We need to put shock collars on all the geriatrics to keep them from accidentally doing an illegal nap.
I have my inbox / notifications hidden using an adblock rule because I am an anxious wreck who posts cringe.
I probably won’t notice DMs.
We need to put shock collars on all the geriatrics to keep them from accidentally doing an illegal nap.
I wish I could get my mother to consider a megadose of ketamine. She deserves peace from her neuroses. :(
There’s something really disconcertingly sad about losing someone to recovery. I completely understand the necessity for some people to “get with the program” so to speak, in order to survive, but it can get hauntingly lonely if you manage to avoid going over the edge yourself and still find value in substances that challenge consensual reality (and so on.)
You’re doing Super Dangerous Drugs in their eyes no matter what your actual reality is, so the gap in understanding just continues to widen.
Yeah these guys are so insulated from human life and the consequences of their actions that they pretty much live in a venture capital brained state of complete delusion.
I bet they aren’t even a real owl.
I can never pin down an answer that really feels right (guess I’m not a furry huh smuglord emoji) but most of the time I’d have to go with the mighty wombat.
You basically get to be a mini herbivore killdozer. Wombats are known to share their burrows with some of their few natural threats, venomous snakes, as well as other animals seeking shelter during raging bushfires. Its like everyone just declares detente during the disaster and the magnificent wombat is able to provide safe harbor until the threat passes. If anyone steps out of line the wombat will crush them against the side of the burrow with its burly body.
I think of them as like little hippos, with less natural aggression and defensiveness, more emotional intelligence etc. They seem to get more bitter and surly as they age (relatable) but baby wombats are curious and playful rough and tumble creatures (also relatable.) The only real threat to wombats are humans, and that would suit me just fine, they’re my biggest threat too.
The wombat is perhaps one of nature’s gentler tankies.
Also they poop cubes that can stack, so that would have a lot of entertainment potential as an inveterate shitposter.
Other contenders would be: big fucken hawk because flying would be awesome and I could take on drones for sport, or literally return to monke so I could swing through trees (except monkeys seem to become like, weird gooners or violently tribal, so I dunno.)
If I can be a crypto-zoological creature I would of course have to become the type of Sasquatch that can traverse time, space and multiverses.
Yeah I only really played the first couple of sonics for brief periods on other peoples’ systems and later a bit of half hearted emulation, so I only got the general vibe of “big robot man is enslaving / killing the animals and we save them” but I was just chatting about this little revelation with said partner who is a much more well rounded gamer. She pointed out a bunch of stuff that helped it all click into place for me.
Cammy is dope. I’m terrible at fighting games lol, I love watching tournaments with good commentators though and I’ve learned how they work, how to appreciate good play. etc etc. Kinda sucks that I was only really introduced to “real” fighting games (ie not just spamming basic attacks in MK) when SF4 dropped. Mostly stopped gaming not long after that, but I still enjoy high level play and watching a few of the scene OGs do variety streaming etc.
Woah holy shit. Thank you for sharing.
I may have to re-evaluate my general attitude towards extreme sonic fans. That is gnarly.
Sidenote: cool username and profile pic. my partner in crime is/was a Cammy main.
“No I will not eat from the trough” reads video title “Ahh fuck, you got me.”
edit: ugh wow I’m not gonna watch all of this but starting with Hila’s IDF history provides eye opening context. I don’t usually pay attention to these dorks so I didn’t know about the details. Yeesh.
on government devices
phew. wait, does this effect you, comrade? (jk jk)
edit for being serious: such a stupid country. Ridiculous.
So like… is his head gonna just do that?
Yup. We can only hope Xi will be merciful when he finally liberates our younger generations.
Yeah the UK is fucking heartbreaking, I have a lot of family over there and the way the NHS has been gutted is literally killing people I love. Oh well dying empire go brr.
Sounds too efficient and normal, they should really look into that.
Often feels like we’re a testing ground for a random selection of the worst neolib strategies. Friends around the commonwealth echo this sentiment.
We used to have a real postal service run by the government. It used to be good secure work. It erodes in front of our eyes.
I would go postal. I just don’t know where to direct the fury lol.
Have a horrorcore rap song about the fucking mail. (CW: horrorcore rap / talkin bout killing the mailman, basically anti-worker reactionary shit)
https://open.spotify.com/track/30GTI6sTGv09BTPihgzjBu | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpH6DZ9vdx8
edit: of course, we do not blame the workers doing the fucking work. System’s fucked.
One time after I went out clubbing I was chilling with this big squad of extended friends of my housemates, coming down off’ve drugs and one of the dudes was a PHD researcher in quantum computing. His specific project was using blood plasma as some sort of substrate for creating qubits or some shit. I literally had no idea what the fuck this dude was talking about, but I know they were making quantum blood computers lmao.
We played Operation while this one thwacked out dude was running a M.A.S.H style commentary on the “surgery” process while we tried to extract organs from the little robot man with our hands shaking real bad from the dopamine deficiency and general fatigue of partying all night. Fucking BRUTAL the way that game’s buzzer goes off when you’re coming down hard.
Obviously this all imprinted deeply into my psyche and I will never forget that they were making fucking QUANTUM BLOOD COMPUTERS.
How do you do, fellow radicals?