• 48 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • Thank you for this, comrade. If Hezbollah or other resistance groups act too soon, or when conditions do not align as best they can for their actions, it can unravel whatever plans they may have. While the settlers and imperialists have shown themselves to be vulnerable, they are still the forces that have caused so much unimaginable suffering and are capable of the most extreme violence in their desperation. We on the outside will not know the full extent of the conditions that need to be taken into consideration when deciding military moves until long after this war has ended, I feel. And even if we did, it is not our place to condemn or to criticise the people who are fighting for Palestinian liberation. Have we sent missiles into the settler territories? Hezbollah has, and will continue to do so. It is the task of all people who are not directly fighting the occupation to focus on supporting the people suffering under it however we can. And the organizations which we can influence must be where we direct our criticisms if we care to have an effect on the situation.

    "A member of one group told me that if i was really concerned about the liberation of Black people, i should quit school and get a job in a factory, that if i wanted to get rid of the system i would have to work at the factory and organize the workers. When i asked him why he wasn’t working in a factory and organizing the workers, he told me that he was staying in school in order to organize the students. I told him i was working to organize the students too and that i felt perfectly certain that the workers could organize themselves without any college student doing it for them.

    Some of these groups would come up with abstract intellectual theories, totally devoid of practical application, and swear they had the answers to the problems of the world. They attacked the Vietnamese for participating in the Paris peace talks, claiming that by negotiating the Viet Cong were selling out to the U.S. I think they got insulted when i asked them how a group of flabby white boys who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag had the nerve to think they could tell the Viet Cong how to run their show." ~ Assata Shakur