Doc Seismic from Invincible
Yes and The Underminer from Incredibles
“Hey, how’d you know I was hungry? This looks delicious!”
-Abigail, Stardew Valley
Amethysts are grape flavored.
Right after being gifted a gemstone.
It took me a while to figure out it’s all rocks.
How can you tell? Looks like food to me.
How can you tell? There’s like 2 pixels in the whole image
That’s what she said.
Everything is slightly misshapen, and the caption gives a lot of hints.
I don’t have enough pixels to confirm nor deny nor compare and contrast
That slice of cake is either a rock or the baker needs to be introduced to yeast.
I thought it was meant to be a wedge of cheese, not a slice of cakeSee repliesOn the other side of the yam from the cheese wedge. It’s totally supposed to be a layer cake, but it looks like freeze dried ice cream.
Oh derp yeah there it is. I missed it due to the fact it’s constructed out of 4 lonely pixels
Everything is food if you chew hard enough
Once could argue that point on the basis of nutritional value. Though I guess that’s on you for having the wrong digestive system…
just labels a bunch of rocks “Jawbreakers”
Step one of their evil plan? They’re gonna heist the Meat Shaped Stone and the Jade Cabbage.
Their final goal is to carve the Scone of Stone so it looks like it’s supposed to.
Your knowledge of geologic gastronomy is impressive!
Are you a mad geologist looking for a henchman?
If only.
There were also plans to construct a device to turn the planet’s food supply into rocks, which was axed due to budget cuts.
Hence why they needed the Meat Shaped Stone and the Jade Cabbage, so they could reverse engineer the ancient technology that allowed them to transmit food into rock.
Wow, the plot in the fifth elephant makes so much more sense now. I didn’t know that the scone of stone was a real thing!! :O
Jerma: That is the single most fucked up thing I have ever seen, the single most- get me a seat. Right now, I want a seat for that table. … chat i’m not going to eat the rocks, I’m not gonna do it. That would be- why would I eat the rocks? It’s a rock, it’s going to be crunchy and hard and it’s not going to taste good, and I- you know what, mods ban that guy. I don’t wanna see them, time em out for… 3 minutes. Get em outta here.
Me chowing down at the ““food”” table:
Me, before clicking: it’s gonna be Luna isn’t it
Me, after clicking: 😻
Dwarf bread.
Well well well. I’m trained as a biochemical engineer and turned my career into AI engineering, working at a space company. So when Skynet launches the bioweapons of mass fuck against humans, I guess I was the supervillain after all.
It’s a coming across hitler before the Nazi party moment boys! Get eem!
Now I’m thinking of a scientist Medusa character
[off topic]
tl, dr = Evil linguists discover a way to take over the world.
Also see Snow Crash
Forgot about that one!
I love this sooo much! Wish I could see this in person :O
What about a story about an evil marketer? No, wait, that’s a normal marketing person already.