trump’s going to kill a bunch of people for this, probably ones you know, maybe you, consider toning down the epic poasting
I guess I’m going to be executed at Gitmo under the Trump dictatorship for being mean to him online.
this is unironically likely to happen to somebody yes
executed at Gitmo under the Trump dictatorship for being mean to him online
It really, really won’t. There are many good reasons to maintain opsec, thinking this is a likely outcome is not one.
Didn’t this already happen to a guy? Forgot his name, but they basically arrested him for saying leftist things online
44 months for talking about the need to rise up against the Jan 6ers.
many guy
Comrades in San Diego just got 2-5 for counterprotesting Jan. 6 psychos, so.
I want to go on record making it clear that I am a proud and freedom-loving patriot merely infiltrating your ranks.
Same here
I just think it’s extremely funny to pretend to be a tankie online and that’s all I’ve been doing
I like MEAT and I like MAKING LOVE to my WIFE
Nah. That ship sailed, idk, ten, fifteen years ago? My takes are too hot for a chilling effect.
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis
people are absolutely careless on here sometimes lmfao
I think there’s a certain amount of cavalier resignation.
I don’t want you all to end up in Gitmo. Even if I don’t always agree with your guys takes, there’s already so few communists and anarchists in the West as is =(
We’ll need organizers and teachers of history and theory to survive the next couple years.
Look on the bright side. Many theorists did their best work in prisons from which they never escaped!
Pigpoopballs loses something in the transition to text.
Edit: pigpoopballism, lol
If we actually wanna be serious about it, we should move the site off of the clearnet
I2P maybe
Even if you access this site over Tor, probably like half the exit nodes are run by feds to do traffic correlation
Yeah, I’ve been thinking this for a long while now. Could we open a serious discussion?
Edit: Not even cuz of trump but for opsec and resiliency as a whole.
Would be in favor of this, especially if things start looking bad
Idk how federation would work, if at all though
I dunno, moving to something peer to peer would be my suggestion. We may loose federation but what do we use that for anyway besides trolling libs?
Whatever it is, we should do it over one of those anonymizing overlay networks
Just putting the site on one of those is a start at least
We may loose federation but what do we use that for anyway besides trolling libs?
Well… yeah lol, idk, I used to be more positive on federation but usually all I see is the same Reddit sludge outside of Hexbear and Lemmygrad
At least some people have come over. If we take this step we’re basically gonna be more isolated than ever
Yeah I dunno. The new freenet seems promising for ease of use and integration with federation but idk how they do with privacy. Veilid seems to have the reverse problem. I’m sure there’s a solution but we should have a real discussion on what that is.
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There’s a Matrix server?
it’s called bravery, i live and die by the post. every morning i meditate chanting to myself “you’re already banned, opsec is an illusion l”
On the other hand, I think some people are quite paranoid. There’s a balance to be had.
Meh, if roundups came I’d have been on the list we’ll before hexbear existed. I’ve got a police record and for sure a file in numerous bureaus, cause it doesn’t take much at all to be in one. If you’re worried about your posting getting you in trouble, you aren’t doing enough irl
Probably shouldn’t have doxxed yourself back at Dakar, Captain Quattro.
Yeah lol I was at anti-war protests in 2003 I have probably been on a list somewhere for like 20 years.
I’m careless because I’m not American and we aren’t quite at the level of becoming a fascist state like in Europe or America
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how do i wipe my account?
Ditch it and open another ig
Question the authority and virtue of a vengeful mod (all but one of them).
I never ban anyone unless they have a long history of headaches or are saying something especially fucked up.
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You are the one.
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that history is never fully gone, someone probably archived it and a federated platform like this makes archival easy by design.
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This whole site is gonna get taken down lol
In the uh, in the name of uh, unity, and uh civility, I have uh allowed all the names and addresses of anyone ever mean to Trump to be posted online in an easily searchable database. Hate has no uh p-place in our society.
taking the website down for a failed assassination was not ok
I’m imagining us all getting detained then once we realize we are being detained because of posting this site, we become the most annoying prisoners ever
“they keep scratching crude pigs with shit on their balls into their cell walls”
I’m officially demanding that we scribble PPB everywhere as graffiti if we get caught up in some large civil war. We need to leave signs for each other
we need an easier sign, cause i dont think i can scratch a recognizable PPB into a cement block or the rust on an iron pipe or whatever
Graffiti stencils.
No dedication. I have through weeks of effort attained the power to shit on my very own nuts
I kneel in respect
How can they do that though? USA wide ban? It’ll work elsewhere though?
Pretty sure teh FBI can just steal it whenever they want.
Servers are in France AFAIK
snowden leaked it and another few subsequent leaks confirmed it (these include their literal cyberweapons one time there).
so yeah, the us has pretty much full access to everything thats online.
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More or less
Remember back in like 2016 when everyone was getting hacked by that NotPetya ransomware? That was because some extremely nasty exploits for Windows the NSA had been hoarding got out and people started using them because they were so reliable and devastating, like “take over any Windows system anywhere as long as you have network access to it” devastating
They have to be careful about it though, so no one figures out what they are and patches them
They definitely have more, probably a lot more
Specifically, the Snowden thing they were talking about was probably when Snowden leaked a literal catalog of cyberweapons US security state ghouls could order and use lmao
But like how? Nuke the servers in France?
