Uh, the angels that cover your malady require a 10% tithe.
Uh, the angels that cover your malady require a 10% tithe.
I have certainly heard of Weyerhauser, but had no idea they were that big. They’re the only ‘individual’ owner shown. The land-owning families is odd as I’m sure it overlaps a lot with pasture and private timberland.
OIL. There’s a LOT of land that might be considered cow/grazing but won’t really grow anything worth it. See West Texas.
Name someone more addicted to shitposting…
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the DNC chair at the time. She put her foot on the scale for Hillary, and set us on the current course.
Also, Boeing notwithstanding…
One bad actor causing chaos amongst the staff entrusted with keeping airlines safe….
I’ve been pushing more to spend at Costco and less at Target. These recent announcements have me leaning even harder into that previous plan. Before I Was ambivalent about Target, now Ill generally go out of my way to avoid it.
Sure, but it’s not about shoes. It’s about everything. People NEED cars and flights for family connections and toys for their kids to keep themselves sane and clothes and food and lightbulbs and either paper towels, or detergent to wash cloth napkins. Personally, I’m addicted to coffee, but most people work paycheck to paycheck and aren’t out spending on frivolous stuff.
My parents are nowhere near as deep in the rabbit hole, but I’m essentially dark on communications with them at this point. Once they have convinced me that they are fighting against the current state of things, I’ll re-engage. Currently they are unaware of this fact, but it won’t be too much longer until they realize that I have no time or desire to interact with them anymore. They will have to choose and I’m at peace with either outcome at this point.
I’m a HP reseller, but barely ( I might sell a half dozen servers a year as part of larger projects) it’s SO MUCH EASIER to deal with Dell tho. Quality has been good but not great for both for a long time.
I’m a huge advocate of using “ugly but serviceable” stuff. That said, my-day-to-day shoes are wearing to the point that I can tell what the ants had for lunch. Not sure I can get away with making my own leather moccasins.
If there is a bed available at the hospital, and you can afford the extra expense.
It makes a pretty good calculator. 🧮
As opposed to having the government directly design planes and ships and stuff? Even in ‘communist’ countries such as Russia and China, they have companies that compete for business. Remember that essentially all the billions spent with these defense contractors is employing and producing products here as opposed to overseas.
Clearly the solution is to just use a big Excel spreadsheet.
Defense contractors are mostly publicly traded companies. Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing etc.
No party has been anywhere near that level of “control” for a very long time.
Black cars look dirty so much faster than any other color, they get hotter in the sun, and they’re harder to see at night which ostensibly would lead to more accidents.