I think this is very important to mention. There is currently no good, common, international quantified measure of ‘standard of living’; Exactly like GDP, it’s mostly measured by the largely made-up value of arbitrary goods.
I think this is very important to mention. There is currently no good, common, international quantified measure of ‘standard of living’; Exactly like GDP, it’s mostly measured by the largely made-up value of arbitrary goods.
I agree, it definitely happened in olden times too. But it was certainly a lot less frequent.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that we just don’t live in an era where games are finished when they’re released.
I’ll look to play the game in a year or two after it’s been officially patched and after a COMPLETE mod comes out to fix that.
But… basically every email provider or hosting service is legally obliged to give the information they collect to the government. It’s not like this is exclusive to Proton in any way whatsoever. If anything, subpoenas are evidence Proton tell the truth and do at least stop themselves from having most of the important data so they can’t give it away.
I wouldn’t be surprised if I was the hexbear user with the most blocked users and comms ever. And I don’t have you blocked, so it’s a good start.
Fruit is goddamned delicious. But to add suggestions not yet said - deglet noor dates (not Israeli ones), passion fruit, figs, coconut, pomelo, dragonfruit.
And of course the king of all fruit, effectively unchanged in form for over 50 million years - The delicious physalis.
Oof, I always hated how the revolutions tended to take your centralised states and leave you with nothin’. I do the same as you in terms of construction sectors, though I still have no idea if it’s the right choice.
And yeah the exile and promote agitator actions are fun. I only discovered recently if you have Secret Police you can also try to kill them.
Uncritical support for the save scumming, it’s frequently the way to keep a fun campaign going.
Whoop to the endless growth, max that GDP and living standard. Big spoons for all
Yeah, unless you have a lot of construction sectors and a high-tech training rate, I suspect you’re not likely to train enough troops before they make significant inroads. That being said, America’s mass conscription can be a bit of wildcard sometimes.
I normally only face these revolutions if I wasn’t paying enough attention, and so justify my save scumming to avoid it. But if you’re going to fight them, you’re probably doing the best tactics available. Conscript everyone immediately, ensure your big armies have the extra supplies/support mobilizations, maybe consider a small backdoor naval invasion to put them on more fronts (especially if their capital is on the coast).
Ideally, be economically prepared to fight for a couple years at least. Don’t worry if a lot of your soldiers die en masse - that just means you don’t have to pay their wages. If you’re near a new training rate tech, prioritise that. Bankruptcy is not necessarily loss, a 50% penalty (and penalty to training) is overcomeable if you have >3x their troop numbers by then. You can keep an eye on the bourgeois’ debt by looking at the “take their debt” diplo option, if they’re nearing bankruptcy, then just play it cool until they do, and push for the win.
As for Marxy boy, just bring the farmers into your government, then promote him to be leader of the party. His personal values should sway those of the party and the commie coalition might be back.
Whatever you do, save scumming or not, a glorious salute to crushing their spirits on the battlefield or in making the new socialist utopia
Nah, not gonna happen. Too many diehard conservative voters. Maybe the election afterwards, when Tories have either officially merged with Reform or admitted complete political defeat. Something major is going to have to happen to not be another easy Labour win because FPTP and the Tory/Reform vote is too split.
Shame it’s austerity, anti-immigration, pro-genocide anyway from the working people party.
Americans breached electoralism containment, strict measures must be put in place to restore order.
You have a chance to vote for someone better right now.
Let me tell you something I’d bet my life savings on: Trump isn’t going to dismantle democracy and be a super pooper dictator scooper. Can you really not cast your mind 8 years back to when people said exactly the same thing, and he won, and nothing changed? He’ll just be the same decline that the Dems would have been.
I do agree that the focus of argument should really be on dismissing any claim that voting (in the current system) makes a difference. That being said, I think part of that argument can be composed of “look at the choice that voting has driven us to, genocide or genocide”.
I don’t think EelBolshevikism was saying “you must not vote”. You can criticise the idea of voting as effectively pointless, and still vote PSL for the tiniest mind bogglingly little almost-nothing it will achieve.
I do think it’s important not to concede to any argument that voting in the current system is important in any meaningful way.
I don’t need a supermajority of representatives to say “genocide is bad”. Weird that the Democrats seem to still be unable
I’m not sure making a mini-ethnostate is ever a good idea, even if it was to undermine another one.
Still a fun game that I play time-to-time, just to cheat and go on a round-the-world rampage. There’s something serene about having Classical music play as you blast in every direction with your tank while zoom zooming through a city.
Fair point, I’ll have a look and see if I can re-share 'em.
This is the sort of thing I’d really enjoy playing with others in theory, but with strangers I’d just feel too much pressure. Interested in how it goes, though, and how many international communist alliances will be forged.
I love and truly adore a niche Space RTS game called “Star Ruler” that came out 10-odd 14 years ago. With the ‘Galactic Armoury’ mod, it’s so fucking cool. You get to run your empire while designing and build ships of increasing complexity, and eventually insane sizes, custom fleets with a mothership with a repair bay with a big laser (or ten thousand tiny lasers) or you can harvest/blow up a star and eventually you can build giant thrusters on your planets and fly your planets around like they’re spaceships and fill them with rocket silos and shield generators and ugh. The only game I’ve enjoyed to seriously incentivise fundamental tech tree specialisation, too.
Star Ruler 2 had none of that, and made me spend most of my time dealing with a frustrating diplomatic cards system, and it had a decent ship builder, but it just wasn’t the same. It’s probably objectively an okay game, but my disappointment was huge, all I wanted was a better engine, sleeker UI, tighter interfaces, nicer graphics, etc. and it was instead basically just a different game.
I still regularly replay SR1, something about it captures an aspect of my imagination nothing else has.
This still seems pretty not real. This is basically a note saying “I did it, it was me and only me and the proof is I own a computer (I work in engineering so you won’t find any “real” evidence). I did it because I hate United. Anyway I know nothing, have no message to send, and couldn’t possibly write more bye now”
Even if this really came from the police, if you wanted to convict somebody with very little effort, this would be the perfect evidence to “find”. That in reality makes no sense to actually write.