Welp time to install Red Star
Hope you’re hanging in there, friend.
Don’t forget to take shit from the office.
Installing the DPRK operating system before I return it
Red Star
what will this do? will the dprk spy on your job? lol
I wish. Its a homegrown OS from like the early 90s. It honestly ain’t shit, I’m not gonna know how to work it, but I think a live stream installation of it would be fun.
If you stream it I wanna watch the install process!
sounds fun!
I fucking really wanna get a streaming party going for this once I can make sure I’m safe. Should be just a day or two before I can start doing damage
best of luck, stay safe!
The first time I saw it mentioned I thought it was a bit but you’ve referenced it too many times for that to be the case and now I’m DYING to know what the DPRKOS is
Its called Red Star. You can download it from the internet archive
Man fuck them.
I told my boss she was a walking kidney stone before my chat got turned off. Ill still probably hunt her down on LinkedIn because I want her to suffer
i dunno if i would tamper with company property when they are going to give you money. if this is a bit then plz forgive me lol
They already paid me, so fuck them
I feel like some places have a thing you sign when you start working there that says they can “correct” direct deposit payments, so just be careful.
Odds are it’ll sit in a supply closet until they sell them somewhere as surplus though.
change banking details in your HR portal now so they can’t attempt to recoup lmao
I’ll cash out my 401k this week and then do that
You might even want to close down the account they put the money into, just in case they try to pull the money back
Then again, I am very paranoid about this sort of stuff and not an accountant or anything
Do what needs to be done and escape to Belarus as a political refugee.
Bringing root vegetables as a gift will guarantee success with this