To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Clinton’s campaign tactics. The slogans are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of politics and electioneering most of them will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Cliton’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Francis Fukuyama literature, for instance. The Liberals understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these slogans, to realise that they’re not just clever- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Clinton truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Clinton’s existential catchphrase “Pokemon Go to the polls,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Obama’s “Time for a change”. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Clinton’s genius charisma unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Clinton tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
Oh my, youve hit a nerve. Cuz I’m just a baby commie, but this shitstain is why i am. hrc’s “genius brain” campaign started the ball rolling, ripping the veil off.
The worst part about her, the DNC, disastrous pied piper pro Trump strategy isn’t even that it failed and gave us Trump as prez, it’s that the Dems didn’t learn their lesson. They don’t think it’s their fault, but the voter’s. That they can do it better. After all the pain their fuck up caused, those gormless, arrogant pricks at the DNC and DGA are still using “ratfucking the right into voting for fascism” as a strategy.
I hate them. I hate them so much i could build a scaffold
I would argue that they did actually learn their lesson: they can raise way more money when they’re running against fascists, and at the end of the day, they don’t really care whether they win or lose.
Build the scaffold. Ascend the scaffold. Challenge God.
I’m not sure the pain they caused is any greater than the pain a Hillary presidency would’ve caused
“Vote for me because I’m a woman”
Literally nothing else of merit suggested.
We were just too smart
Rember when she said something right exactly one time when she said “half of Trump supporters are irredeemable assholes, fuck them, were trying to appeal to the ones who might actually conceivably vote for us”
And then she apologized for it 24 hours later.
Basket of deplorables lmao it has its own wiki page
Ooh yeah, that’s one of the only reasons I ever lose too. Too smart, too strong, too good of a plan. Happens a lot
I only get rejected so much because I’m so hot that everyone’s too intimidated to go out with me
See that’s the problem with us liberals. We’re just TOO SMART. We’re too well educated, too well read. That’s why the working class doesn’t feel connected to us when we tell them that they need to starve and be homeless and that it’s for their own good. They just can’t understand our PhD level knowledge about the world and how making bad things happen to them is good actually.
It’s not our fault we’re too smart it’s everyone else’s fault for being too dumb to understand our grand vision of "bad things are good actually '!
The Democratic Party can never fail, it can only be failed.
It really is wild that 7 fucking years later their top political priority is still blaming literally anybody except Clinton for losing the easiest election of a lifetime.
Four years, you think, for sure That's all you've got to endure All the total dicks, all the stuck-up chicks So superficial, so immature Then when, you graduate You take a look around and you say, "Hey, wait This is the same as where I just came from I thought it was over, aw, that's just great" The whole damn world is just as obsessed With who's the best dressed and who's having sex Who's got the money, who gets the honeys Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess And you still don't have the right look And you don't have the right friends Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends The 2016 presidential election never ends
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Clinton campaign
Ok I agree, so let’s give her another shot then, come on libs let her do something really funny
Why’s Hillary look like she just triggered the Third Impact?
She would have, if we had only let her.
It was her turn!
In the fighting game community you will often find yourself up against an opponent who is much much less skilled at the game then you are. You go for frame perfect setups and they just mash a wildly unsafe DP on a wing and a prayer and it hits, cause nobody who has any clue what they’re doing would actually go for that there…but by god they did it and it hit. In these situations you have to accept the opponent isn’t going to play the smart game you want to play, and instead you must adapt to simply punishing their wildly unsafe risks that they will never ever be conditioned to stop doing.
Do you know what we call it when a more skilled and nuanced player is defeated by an opponent like this?
I swear only fucking libs can romanticize being a fucking loser this much. The whole concept of “they’re actually playing 3 dimensional chess” is bullshit cope as we all well know but someone needs to pull these idiots aside and tell them “You aren’t playing 3 dimensional chess egghead. You’re playing a goddamn contact sport.”
Yea the belief that losing with honor is better than winning in a crass way like not following the script is fundamental to libs.
Libs long term political strategy is smugly saying “you don’t know how bad you look right now” while digging their own mass grave.
I don’t understand shit, smash the buttons
two people randomly pressing buttons is the only way to have fun at fighting games
spam fireballs at each other until one of you to whiffs
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fucking glorious video ngl. literally my only experience with fighting games is never having played one, picking chun li at random at an arcade, and then beating my super experienced friends for 9 rounds straight. this is how we know communism will win
I usually take Bison and just mash slide kick over and over again while they stare at me angrily for about 30 seconds.
You’re describing pretty much professional poker theory, adapting your range based on what you’re opponent is doing.
This is why when I used to play csgo I got the greatest plays when playing crossfaded, shit that should never work would every now and then work great because no one expects it
Hillary needs to get more fucked up
I know a guy who started getting into SSBM as Fox and he really got into like, studying framerates of different moves and learning all these complicated tricks and stuff, and the other guy he would play with played Marth and just smashed everything all the time, and the Fox player got so mad every time because he could see that the Marth player wasn’t using all the technical tricks and meanwhile half the time Fox would try to do something fancy and end up dashing off an edge or something and giving up stock. Like yeah if you’re trying to get to top level play you need to learn the tricks but you also gotta learn how to deal with button mashing.
Totally different kinda game but I’ve had the same experience with Go. Lots of people overplay in all sorts of ways, leaving weaknesses behind to play faster, making too many groups to take away points, trying to build too large of an area, etc. It’s easy to get mad and frustrated because you know that it goes against theory and it shouldn’t work - but a lot of times if you try to punish it too early or too severely, you’re the one that ends up in a bad situation. You have to respect that their moves have value and that their strategy can work, and you have to engage with what they’re doing while remaining calm and looking for ways to bleed them.
Something that happened to me way back when I started playing Soku, I was getting clapped since I wanted to execute something, I learned these games are not about trying to force what you want to do but about doing what you have to do instead.
Totally different kinda game but I’ve had the same experience with Go. Lots of people overplay in all sorts of ways, leaving weaknesses behind to play faster, making too many groups to take away points, trying to build too large of an area, etc. It’s easy to get mad and frustrated because you know that it goes against theory and it shouldn’t work - but a lot of times if you try to punish it too early or too severely, you’re the one that ends up in a bad situation. You have to respect that their moves have value and that their strategy can work, and you have to engage with what they’re doing while remaining calm and looking for ways to bleed them.
We talking pokemon go…? Cause like, I see what you mean; personally I go for control of the battlefield kind of play and try and surprise them with like a shadow type (idk I don’t really play pokemon go but you make it sound fun)
Is what fae is talking about and it is pretty cool
Just clicked that link and I don’t know, I don’t think so. The graphics look terrible and the gameplay seems less polished; is it still early access?
pretty sure they’re talking about the board game Go
Nah, who the heck in their right mind would play a board game over the actual pokemon app; can you imagine carrying the thing with you everywhere every time you want to capture a pokemon? Plus if it’s only called Go, it sounds like an indie pokemon go clone but with the added gimmick of being a board game. I doubt the board game can match the app’s complexity.
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Brain couch wojak
>tfw too intelligent to succeed
Like a former gifted child.
“If liberals are so fucking smart then why do they lose so goddamn always.” - literally the only funny line from Cokeroom, the Aaron Sorkin media wank.
This is the type of person who calls Thomas Müller a bad football player because “his technique is bad”.
She was too bright for our dim minds
One of the downsides of being light itself.