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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • The scientists probably said that, compared to mice on a specific feed, mice who eat a simulation of a natural diet, and ones with yogurt added to their diet, the ones with yogurt averaged less fat, and had more mates/sexual interest.

    Person wrote the articles about this, hands it over to whoever makes headlines, and they, in a bid to get attention, wrote the results in this manner.

  • From what I have read, after making my original correction, it has been on the line to be removed, or changed, a handful of times over the decades. Biden has always voted in support, and worked to convince other congress members that it should stay. So, yeah, he has used his political capital in order to make sure it stayed in, at least as recently as the negotiations of the 1994 crime bill.

  • I never agreed with the law. I am mad that he broke a law, one his dad fought for, and he isn’t going to go to prison for it like I would. The law its self is a whole other matter than what is being discussed here, about him being pardoned, after being convicted of a crime, because daddy is the president, with the extra poignancy that daddy is one of the major reasons that law exists.

  • You do realize they had solid evidence of. at least, one 3rd degree felony, owning a firearm when previous convictions bar you from doing so committed fraud on the paperwork to own a gun. right? He has been in criminal trouble, doing things many people are spending decades in prison for, and has never had a serious issue because daddy is Joe Biden. You know, one of the biggest signatories to the drug war, that Joe Biden? Fuck him.

    reposting my old comment here because it deleted when I saved the edit

  • Ok, I was wrong about it being barred. He got a felony fraud charge for lying on the paperwork to own the gun. It is still a crime, and he still did it. The charges aren’t fake. My point still stands that he is going to not have anything happen, again, because he is a nepo-baby, fuck him. There are people in prison for this, right now, and his dad was one of the biggest political agents behind the types of laws he broke. Rules for thee, and all that.

  • You do realize they had solid evidence of. at least, one 3rd degree felony, owning a firearm when previous convictions bar you from doing so committed fraud on the paperwork to own a gun. right? He has been in criminal trouble, doing things many people are spending decades in prison for, and has never had a serious issue because daddy is Joe Biden. You know, one of the biggest signatories to the drug war, that Joe Biden? Fuck him.

  • Yeah, and the kid is 11, instead of thinking “man, a full grown man broke into an 11 year old’s house, then threatened his life, and he shot the guy while running away, and then said mean things to him, he must have been in the middle of a big mind fuck, one that adults have issues dealing with, at 11, and isn’t acting normally, and this will have effects down the line we can’t foresee” many are like “I know exactly how people should behave to this specific childhood trauma, and this child is definitely a psychopath”.

  • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIntruder
    3 months ago

    Most of this thread falls into two categories of people -

    Shooting someone, under any condition, and not pouring you heart out for the person = psychopath

    People who do illegal things are not actually people, please more authoritarianism

    It is pretty obvious that almost no one, commenting here, has been in a situation where your life is truly being threatened, after your safety has been violated, and people who do not understand the how, and why, of criminal behavior. Yet they are all making very self-assured, absolutely black and white logic, statements as if they are the herald of truth.

  • So, I was there, missing it. Though this doesn’t apply to elden ring, as that came out after I changed my work life.

    The conversation was not simply about the difficulty and moves. Like, most of the conversations happening around me were about the lore, what people thought was happening considering X, Y, and Z, etc. The time the difficulty, mechanics, etc., took the spotlight, was over in a week or so, and mostly relegated to people asking for help with one thing, or another, new found tactics, and speed run methods. So it, fairly rapidly, evened out. Even if you look at YT videos about those games, at least a similar amount are focused on the lore, as the mechanics, though those were initial chatter. They basically only came up in a a month or so as a broad statements of difficulty, or when some new trick was found, until it circulated. There was easily enough to have be an active part of those conversations. Much more than “Oh, you know my work schedule, don’t have time”.

    That stuff doesn’t go away online. However, in person, with the exception of hardcore fans, it definitely does fade away. Occasionally something will be brought up in a bout of nostalgia, or in comparison to something contemporary, but it does fade away.

    If all you really wanted was to just… experience the art and story, and see the cool enemy designs, you could always watch a youtube let’s play or something as well

    You truly do not understand the ways in which I, and many others. enjoy things, if you think this is the same. This statement leads me to believe that many perspectives you do not hold are completely alien to you.

