And why is it this cute Weevil?
This one from Lego Star Wars 2 where if you die at the same time as the spider droid you were riding you become one and then can turn it into a normal character that you can still ride on top of
Also the brown-belted bumblebee
so fuzzy
the best bug is one that doesn’t fly and stays out of my apartment
I’m sorry my avian friend; but I fear that proboscis-looking thing precludes this weevil from being ‘cute’.
Weevils were all over my grains the other week! For this crime, they are not cute 😤
But…that weevil is kinda…cute. If it would ask me nicely, I would pass my grains over. Sharing is caring.
I like horse flies.
They hurt when they bite but I really respect and identify with them, they never ever give up lol.
They’re kinda pretty but mostly ugly. They’re annoying and perseverant amd courageous. They like to drink blood.
No one else will agree but for me? The best bug is a horse fly.
Would you rather face in combat:
1 horse sized fly
100 fly sized horses?
horse sized fly would collapse under its weight or at the very least suffocate
Stick bug
it’s the pillbug
i know it’s not a true bug. is that unfair? well get over it. life isn’t fair.
an online quiz thing guessed my exact city based on what I call those bugs
love those rolly guys
Hell yeah, Isopods r the best dudes
All of them but if i had to choose id choose firebugs, theyre having orgies on piles of horseshit in the sun, snapping their asses together, cool as fuck.
The sheer variety is crazy, you got
- Cute regular ant
- Red ouch ant
- Ants that farm mushrooms
- ants that farm aphids
- ants that drink the blood of their own young
- ants who’s sole job it is to hang from the ceiling and store nectar in your belly for other working ants to come along and eat
- ants that stick leaves together to make an apartment building
And those are only the ones I can think of off the dome
Ants that are the door
The Insulindian Phasmid
The Chief just called. This is it. Thread over. Lock it down, mods.
is bugs
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!
Dragonflies & Mantises are cool as hell. Among the cutest bugs IMO is the Pellucid Hawk Moth
Dragonflies, while not true bugs, are super cool. I’m a fan of any predator that biologically perfected their anatomy to be hunters millions of years ago and never had to change much. Crocs and sharks too.
Can’t bring them up without mentioning the statistic: Dragonflies are the most successful hunters on the planet, catching 95% of the prey they try to take.
Its so crazy how much they look like humming birds
Funnily enough we get Hummingbird Hawk Moths around here, which are probably actually just birds if you think about it
Praying mantis, because one time I had one square up and try to fight me and I am incredibly amused by that kind of single-minded Oblivion NPC confidence in a creature two inches tall
You could have learned from it.