AkariMizunashi [comrade/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2022


  • wtf is 🦞’s point in @ing PP here anyway? is he just ignorant of the fact that provincial parties in Canada, apart from the NDP, are completely unrelated in terms of organization to federal parties? the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland has no official relation to the federal Conservatives or any other federal party and all Poilievre could do is tut at them just like Peterson (although I suspect Poilievre is also interested in being more dogwhistley and less mask-off that Peterson would like)

  • spoiler

    again, comparing putting animals we hunted for food in a pen to hunt them easier is in no way comparable to the Enslavement of billions of people by the imperialist powers. Its a terrible argument, and is disingenuous to the actual people who suffered actual fucking slavery. Bad look, find a new angle.

    no that’s BS, I’m not saying they’re morally equivalent, I’m saying you’re making the same argument in defense of it and that that argument is equally invalid (not equally morally reprehensible). you are making an invalid argument when you point to how something has (you claim) always been done and saying that therefore obviously it couldn’t change.

    we do not need to eat meat and we have never managed to breed pain out of the animals we raise as livestock, or make them into something other than animals like you claim. we do not need to farm them as livestock and our options are not limited to either continuing to rear them for slaughter in perpetuity or else tearing down their farms and unleashing them on nature.

  • spoiler

    Killing for food is as human as our Collective nature

    this is legit indistinguishable from a chud argument or something out of Hobbes

    Humans have always killed animals for food, and until we can grow meat in some fancy science way, we are going to keep doing that

    and this sounds like the sort of argument a pro-slavery person might have made in basically any pre-modern society, I can’t see this sort of attitude as consistent with communism / Marxism and when you excise it and the weird balancing on the scale of cow life versus other nature (is hunting less moral than factory farming? or if they’re both amoral then what was the point of even bringing that up?), your whole post can be boiled down to “I don’t care”.

  • this is honestly the one that makes me sad in lots of friendships with people (including not well off and working class people) who rarely think about politics, because like you said it’s super-normalized to the point where having basic compassion for homeless people honestly feels like a niche opinion even among relatively tolerant and open minded people.

    and liberals love feigning a sort of patronizing empathy and perform feeling bad about the situation while at the same time implying or saying “but what can we do for those sorts of people when they don’t even want to get better” and it boils my blood every time