lol, he really posted this massive L willingly, it’d take waterboarding to get this info out of me.
oh wow I never saw this one reversed, even stole his scarf lol
Lol totally missed that.
reversed? I’ve only ever seen it this way and usually with the guy’s apartment on fire
Funny, when I discuss politics and communism for hours during a date I usually get laid. Skill issue for this homie I guess - get better material.
The only person I want to talk about politics with for hours before banging is Fidel Castro
isn’t there someone you forgot to ask?
why is it in the cum jar?
NAFO sacrifice to Ukraine. Once the figurine drowns in cum, Ukraine wins. As you can see, it’s going poorly.
NAFO Cum Sacrifice and NoFAP, the eternal contradiction
Which is why Isn’treal has Cummandos extracting the cum directly from the balls. No fapping necessary!
Fapping is a sin. God wants you to extract it surgically.
Black (sun) magic
Right hand path
Reich hand path
she didn’t call him back because he’s obviously a quitter, that jar isn’t even half full
At least he’s keeping it away from the radiator.
These people are desperate to make the letter Z a demonic evil symbol while defending all the literal nazi symbols ukraine uses. Deeply unserious people.
The double S is literally right there, they can’t even do that, maybe they like nazis for real
I’ve seen ruSSia in the wild from these freaks, doesn’t change the fact that their side are the nazis
Imagine seeing a cute little figurine, commenting on it, then suddenly, the guy goes into a rant about how he wants all Russians dead.
“… and that’s why these genocidal orcs are trying to wipe out all of western civilization …”
nooooooooooo dont do the meatman john silver like this
They joined the wrong Dark Order
That poor woman lol probably had a very funny story to tell her friends the next day
Oh god I just learned what NAFO is and I think I was hit with a lethal dose of cringe. It’s been good knowing you comrades!
NAFO is the demon core of cringe
Unrelated: I’ve always wanted to run a D&D/Fantasy TTRPG Mega Dungeon campaign where the demon core lay at the lowest level of the dungeon, warping and mutating all the inhabitants of the dungeon, protected by a Radiation Dragon.
Maybe one day I’ll have the time.
This is not a place of honor.(But what if it was?)
lmfao wtf? These people are the most unserious motherfuckers on the planet
the 69th Bonketeers
Jesus fucking Christ these fucking losers
Reddit war
Without reddit boots on the ground. Last time it ended up with a lethal case of Iskander to the face.
I’ve been dying to ask a reddit employee how they feel knowing that their decision to allow and even promote mercenary recruitment on their website resulted in the deaths of thousands of their users. Literal blood on their hands.
I doubt I will ever get the chance. They will probably just blame russia and defer all responsibility anyway.
In that case, may I recommend you checking out the prime minister of Estonia who publicly thanked them for their “brave work” during their cringe conference next to the Big boy NATO conference in Vilnius.
Their conference had a great bit with a balloon shaped like a shark after a shark attacked a russian tourist in Egypt.
Someone did dodge a bullet for sure
Be prepared for nuclear grade cringe in the comments
I would not publicly announce my grandfather was a Chetnik, but that’s just me.
Need for the pit
Yearns for it
I doubt he even knows what that means. These NAFO dorks probably pick a socialist country at random to claim they were “born in” and were heavily oppressed by the evil commies in. They don’t even check the wikipedia articles on them most likely, just google maps to find locations. At this point I’m more convinced that anyone who claims to have escaped “communist oppression” on the internet is just lying about it, because they’re used to talking to liberals who will believe anyone who claims to have been from a place as being an expert on that place by default.
At this point I’m more convinced that anyone who claims to have escaped “communist oppression” on the internet is just lying about it
You are convinced correct. Hell i live in Poland and the amount of martyrology grows the more the more PRL is distant in past. And every single time i heard that and i asked for details it came up that it was either completely made up or some incredibly insignificant event like sitting in milita post for an hour before getting lectured on martial law or a day of jail and fine for vandalism.
It’s usually pretty easy to spot too, they claim to have “escaped communism” but then speak like a 14 year old American teenager, I find it unlikely that a 50+ year old victim of the Evil Soviet Gulags in the 1980s would talk like that. At least the ones who claim their parent or grandparent “escaped communism” are slightly more believable, though it’s pretty unlikely they’re giving an accurate story about what really happened to their grandparent’s egg monopoly.
Out of the loop. What’s the figure? Is it elf on the shelf for ukraine flag emojis or something?
Its a mascot for the weird Twitter guys who call themselves nafo
I don’t know more than that but they seem insufferable
Insufferable is not even starting to describe it. Also calling to not double post.
Oh, it’s more doge meming? I thought it was at least a wolf or something.
I gotta be honest that all the cringe doge stuff in the last couple years has really ruined the whole shiba inu breed for me. Throw this on the pile, ig.
Wait a minute nafo isn’t just a lefty thing for north Atlantic Fuckers org
Are you telling me libs have convinced themselves buying little owls is praxis for ukraine
Ugly smush faced dogs not owls but yes
North Atlantic Fella Organization
it’s a funko pop for neocon manchildren
continues to be a reliable indicator for complete losers
deleted by creator
These internet liberals waste their six figure salaries on the ugliest merchandise imaginable.
They should learn basic economics smh my head
look I know we’re all discussing the absolute cringe of the post and the weird lil guy in a jar, but also wtaf is this book.
I really really hope she swiped some of that massage oil before cutting him off so she could at least get something of use out of this mortifying ordeal
the navajo owned sore joint rub probably does slap but it’s extremely funny to me that it is dead center in that photo with a bunch of various generic looking ones