only “logical” reason I can think of is aggressive posturing so SK makes concessions
only “logical” reason I can think of is aggressive posturing so SK makes concessions
It’s called the immortal science for a reason
So the side effects of grieving a wife will still severely affect the performance, mood, and mental health of your “innie” because their chemical and structural precursors are all there.
wouldn’t say the show is ignorant of this since it’s basically what Petey says in Ep 3
00:09:59 Mark: I lost my wife a couple years ago in a car accident. This is— It’s helping me, you know?
00:10:06 Petey: I’m sorry, Mark. Mark: No, no, no. No.
00:10:10 Petey: At work…you’d come in sometimes with red eyes. We had a joke that you had an elevator allergy. There was even a song for it. But I always wondered.
00:10:32 Petey: You carry the hurt with you. You feel it down there too. You just don’t know what it is.
looked up the rep, this guy has tried this twice before
China’s miniature sun gonna open a portal to the communist multiverse
I thought you were gonna lead into a bit about Trump admin using AI decision making
glowered about them in interviews
‘glowered’ means to stare angrily btw, I think you’re thinking of ‘glowing’ which is a positive descriptor
Ban tick tock? Guess they’re out of time
Yea I don’t even want to live one life
now introducing “Live at Work”
google had a much funnier version of this with their company sleeping pods
It doesn’t say it relies on them being treated well
wouldn’t trains kissing be a crash at an intersection or something
I missed the “Lex Luthor” and shared this thinking it was real 😭