    Your anecdotal experience is not worth more than mine either, and my suggestions do not force themselves upon you.

  • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMasochism
    3 months ago

    90% calling you names? in the last 1/4 I brought up how it is weird to be bothered by the experience of others, when they don’t affect you, then pushed for a reasoning of it, by laying down an array of possibilities, and then asking what yours was. I used the word weird twice, and it was in relationship to the behavior, not the person. My guy, you are way too sensitive, like you imagined something isn’t there, if this is really how you viewed that comment.

    There is more to scaling that just HP/Damage. It isn’t that great of a challenge to add in more time for response, and reduce pattern complexity so you don’t have memorize as much, or for as long. This is how many FPS games, Fighting games, and RTS games have done it for decades. No one bemoans Quake for having something other than nightmare, or Mortal Combat for having an easy option. Hell, in Sekiro, giving more time to respond for parries/blocks, and reducing the number needed, in order to execute the instant kill function, would have worked. There are many ways difficulty could be changed. Even if they did the dumb thing by reducing the HP of enemies, and increasing the damage you do, if normal is just as it was intended, how did it change your personal experience, since you wouldn’t play the game?

    It is possible to disagree, and have a discourse about it, with the creators. You don’t have to accept artist/authorial intent as if it was the law of reality governing their product. I agree with him that people who enjoy those challenges will get more from a game than they would otherwise. However I think it is weird, maybe even self-centered in nature, to assume that everyone would get that increase in satisfaction, for the same reasons, as he does. He is free to say he doesn’t want to do this, and people who play his games are free to disagree with him on the subject.

    It appears we fundamentally disagree here.

  • For example, liberalism self-defined with maximizing individual liberty while it also advocated for the “freedom” of corporations

    I didn’t speak about individualism at all, actually.

    Uh… what? I said you brought up how it held individualism as important, but the pitfalls of that in how it serves capitalism. This is a copy/paste of a line in your reply. How do you now deny this, when you said that?

  • Your first point about spreading out the narrative in such a way… that is how most media worked until very recently. I grew up waiting upwards of months for the next installment, if those are large installments, years. Also, Elden ring came out after I stopped working those hours, I am mostly having this experience, in terms of Fromsoft games, with Demon’s Souls - Sekiro, but that doesn’t change the argument, just putting up my time frame.

    I am more likely to not retain the patterns of attack, etc., when I have to break it up, in such a fashion, unlike the experience of seeing the new things, and partaking in the world, and its lore.

    The reason I was unable to get through the souls games was that I had time to learn things like the attack patterns of the monsters, or time to experience the world and its lore in a way the memorization part was getting in the way of. When I learned something, and returned to it weeks later, I had to relearn a lot of the rote aspects of the game play. This blocks access to me experiencing the art, and lore, which is more important to me, in such games, than the mechanics of it. So, yes, I lost access.

    Having now played the games, I do not wish it had this barrier back then, as I still would have preferred to experienced and easier version, so that I could participate in the larger zeitgeist, of the pop culture of the time, and then got to enjoy it how it is, now that I have time. Let me repeat that, I would have preferred to have had an easy mode, back when it was new, to experience my preferred part, when it was most culturally relevant. Now that I have played them, I STILL would have preferred that, even if I never got to experience it otherwise.

    You are basically telling me how YOU would prefer to do something, and you are glad I had to conform to YOUR preferences. Meanwhile, having the option for and easier mode, would not have changed YOUR experience at all, unless YOU choose to. While my suggestion would not have affected your experience, it would have allowed me to have experienced the games when they was at their relevance peak. Meanwhile, what you ask for affects me in a negative way. To say that an option for an easy mode, on the screen, when you start, that you do not have to select, would damage your experience, is wild. That is very, very, weird. You are adamant the idea that someone could have a variant in preferences, that affect you in no way, would damage your experience because what? Because you had to see the option on the screen? Because people you deem lesser gamers would have played it? Is this some weird ideological axiom? Because people are simply doing something different than you? What is it that bothers you so much about other people having a different choice, you don’t need to make, or experience?

  • Oh no, you did, you laid out the basic tenets of it’s individualism, and how that has served capitalism. The last post you just said it served capitalism without elaborating on aspects of its individualistic ideas. You didn’t get into depth, but you mentioned the very surface level concepts.