yea your luck modifier decreases after you get lucky, but it resets each day. just only play blackjack on high luck days and only once each day. i recommend downloading a mod to show an icon when you are having a good luck day. also carry a rabbit’s foot and eat luck increasing food
“Did you install a mod before walking into my Casino? I can tell.”
A rabbit foot doesn’t actually increase your luck stat, but can be traded for a wallet item that permanently give +1 luck
dang no wonder i keep losing then
“The arc of history bends towards the gambler.”
-The Dark Cowboy
I constantly say this quote to people around me as if they’d know it. It’s just a good quote.
Marx: a coat is worth a combination of a roll of linen and the labor put into manufacture
Liberalism: the richest person on earth is worth 32 instances of hitting 21 baby
Also yes, a casino will give you a hundred billion dollars if you win enough because they are bound by the rules of the shadow games
if the pitboss asks you to leave after winning, you are legally allowed to shadow realm them for disrespecting the heart of the cards
Probability understander has entered the chat
I at first thought your profile picture was the man in the image.
maximum blackjack bet at Bellagio (for example) is $10,000
They can’t stop me from betting 1 billion.
Basil’s luck is on your side
Good pup Basil!
I don’t think this person understands how gambling, casinos or the passage of time work.
I used to work in customer support taking phone calls. I once chatted with an older bloke from somewhere in USA who claimed to have made a living playing poker, never having had a real job.
He said “You don’t even have to be good at poker. You just have to be better than the people you are playing with.”
I am pretty sure “making a living playing poker” is just a way to put money laundering income on your taxes
It’s true. There was a short time in the early 2000s where playing online with even a vague knowledge of stats (or a calculator) and a conservative playstyle could net you a very comfortable living.
Then the bots started. But it was fun.
poker has an element of competitive skill, and also since you’re playing against other gamblers and not the house, you’re not gonna get ejected for winning.
I knew a couple that did that, old hippies and math geniuses, they raised a kid and have a pretty nice house. It’s basically sticking to a formula that eeks you out a bit of profit over a long period. It seems worse than working a real job to me.
plus in most instances you get to breathe cigarette smoke the whole fucking time at the tables
Not here. The casinos are run by the government and are smoke free. They run the casinos but electricity is privatized.
Yup, it’s the only game at a casino where you can have positive EV (other than some rare exceptions like counting cards at blackjack and such). But you don’t just have to be better than people around you, you have to be better enough to overcome the rake.
it’s interesting to track the evolution of poker strategy over the decades, slowly changing from a vibe-based stylistic approach to a rigorous statistical one, then over the last few years shifting to mostly studying solvers.
You should check out Why do I choose this for a living
as long as i play the games really slowly it doesn’t seem that hard
This is even crazier than the 10,000 tomatoes guy
what if i have negative net worth?
I think currently I’m sitting like -$40k or so and I’m doing better than most americans
Life pro tip: if you bet -$40k and lose, you’re $40k richer
But if you lose even once, you’re fucked.
if my back of the napkin math is correct, you have less than a 1 in a 50 million chance of winning 32 hands of blackjack in a row, and that is assuming the very very optimistic odds of 50% per hand. But really it should be lower odds than that.
But did you take into account that there is at least 24 hours between each win?
No. Silly me.
okay, now do the odds of winning 1 hand 32 seperate times
No? I think you’re not very good at maths. The chances are 50%, because you’ll either win or lose
Isn’t it roughly 1 in 4 billion chance? 1/2^32?
you’re definitely closer to correct than I was. it’s whatever this number is as a percentage: 0.000000000232830643654 = (or 2.32830643654e-10)