Yeah pretty much the same here, nothing negative to say but don’t really play much. When I want to play a PvP shooter though thats what I’ll play, the guns feel fantastic and the speed is hectic.
Yeah pretty much the same here, nothing negative to say but don’t really play much. When I want to play a PvP shooter though thats what I’ll play, the guns feel fantastic and the speed is hectic.
Just because you need to learn something additional does not mean driving a manual requires more effort in any substantial way. Its more effort than 0, but it is not taxing or hard to drive a manual when you are used to it. I do not think about pushing the clutch in or shifting, I just do it.
I will say dont ever drive a manual if you will be in stop and go traffic for long periods of time regularly though. Im personally never in it.
There are plenty of cars offering manual transmission, its just not available for every CSR out there. If you want to have fun with it you can.
Man if you like guns and portals, your gonna love Splitgate.
You realize some americans dont want to be part of world domination right?
I disagree with a ton of stuff, but Ive already been banned from one community so for the most part I keep it civil. I haven’t had much issue arguing against the common opinion here besides the down votes, but I see downvoted comment chains all the time so I’m not as concerned they will be hidden.
Luckily some games are still made for fun. And some gambling games were fun before they were monetized, and still are in spite of it.
Surely you can have your cake and eat it too, right?
And the parents surely won’t blame themselves.
You are describing exactly why fast travel is bad in video games too. Convenience isn’t the blessing everyone thinks it to be.
Sure, but that means everyone who disagrees on that point is arguing in bad faith, which is not possible. People argue what they think is right, and change their minds over time. Everyone was wrong about something at one point.
Just because they have faulty logic doesnt make them bad faith. You have faulty logic in this case, should I assume you are bad faith?
This attitude of “only one side follows facts and it just happens to be mine” is so amnesic, you never were always on the right side.
I just want to say penis place made me laugh out loud!
Thats a really long winded way of saying, “No, but there will be one anyways.”
You mean people took opposing sides on a topic on a debate forum? Color me surprised.
Customers dictate what they want to play, not the developers. You might like the idea of content generated on the spot (which has existed for a long time BTW) but there will be others who dont like that. Baldurs Gate III done with AI would have been half as popular. There are RPGs with AI right now via mods, I believe there is one in mount and blade, if you want to try one out.
Contacts are overrated.
You are meant to “nullify” silently.
Thats a great strategy to end up in an abusive employment situation if you aren’t careful too.
Laughs in vegan.
Its a matter of priority. People read horoscopes all the time, very common thing. Most people won’t put that “advice” in their top 10 reasons to do anything. Religion is bad when its priority #1, whether thats for a person or a whole country. Myths and folklore are the more appropriate versions of religion.