Wow, great analysis. Dispute the substance of the sources or quit trolling.
Say no to authoritarianism, say yes to socialism. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 Everyone deserves Human Rights
Wow, great analysis. Dispute the substance of the sources or quit trolling.
No, they aren’t “opinion pieces” just because you don’t agree with them; they are all backed by a significant amount of data.
The difference in support between the ACA and Obamacare is the difference rhetoric and messaging can make. And even then it still remains popular because of how the policy positivity benefits people’s material conditions.
The conversation that envelops the ACA has moved out of Washington and into the public domain. Opponents of the ACA, who call it “Obamacare,” regularly only emphasize what they perceive as negative aspects of the bill: that doctors will become overwhelmed by an influx of patients, that people will lose control over who their health care providers are and health insurance carrier is. The ACA’s supporters, who remember to call it the Affordable Care Act, tout what they see as highlights: that people will no longer be denied coverage based on preexisting conditions and that children can remain on their parents health insurance until age 26.
Messaging matters. Policy matters.
Or we could just abolish the death penalty
Again, not true. I’ve already provided sources that show exactly how policy can gain or lose voters.
Policy support is irrelevant
It’s obvious not irrelevant, as the first three links show. Policy matters significantly. You saying policy “doesn’t matter” does not make it true. Policy affects people’s material conditions in tangible ways, and with fascist policies it affects them in violent ways.
Short answer is money. Donor interests are antithetical to any progressive policies that would hurt the bottom line of capital owners.
Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders
I could much more easily call Israel a terrorist state, and by looking at cases of actual acts of terror, it’s clear that Israel does magnitudes more. But while acknowledging acts of terrorism is important, giving the label of terrorist to an entire group is not really useful. It’s mostly use to de-legitimize acts of resistance against colonialism and occupations. Such is the case with Ireland, Vietnam, Algeria, South Africa, and many more.
Both the Occupier and the Occupied can and do use acts of terrorism to further their aims, but the aims are diametrically opposed. The aim of the occupier is to continue the occupation, that requires violence to maintain, and ethnic cleansing. The aim of the occupied is to end the occupation, by any means possible, and gain emancipation. We see that one is a reaction to the other, Israel’s perpetual violence towards native peoples is the underlying cause of these conflicts. Solutions to ending the violence of anti-colonialism can only come from ending the underlying violence of the colonialism.
We see that permanent occupation develops into an Apartheid, as the settlers / occupiers have rights upheld by the State and Military, while the natives / occupied have no rights and subjected to violence from both the Settlers and Military. The State, who holds the monopoly on power, uses terrorism to suppress resistance to the occupation in order to maintain it. The occupied, having no power, uses terrorism as a means to resist the occupation.
Israel has no interest in peace, it has interest in land grabbing, which is in complete opposition to peace. This is fundamental to Zionism. Which is why an end to Zionism and a regime change, where a Secular Bi-National One-State that gives equal rights to Palestinians and Israelis is the only way for the conflict to really end. Not only with Palestinian resistance, but with all resistance groups that were created by Israeli occupation.
Meant to reply to where you said
Bernie Sanders supporters are a small minority of the Democratic party. The overwhelming majority are centrists.
Which is not true when you look at policy support
Democrats’ Working-Class Failures, Analysis Finds, Are ‘Why Trump Beat Harris’
2024 Post-Election Report: A retrospective and longitudinal data analysis on why Trump beat Harris
How Trump and Harris Voters See America’s Role in the World
Majority of Americans support progressive policies such as higher minimum wage, free college
Democrats should run on the popular progressive ideas, but not the unpopular ones
Here Are 7 ‘Left Wing’ Ideas (Almost) All Americans Can Get Behind
Finding common ground: 109 national policy proposals with bipartisan support
Progressive Policies Are Popular Policies
Tim Walz’s Progressive Policies Popular With Republicans in Swing States
Things our Representatives can do to fight back, delay and obstruct Trump’s fascist agenda:
For Senate Democrats:
Most of the time, Senators are not on the Senate floor. But technically, the Senate is not allowed to conduct official business unless a majority of senators (51 if all seats are filled) are present. That’s called a quorum, and it’s the foundation of Senate procedure. If a quorum isn’t present, the Senate grinds to a halt. The friendly thing to do is to NOT ask if there is a quorum - that’s how MOST business moves forward in the Senate. But Senate Democrats can use their power in the minority to call for a quorum and cause massive disruptions by constantly demanding quorum calls and even walking out to deny Republicans the ability to govern.
Unanimous consent is the grease that keeps the Senate moving. Normally, the Senate runs on handshake deals—routine matters like scheduling votes, moving bills forward, or skipping over procedural steps all happen only if no senator objects. That’s called unanimous consent (UC)—and if even one Democrat objects, it forces the Senate to go through long, time-consuming processes to get anything done.
For House Democrats
Force roll call votes on everything—Republicans must go on record for every bad decision.
Use motions to recommit to force Republicans to take difficult votes.
File privileged resolutions to demand immediate consideration of issues Republicans want to avoid.
Leverage parliamentary inquiries and points of order to disrupt floor proceedings and expose GOP dysfunction.
Put Republicans on the record about their harmful policies.
Force votes when GOP members are absent to either force something through or force every Republican member to be in their seats the entire time.
