That sort of idea seems great when everyone is taking Pervitin all the time.
Pervitin, the brand name that Meth was originally sold under.
That sort of idea seems great when everyone is taking Pervitin all the time.
Pervitin, the brand name that Meth was originally sold under.
To be fair, every Air Force base had higher than average Reddit usage back in the day. It was one of the few websites not blocked by default. I don’t know when that changed, Because I was out before then.
But yes, there are also the propaganda teams.
Either that or Trump is following orders.
Vaccines are almost always free.
Fun fact, “free base” is the origin of the of the term “based”.
Originally it was not a good thing.
Language changes, so now based is fucking rad. And rad is not a term used by anyone.
You have to admit that healthcare CEOs make for a great target.
A better target is the Healthcare Group board of directors.
The CEO is just hired management. The directors…
For all of his many flaws, I don’t think Jackson was an agent of a foreign power.
Even so, there are places in Oklahoma where a 20 isn’t considered valid currency.
I was going to type up a bunch here, but instead I’ll share some links.
First is this section of this wiki.
2009 Burlington Mayoral Race. The wrong guy won.
The Monotonicity issue is unique to Ranked Choice, and is pretty fucking bad.
These people have a good breakdown as well.
Then there was the fun incident in Alameda County.
Finally, the guy who invented the system threw it out as deeply flawed. Mostly because it doesn’t find the Pairwise winner, i.e. the candidate who can win in a one on one election vs every other candidate. Also called the Condorcet winner.
As a side note, Nicolas de Caritat, the Marquis de Condorcet, was fucking based.
The rail strike was bad, but then Biden turned around and got the rail workers almost everything they had been asking for.
As to Foreign Policy, what specifically was bad? The pull-out from Afghanistan? It’s hard to stick the landing when the guy before released 5k enemy fighters while reducing the US military presence to less than a skeleton crew.
But other than that, the US was mostly respected by the world under Biden. We had some bad trade deals from Trump, but were working on fixing things.
As to splitting the Democratic party, that’s a great way to never win elections again. Because you cannot have three viable parties under First Past the Post voting. It’s literally impossible.
The problem is, primaries are really good at selecting the worst candidate.
See, the problem comes from something called candidate cloning.
See, you might get more than 50% of the population supporting Tim Walz, or AOC.
But when you force the people to choose between the two, well, now you have less than 50%.
Add in a few more candidates with reasonable platforms and you can get the average support down to less than 10%.
Then all you have to do is add in a candidate with a markedly different platform and 15% support can make them the winner of the primary.
Ranked Choice cannot fix this problem, regardless of the claims made by proponents.
The voting system that can fix things is Approval.
Under Approval, you can vote for A, B, and C. The winner is the person with the highest overall approval.
Ranked Choice is a deeply flawed system.
Approval is far better, or if you like to be granular in your voting STAR.
Criticisms is right there in your quote.
Biden did a fine job as president except for two little things. Gaza and Marrick Garland.
As to supporting Biden, no shit he did. At the time, Biden was the president and had been elected via primary as the Nominee. And as we know from recent history, not supporting the democratic nominee means that the Republican wins.
Did I say you had to rely on Solar for your electricity in the winter? No? And remember I said brand new heat pump. The newest models can work in much colder temps.
Also, if you’re in Wisconsin, you might be getting your power from nuclear (about 16% of the State’s power production). Which is far better than fossil fuels.
You seem to like to make shit up.
So you’re telling me you’ve only ever used shitty, low budget induction. Likely only ever used the countertop plug in units.
An actual induction stove is much better than that.
They are a dream to cook on, they have all the speed of gas, but none of the side spill heat. All the heat is concentrated in the pan itself.
Woks do have issues due to their shape. And those issues crop up with any western style stove. So who cares. There are eastern style induction stoves, they’re more expensive but work fairly well.
Or you can buy a cheap countertop unit and pretend that its the best induction can be.
Gas is nice for some things, but for heating a brand new heat pump is best.
Actually, the one thing that gas is good for is cooking, but induction is far better. So yeah. No real need for gas to the home.
He tried to stop the weapons last year as well. Because Bernie is not a shill, he’s pretty fucking cool.
Which is why the media often goes out of their way to ignore him.
Another fun fact, they usually don’t just select a single strain for the yearly vaccine. They often select a handful of strains, and net on one of them being the one.
So a shotgun in the dark.
Collaborative world building often falls apart. It needs a full time coordinator, or it’s like herding cats.
Naples. Modern pizza comes from Naples.
That dish was then taken to New York where shredded cheese was used in place of the slices used in Neapolitan pizza.
Pasta on the other hand, does descend from a Chinese dish. Sort of. The Proto-italians actually invented some types of pasta dish themselves, notably the precursor to lasagna and ravioli.