wait, it’s tankiejerk, do they think being a liberal zionist is a good thing or a bad thing
These are the people who will lose their minds if you mention how much worse shit would have been if Trump had won 2020 and scream at you for mentioning the nightmare of project 2025 or the move of the USA Embassy to Jerusalem under Trump’s administration that directly emboldened the current violence.
Doesn’t matter if they lose the right to bodily autonomy. Climate change doesn’t matter. Christian fundamentalism extremism, anti LGBTQ laws, healthcare, expelling Palestinians from the USA…nope, none of that matters. Only thing that matters is that Biden supports funding Israel, something most of them didn’t give a shit about a month ago.
Luckily Genocide Joe has focused on those other issues, right? He’s not an oil-drilling diehard Catholic who’s allowing civil rights to erode? He’s for universal healthcare and is protecting immigrants?
It’s so obnoxious that Blue MAGA does the same trick as Red MAGA. In 2020 he’s going to Make America Great Again, in 2024 we’re Keeping America Great. What about the past few years doesn’t feel great to you, tankie?
Only thing that matters is that Biden supports funding Israel, something most of them didn’t give a shit about a month ago.
Of course, Palestine, an issue the left has been famously silent on.
It’s the kind of remark that should come with a coupon to slap them in the mouth for saying it.
Amerikkkan libs cannot conceive that someone might be more informed than them. They couldn’t find Israel on a map a month ago, therefore the entire movement just didn’t exist. Same reason Palestine and Israel were living in harmony until Iran sent in Hamas to start a war.
What’s with them accusing everyone of “screaming”?
the dispassionate adults in the room are talking child, take your hysterics elsewhere
Doesn’t matter if they lose the right to bodily autonomy.
jesus fuck, who was it that let SCOTUS overturn RvW? fucking hell I’m losing it
The whole goddamn thing, maybe. All my family members have been looking for jobs that ghost their interviews for the past 9 months. COVID is still raging. Crackers still slab Black folk out by the dozen, and they don’t even need police badges to do it anymore. The country is simultaneously burning on one side and drowning on the other. The sky is still strangling under our emissions that we’ve sworn like three different times that we’re gonna reduce, while cranking them higher!
I’m so fucking tired. I genuinely hope we get invaded, or attacked, or something that could remove me from this existence. I don’t want it anymore if it has to be spent dying next to these barbarous neocolonial crackers, and the second Axis of Evil they cosign. I literally had an existential breakdown the other day that if anyone comes to dig up our bones a few hundred years after all is said and done-- if against all odds, a humanity still interested in the humanities still exists, I will be unintelligible from the fascist crackers that drove this country-- and this planet-- into the abyss, and it broke what was left of my goddamn heart.
I’m so fucking tired. I genuinely hope we get invaded, or attacked, or something that could remove me from this existence.
Every evening I pray I wake up to hear that a US aircraft carrier is at the bottom of the ocean somewhere.
Rogue Admiral Sestak goes full ‘90s Jerry Bruckheimer villain and torpedoes an aircraft carrier because the U.S. has too many of them.
<< SALVATION!! >> [massive-ass railgun noise]
they don’t even hear themselves. "Yeah, he’s bad on this issue, but have you considered how important all these other issues that he’s also bad on are?
'll never understand this way of thinking. You can focus on more than one thing at the same time.
I’ve come to the realization that a lot of Twitter leftists are single issue voters. It’s just that that single issue changes based on what’s pissing them off in any given week.
They really think the left is just as baby-brained as they are and only capable of focusing on one thing at a time to the complete exclusion of everything else. As if me being pissed off about Isn’trael doing a genocide right now means I’ve suddenly forgotten about the erosion of abortion access, the ever-increasing damage being done by climate change, fascist jackals attacking the human rights of my transgendered and POC comrades, or capitalist pigs making the world a shittier place for anyone less wealthy than them. But no, any time the left speaks up against whatever atrocity against human rights or human dignity the news is reporting on this week, they automatically mean “I no longer care about any other issue but THIS ONE” because that’s just how human brains work or something.
It’s what happen when you build your identity around “discussing” issues with the adults in the room, but never actually intend to do anything about the issues.
Oops, I left this in the post box for a bit without posting it, and since I did that the original post seems to have been deleted by the person who made it
Same, that would be such a beautiful day. It would be an immediate loss of 13 billion dollars for the empire, in addition to whatever comically expensive jets it is carrying, and the aircraft carriers are always in the military recruitment commercials. It is the perfect thing to happen to show how vulnerable the US has become.
They’re just mad cause he said gooners are fascists