stop blaming russia for what america has done to itself. no one was forced to vote for trump and no one forced harris to run the worst campaign i’ve seen in 4 decades.
stop blaming russia for what america has done to itself. no one was forced to vote for trump and no one forced harris to run the worst campaign i’ve seen in 4 decades.
oi, hitting the critical mass of enough users to be interesting, but thankfully not at enough users where it is profitable for them yet. sigh
Good news UK a bunch of nuclear experts are suddenly available for hire!
you guys act like there is only one way to do this shit. personally I find protests generally useless and I dont go to them to start shit, I find violence useful when employed well and directed. but I would never personally start shit at a protest. protests are for cover while groups work elsewhere.
yes. thats pretty standard fair, the photo’d guy is not following safe protesting. the bat in the photo was probably just a stick of opportunity for his sign.
Nothing, that’s what the ‘bats’ are for: to use. honestly if you’re protesting you expect this outcome silly. start getting comfortable with violence people we’re going to need it.
Disagree, bring your friends with bats. More bats advertised the better. Cops are pussys they wont fuck with large groups of prepared and armed unless absolutely ordered to.
both also great options. Trying to remember if radicle the one i archived in my notes for further investigation into integrating into my compute platform.
Why do people insist on using the mainstream forges for code that is at risk for take downs? There are plenty of other forges like sr.ht, codeberg you can use. They even support the git archive command which github doesnt.
People often dont believe you when you tell them things they make up their own little narrative to make themselves feel better.
smile I’ve been sitting on this for a few years. Finally in a position to tackle it! honeygain looks nifty i might take a closer look later. currently have my hands full with the initial plan. =)
No, they are free to do that. thats literally not what I’m building or anything I’ll personally care about.
You said i’ll be selling the vps. which i wont be. and I don’t care personally about the VPS’ or seed boxes at all. They are not required and have no impact on what I’m building. the cost savings I mentioned elsewhere for them are just a side effect of good design.
edit: to clarify: I’d love to see them do it because that means people like the system i’m building.
edit2: I know its hard to admit you might be wrong. Dont worry! this is the internet. people are wrong all the time.
in no way am i selling a vps (hell I’d love for them to sell systems w/ the software Im building preconfigured), and no there won’t be a markup beyond the processing fees (long term). The subscription is opt in and goes to creators (again less the processing fee and like $1 to cover the base hosting costs until economics kick in). and its 100% self contained application. And no i’m not just wiring software that already exists together, because if i did it wouldn’t work the way i want it to work or be as slick/user friendly. And literally as I explained elsewhere it has saved me money on seedboxes.
As I said elsewhere, you’ll all be delighted when its ready. But im not willing to say more until I have it built. Anyways did i miss any of your erroneous claims that you’d like me to address?
edit: Hell go check out egdaemon.com. that’s also my work, and another system I’m basically offering at cost to developers. did it last Q4 last year. just go through the setup guide in a linux container. I spend a ton of effort figuring out how to make systems work painlessly and cost effectively. note: egdaemon still have some issues upstream I havent been able to address due to time/ecosystem dynamics.
You sound like you’re experiencing depression.
See a doctor/therapist. Shrooms pulled me out of similar feelings when I was experiencing what it sounds like you’re experiencing. But root causes can be different so you should see a specialist, and these kind of life situations are why politics are important being able to get the care people inevitably need.
Dont worry about the political labels, but as others have said empathy is the important bit. LGBT+ causes are just the latest example of people standing up and essentially saying ‘hey im here too, and i have different needs, would you mind shifting these few things around so I can live similarly to you?’ and being left wing is mostly just saying ‘sure’ and making those few shifts.
Often people treat politics as a zero sum game and it causes issues. Unfortunately the conservatives in the dem party dont understand the people that support them so they keep biting the hands that feed them.
And I literally spelled that out in the post ‘cloud storage at cost’ in a torrenting daemon. I’ve now also explained how its relevant to people here who couldn’t connect the dots, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Some people asked good questions both here and privately and thats all I was after atm. =)
nope, 100% incorrect on all counts.
Awesome! I’ll ping you shortly, probably over the weekend, Im packed rest of the week. I havent seen veilid! But I’ve built similar things in the past, mostly to learn as i was cutting my teeth learning many years ago.
Looks like a straight up kademlia (from the 160bit keys at least) implementation with some modern RPC on top? would definitely consider looking closer at it. ATM I have that bit squared away enough for the initial program (though I’ve been gutting the library a bit for it to be functional for the use cases I have planned). but it’ll definitely need some love at some point. just have a million other parts to build first before the optimization bits occur.
I understanding your post mostly?
You’re 100% on point! Yes the monetization is mostly for access to the cloud storage, covers the supporting infrastructure, and ideally puts some food on my and a few others table long term so we can continue improving these system, while giving users cloud storage for orders of magnitude less than whats on the market.
I have a few other systems I’d like to invert and break the markets on as well. but these things take time to build sadly, both from a pure technical stand point and from a communal building process.
For example ATM I have no street cred so why would people trust what I say? That’s what I’m trying to do atm with this post: build that credibility with you and other people within the community via working together and building a useful tool, that does exactly what I’ve laid out here. I expect this process to take years. =)
And then how does advertising and content creators come into play?
The advertising stuff is longer term, and ideally just a way for users to earn some scratch. For me its a middle finger to the current systems out there.
But the basic idea is if the system hits a critical mass of users and is in that ‘valuable eye space’ category users will be able to enable and setup ads. The money from the ads will be credited to your account in two parts, yours and a portion towards the creators of the content you watch. Each month the creator portion will be applied on top of subscription value for the peoples whose content you’ve watched. Your portion you can do whatever you want; can be used to offset your subscription, take payouts at set values (processing fees blow).
The ads are the hardest part to do honestly, as it requires a user base and either a platform for advertisers to use or hooking into the existing (exploitative) systems somehow. Its an area that if / when its done will be done very thoughtfully.
but I won’t have stable internet access besides cellular for about a year.
That makes you super valuable in this context! unstable environments are the best test beds. I usually have my dev environments setup to simulate these situations, but doesnt replace the real thing.
Doing it all in one style might simplify the process enough to onboard less tech savvy people.
That’s my hope! I have a few non-techies lined up for later in the process. primarily once the VPN stuff is in place; at least at that point they’ll just need to focus on signing up for a VPN and finding a private tracker.
I am potentially interested
Great! I’m potentially interested in working with you! ;) We’ll be in touch.
friend you need to learn how to push back against administration processes. you dont do it head on. talk to your friends and get them comfortable with the idea of setting fire to things. this fight is hardly over, its just beginning.