks notes a secret Trump supporter Russian bot in office because she cares about the deaths of children. At least according to most people on Reddit/Lemmy.
She’s working for Jill Stein! Its obvious!!!1!11!1
At least according to most people on Reddit/Lemmy.
You’re the first person to make a connection between Lemmy, caring for something, and Trump/Russia. You trolling?
If you’ve never been called a trumpist or a russian on lemmy for opposing genocide, it’s because you’ve never opposed genocide on lemmy.
Yeah, actually amazing that the hasbara people bother with this tiny platform. It’s admittedly a small number of usernames that keep returning.
Happened to me before I made this account, and it’ll happen again.
No one’s being called a trumpist or Russian because they oppose genocide, they’re being called that because they insist on pretending that splitting the vote in favor of the fascist party won’t make the genocide they claim to oppose even worse.
I certainly have by some of the Zionists on here. Even though I’ve also repeatedly said to vote for Harris, despite also criticizing her and the Biden Administration for their actions on Gaza and capitulation of right-wing framing on immigration
That doesn’t stand up to scrutiny when you’re talking about a tiny platform full of entrenched pro-genocide centrists. Who do you imagine this vast Russian conspiiiiiiiiiracy to say things centrists don’t like on lemmy is going to convert?
We’re not talking about a platform of entrenched pro-genocide centrists, we’re taking about a platform of predominantly leftists. Now, many of those leftist are capable of critical thinking, so they don’t just parrot every half-baked idea they hear just because the person saying it claims to be an Authentic Communist™.
As to who it’s supposed to convert, that much is also obvious to any leftist with critical thinking skills: impressionable young idealists. Get them to refuse to support the “pro genocide centrists” out of a noble sense of justice, and the pro-genocide fascists clinch the win. Putin wins, Netanyahu wins, the military industrial complex wins, and those poor schmucks think they stuck it to the man while the fascists laugh their way into the White House.
have you done the leg work of letting your congress critters know you don’t support biden or harris on israel and that we need to implement an arms embargo? if not gtfo. until then I will continue to advocate people vote with their conscience. because I have done the work. biden/harris are blinking we need to push harder before the end of the month. I’m literally sitting here with my ballot waiting for harris to make an announcement prior to voting.
have you done the leg work of letting your congress critters know you don’t support biden or harris on israel and that we need to implement an arms embargo?
I will continue to advocate people vote with their conscience. because I have done the work.
And you don’t understand electoral strategy, clearly. My conscience won’t allow me to sit aside while the fascist party wins, increases support of Israel, and spearheads genocide at home and abroad.
Of course I would prefer a candidate that aligned perfectly with my ideals and stood a chance of winning. There is not one. The only rational voting strategy is to select whichever of the viable options is less bad. In this election, that is undeniably Harris.
This game of chicken you’re playing has literally never worked. Harris will not pivot of Palestine because you and a bunch of terminally online performative leftists. They’ll go to the middle to find moderates if they need to.
No one can compel you to vote rationally, but I will continue to remind you and the people that make the same ineffective argument: if you “win” and Harris loses, things get considerably worse for women, minorities, LGBT, Ukrainian and, yes, even Palestinians.
Neo-libs in a messy connection with AIPAC are by no means perfect, but they are objectively better than the fascists who live Netanyahu and want to help him finish the job in Palestine and nuke Iran. The only people claiming different are those same fascists, and their useful idiots.
We’re not talking about a platform of entrenched pro-genocide centrists
Yes, we are. We’re talking about lemmy.
Yes, Lemmy, predominantly leftist
a platform of predominantly leftists. Now, many of those leftists are capable of critical thinking, so they don’t just parrot every half-baked idea they hear just because the person saying it claims to be an Authentic Communist™.
Literally using my joke unironically as proof that I’m somehow a troll. I couldn’t write this as satire if I tried.