Make motions to subpoena officials and demand transparency.
Expose MAGA extremism in real-time.
Demand hearings on Trump’s and Vought’s plans to override federal spending. If Republicans refuse to hold real oversight hearings, Democrats must take matters into their own hands. That means holding shadow hearings—bringing in experts, impacted communities, and whistleblowers to expose how MAGA elites are trying to loot the government and rig the system for billionaires. These hearings should be public, media-driven, and designed to put pressure on Republicans to defend their corruption in the light of day.
Publicize findings to show voters exactly how MAGA elites are trying to loot the government, and while Republicans are covering for the Trump-Musk coup, Democrats are fighting to stop it.
Host Town Halls: Update voters on how Democrats are fighting back.
Adopt GOP Districts: Hold town halls in Republican-held areas to expose GOP sabotage and talk directly to their constituents.
Engage Online: Mobilize voters with digital content that names names and pulls no punches.
Mass starvation once again, the Genocide isn’t over
If anyone needs more reasons to boycott Amazon:
Continuing this pattern, our employers signed a contract called Project Nimbus to sell dangerous technology to the Israeli military and government. This contract was signed the same week that the Israeli military attacked Palestinians in the Gaza Strip – killing nearly 250 people, including more than 60 children. The technology our companies have contracted to build will make the systematic discrimination and displacement carried out by the Israeli military and government even crueler and deadlier for Palestinians.
Which gets passed onto us the consumers. Won’t be surprised if Trump gives oil companies even more subsidies (funded by our tax dollars)…
Coincidence or not, interesting that this lines up with the moment Trump’s approval went negative
Fighting back includes delay tactics and blanket opposition. There is division among Republican Representatives, it’s critical to take advantage of that. All three are applicable. Maximum obstruction is the name of the game.
Most of the time, Senators are not on the Senate floor. But technically, the Senate is not allowed to conduct official business unless a majority of senators (51 if all seats are filled) are present. That’s called a quorum, and it’s the foundation of Senate procedure. If a quorum isn’t present, the Senate grinds to a halt. The friendly thing to do is to NOT ask if there is a quorum - that’s how MOST business moves forward in the Senate. But Senate Democrats can use their power in the minority to call for a quorum and cause massive disruptions by constantly demanding quorum calls and even walking out to deny Republicans the ability to govern.
Unanimous consent is the grease that keeps the Senate moving. Normally, the Senate runs on handshake deals—routine matters like scheduling votes, moving bills forward, or skipping over procedural steps all happen only if no senator objects. That’s called unanimous consent (UC)—and if even one Democrat objects, it forces the Senate to go through long, time-consuming processes to get anything done.
For House Democrats
Force roll call votes on everything—Republicans must go on record for every bad decision.
Use motions to recommit to force Republicans to take difficult votes.
File privileged resolutions to demand immediate consideration of issues Republicans want to avoid.
Leverage parliamentary inquiries and points of order to disrupt floor proceedings and expose GOP dysfunction.
Put Republicans on the record about their harmful policies.
Force votes when GOP members are absent to either force something through or force every Republican member to be in their seats the entire time.
Make motions to subpoena officials and demand transparency.
Expose MAGA extremism in real-time.
Demand hearings on Trump’s and Vought’s plans to override federal spending. If Republicans refuse to hold real oversight hearings, Democrats must take matters into their own hands. That means holding shadow hearings—bringing in experts, impacted communities, and whistleblowers to expose how MAGA elites are trying to loot the government and rig the system for billionaires. These hearings should be public, media-driven, and designed to put pressure on Republicans to defend their corruption in the light of day.
Publicize findings to show voters exactly how MAGA elites are trying to loot the government, and while Republicans are covering for the Trump-Musk coup, Democrats are fighting to stop it.
Host Town Halls: Update voters on how Democrats are fighting back.
Adopt GOP Districts: Hold town halls in Republican-held areas to expose GOP sabotage and talk directly to their constituents.
Engage Online: Mobilize voters with digital content that names names and pulls no punches.
Name one meaningful thing
Here’s a whole list
An entire softball interview with a terrorist was clipped out of context?
Yeah, and he’s neither a houthi nor a terrorist.
Pull the other one
No, your free to watch the whole video. I couldn’t care less about your clips. But framing a yemeni teenager as a terrorist is fucked up and untrue.
Your source are clips from a guy who’s a pedo, done sexual assault, and revenge porn? Weird.
Pretty sure clips were debunked a while back by just not clipping out context.
And if the Democrats had actually tried to win against Trump they would have listened to what the vast majority of their constituents wanted (plus you know, international and domestic law) and implemented an Arms Embargo. They should have started the ceasefire many months earlier instead of continuing to support the genocide unconditionally, fracturing their base when they needed as many votes as possible to win against fascism.
Biden did support the crackdowns and arrests of about 3000 pro Palestinian protesters, including a law to label the protests as antisemitic and target universities that ‘tolerate’ the (peaceful) protests. He didn’t deport any protesters. He did back both that law and the law that can label any pro-palestinian (and any pro- marginalized group) organization as’ supporters of terrorism’ to revoke federal funding and add tax penalties, both of which fit into Project Esther, the plan Trump is currently enacting as part of Project 2025