Emoji request: The entirety of the yellow parenti vid but the subtitles flash at the bottom word-by-word like the countdown in that one ppb emoji
Emoji request: The entirety of the yellow parenti vid but the subtitles flash at the bottom word-by-word like the countdown in that one ppb emoji
MODS this infringes on my rights to
REJECT MODERNITY (social media)
starting to think the anprims might’ve had a point
Our Deputy Prime Minister Christian Freeland was more than happy to pose behind the banner last year
In the same vein, if you happen to be talking to someone who puts a lot of stock into the 2nd amendment I’ve found some (limited, sometimes the brainworms are just too tangled) success by asking “who do you think would enforce a gun grab?”
It’s like a 60/40 where sometimes the brainworms take over and they wholeheartedly believe every cop would join them and take up arms against the government
Alternatively it’s a lawnmower and this dude is AntiLawn
The sheer variety is crazy, you got
And those are only the ones I can think of off the dome
I’m building a treehouse guerrilla base for the child as we speak
PSA If you’re ever in an enclosed space and you find a bag of potatoes like this, leave and crack open a window ASAP before dealing with it. When they start to rot they release solanine gas which can be deadly in confined places like root cellars or deep cupboards
They forgor
5 whole hours and not a single PPB??? Smh gotta do everything myself
The first time I saw it mentioned I thought it was a bit but you’ve referenced it too many times for that to be the case and now I’m DYING to know what the DPRKOS is
My actual answer is the sabre, whenever I see one in a HEMA video it always looks so fluid.
To combat this I set the packages directly across from wherever I’m cooking, instruction side facing me.
Remembering to throw it out after though??? Impossible task.
Who said it was? It’s still an environmental contaminant, a carcinogen, and linked to a rise in birth defects after its use in Iraq
It’s use will have consequences far outside of the conflict and ruin the lives of who knows how many people who had absolutely no say in this war and I’m supposed to cheer it on?
Are you aware of what depleted uranium does to the human body? Innocent people are going to be dealing with the consequences of a decision made by a handful of people across the planet for decades after the war ends. Does poisoning generations of people sound like “defending” Ukrainians to you?
It’s not even just being ignorant but confident, I saw a post on
the other day saying “communism has never given any rights to women, why are there women communists”
Typical lib response was to ignore that it just literally isn’t true and instead say that they showed token support for “propaganda”. Some were even saying that the rights women had gained, such as the ability to own land, vote, and divorce, were also only done for propaganda purposes. They actively ignore the evidence presented in front of them in favour of “ooOoOOOOoOOoO COMMUNISM SPOOKY EVIL”