Authoritative answer for “” is provided by a Cloudflare DNS server. They’re an American company so the feds could call them up and do whatever they want with it. Okay, so maybe our admins use a different nameserver. The “.net” zone is administered by Verisign, an American company, so actually they could call them up and do whatever and that’s it. Actually most of the root DNS nameservers are in
Okay, no DNS, everyone just saves the IP address of the server in France and it never changes. Idk if the Americans could force the French government to cooperate and get them to seize the servers or get the cloud server provider to do the same… but I don’t think it’s unlikely. Those are just the conventional, legal ways to do it. But an enormous amount of internet infrastructure is in the US or administered by a US company and we know from Snowden that the American security state has implants all throughout internet infrastructure. And we also know the NSA hoards exploits and has a department (Tailored Access Operations) specializing in hacking into things
If they really wanna do it, they can find a way
Idk I’m just riffing but tbh computer security is kinda a myth or at least extremely difficult to actually pull off building secure computer systems
This is why China, Iran, now Russia, the DPRK, and others basically have a separate but still connected internet from the main US-dominated one and are prepared to disconnect at any time
Idk if the Americans could force the French government to cooperate and get them to seize the servers was a music/book/software torrent site that rose from the ashes of oink’s pink place. The french government indeed seized the the servers at the request of the American Government.
mega share or whatever it was called back in the day was fully based out of new zealand and the US made a few calls and had Kim DotCom’s house raided by NZ swat types and they took his shit and shut the site down
yeah, it was famously an illegal raid and they did it anyway
MegaUpload, brings back memories of my LUELinks days….
Good to know, thank you
Yeah it was pretty fucked up, had some some of the strictest content rules of any tracker. Just to get on you had to do an interview with an admin with questions ranging from “what kind of music do you listen to?” to “What is your primary mode of transportation?” I think it only had ~300,000 users, you had to maintain a ratio so that every member contributed to the site. Some big artists like Trent Reznor were members and would actually put their own albums up because they knew what users were super vocal about spreading stuff that they like.
Rippy in Peace.
Oh that sucks
I’d hate to lose this site, it’s the only thing keeping me sane with fascist rhetoric rising everywhere
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It does suck :(
The internet is a very US-dominated and centralized thing :(
Would be in favor of moving the site onto Tor or I2P if things start looking bad
Several states have banned Pornhub so they could hypothetically banning a site nation wide could be done
plausible yeah
If I try to log on tomorrow and I’m not greeted with an FBI Domain Seized page, I will be disappointed in the cowardice of the libs on this site.
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I really did assume this post was ironic. Worrying number of people here really concerned that Trump is going to come deploy Navy SEAL team six to their house for calling him a poopypants.
And he is a poopypants.
I think with the ease information can be found and used against you online, posts can be taken into evidence if you’re arrested at a protest or something.
I think it’s always good to practice good opsec, even if it’s just changing your username or not saying something legally actionable when the people in charge of the legal system are given pretext to crackdown.
I personally don’t think I post anything that’s likely to be cracked down upon. But I still largely agree, and I think that’s a far more reasonable concern and good reason to opsec, depending on what you’re putting out there.
I will post harder
i want it to be on record that i think the only bad thing about the incident of trump being shot is that he survived
ill gladly say it to a judge too
I do hereby call this comment sick and inappropriate. I would also like any interested party to know that I am a cis white man with a cis white wife that I verbally and psychologically abuse.
The fuck they going to do, lock people up for saying we wish someone was dead? Only thing they have the resources or time for are people making threats or talking about plans.
And we have all lived through enough shooters who were a “known quantity” to the FBI, but somehow they just couldn’t stop them…
Exactly. And it’s not hard to parse out who gets a visit and a file that’s regularly looked at. You kinda have two categories - someone who’s whipped up into a fervor and is telegraphing their intent. Second, the person who has an idea of what the fuck they’re doing and knows to keep their mouth shut, but might have a paper trail of different purchases. That second part of guy no 2 will have a file that will grow much more slowly, because it takes more time to assemble the constellation of evidence.
Take some extra time at the range first!
this was a mossad reminder
death can’t stop jeff
Good thing I don’t live in the US then
I wish Trump had died
Even if you do live in the US you’re probably fine, there was some person who posted on the Something Awful forums about assassinating Obama and Lowtax said he got a visit from the Secret Service because of it, then it turned out he’d been lying about it all along, lmao
Something awful was still a thing in the Obama era? My internal timeline is all fucked up
SomethingAwful is still a thing now lol
Mother of god…
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I recall something similar happening on the Newgrounds forum in like 2005
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I am being held in a secret military interment facility right now this is my last post o7
Remember; You get one post!
Using hexbear dot net to post my dogs instead of DMing my lawyer
Wasting your last phonecall on the site’s official Text-2-Hex app.
If I can’t make pissing and shitting and farting out your doo doo ass jokes then what’s even the point of living?