For a second I thought, Adam Savage is looking good these days!
It never goes away, only gets better. Good luck.
I am trying desperately to help my 13 year old understand the importance of how to recognize their worth, to only change for self betterment ( not for others), and that being in a relationship is not required, especially if they don’t actually want to be in one.
Parenting is quite difficult, y’all.
I hate that twit. I always have. He has always been a POS.
This guy will leave office with a very clear body count, and not the sexy kind.
Didn’t say that I did. But most folks with it know how awful and don’t wish it on their children. Tell me, how many folks have you worked with who have/had HD?
I’m not speaking out my arse here.
Let me be clear, I think that the including of HD in this list is to muddy the waters. This is not a genuine concern.
This is about control and eugenics.
I know of no one who has Huntingtons who want to have kids…
What is wrong with Lincoln?
Well done! I’ve been waiting to see it!
You are NOT safe from Willie. He will get you SOOO high.
Well, there are things that absolutely will NOT hit the same now.
To add to this, be sure to wait for the immediate pushback. Stay calm, and understand that this will be a slow burner. Kindness and repeated contacts to the change minds more than one off aggressive arguments.
People have a difficult time changing their points of view, and some people can feel lots of psychological pain during that process.
That is a particular subset. There are people who see nothing g bad happening to themselves, but do have their eyes open and see the bad things happening around them. But, again, they are ready and primed.
It is much the same as addiction counseling: until people are primed to change, there is little to do but leave your hand out stretched, not pushing any further than that.
Tangentially appropriate screen name.
If it is allowed, how is it illegal.
Also, what is coming that they are trying to create a kerfuffle to cover?