Stupid tankie bitches couldn’t even make I more smarter
Regulation = harder to start business
to start a business to compete with Samsung you would need a massive amount of capital on the order of 100 billion dollars, regulation is not the primary barrier. these people think eliminating the health department will turn the local food truck into a multinational instead of giving everyone diarrhea
Yes, thank you. Law is not the reason I haven’t started a business, it’s money.
lmfao I’m saving this
Their whole argument is based in wanting to start a small time business in a Marxism-based economy? This is as stupid as people asking about how a stock market would work in a communist society. Jesus…
when you can tell by the number of typos how close they are to shrivel and shrink into a corncob
I have no interest in starting a business, why do they think that’s the endgame for the human experience?
Literally their dream world is one where everyone is petite bourgeois with various degrees of success. They basically want to live in the late feudal era.
The part they never seem to mention in their thinly-veiled-greed “everyone will be a lord” bullshit is that a whole lotta people gotta be serfs.
This is such an obvious fact that I can only imagine they are well aware of it and are banking on their moron followers and bootlickers being such supreme slack-jawed imbeciles that they don’t notice.
I operate under the assumption that it’s just western chauvinism. They assume the global south will just be cool with being the serfs that make our treats. This gets laundered into society with the commodifying of others cultures.
“But I love my air fried crab Rangoon” cries the
This lib is lucky, I tried starting a “lib decapitation business” but apparently that’s against a whole bunch of regulations so they won’t let me.
I’ll get you next time liberal!
I like how accidentally honest this person is. They directly say not owning a business is tantamount to slavery. They’re blindly stumbling into the capitalist tendency for wealth to centralize and interpreting it as a Marxist plot to destroy capitalism, rather than the system following its own logic.
“I dare you to name one Marxist US politician” would be my reply
Joesph “Robinette” Stalin Brandon. Mic drop, tankoid
I’m a Marxist-Leninist-Bidenist, all hail dark Brandon
I need not your praise, only your service. Now go commit an adventurism, Jack!
Imagining a timeline where after every time a fascist does a mass shooting, Brandon gives out pre-emptive pardons to anyone who murders a republican for the next week.
The most left candidate in recent history who ever came close to winning the presidency, while no Marxist, seems like he’s well off enough but nowhere near as rich as any other presidential candidate.
If we’re talking about Bernie, I feel like he’s wealthy like a 1950s auto worker, which isn’t horrible. There are so many vacation cabins owned by working class families in Michigan.
His house in Vermont is like a nice Vermont farmhouse, which don’t get me wrong I wish I had, but it ain’t like he’s no Bezos.
A lot of American discussion about economics only makes sense if you imagine yourself as a small to medium business owner who is materially comfortable, but is struggling to expand their wealth into the millionaire/billionaire range. You can only interpret taxation as an unfair obstacle designed by the even wealthier class above you. You have no sympathy for the lower strata, because they’re just instruments for you. Your main political concern isn’t liberation, because you’re already liberated. The main concern is psychological comfort and becoming even more massively rich.
So while you’re focused on your stupid ski dealership or construction business, you’re watching all these finance guys do laps around you. And since you’re a pig brained American, the fact that you haven’t gained billionaire status yet is because of Marxist taxation laws or billionaire collusion to make everyone but them into proletariat.
That’s the real crux of it I think. American small business dipshits do feel a threat they’ll become working class, or might have to actually work for the first time in their life, and to them this is the same threat as the most cartoon villain version of communism. Any threat to their comfort or power is interpreted as slavery. It’s why these hogs are the ideological base for fascism.
I find this highly accurate as that is the persona of all those viewpoints. Maybe that’s even real people, but it’s who the ideas are targeted at.
Tbf capitalists generally have an ok understanding of Marxism and a keen awareness of class.
But to be even fairer, that’s not what these commenters meant at all
I challenge every person who sees this comment:
Deadass, name me one Marxist politician in the west. Tell me one person you’ve ever heard of who is an actual in office politician who is a Marxist.
I only know of ONE, and she’s a city counselor
I only know of ONE, and she’s a city counselor
lmao I was thinking of Kshama too
she’s good folks
proving that even trots can be part of our big tent
that was just to pick up one long legged communist when he was in college it doesn’t count
It doesn’t count because she vanished into the ether.
Obama was a Maoist. I’d know.
Uh sorry sweaty, everyone to the left of Reagan is a marxist
They would, with a completely straight face, start listing every Democrat who’s regularly in the news.
yeah I know…
I know someone who was freaking out about Biden winning- because Kamala is a communist
Does Subcomandante Galeano count?
Tfw the poster correctly recognizes that reduced consumption to combat climate change will be forced on the working classes only but he blames it on communism.
If we assume that the ruling classes of the West implemented strategies like austerity to combat growing class-consciousness, then in a way Marxism (or the reaction to it) is responsible for the falling standard of living
Are we not living in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples seized by the throat, the positions of international communism lost? Is this not the fault of the Soviets for allowing themselves to be destroyed?
Damn if only those old losers who wrote theory had any predictive power maybe I’d be able to get a girlfriend.
This is your brain on the Libertarian model of politics.
I can understand where the climate change deniers are coming from. They are stuck with either the earth getting further irreversibly fucked and nothing is being done about it, or it is a handful of people who want to sell wind power plants and stop you from eating beef because they want to make you soy. The latter is a lot easier to handle if you manage to delude yourself into believing in it.
TIL I’m poor because I’m not Marxist enough.
Fact: Billionaires are so rare because they are the only people who were able to finish all three volumes of Das Kapital.
He’s calling us liberals
I DARE you.
name one Marxist politicians who isn’t rich
I often hear people say that at the time of Stalin’s death, his personal possessions basically amounted to 3 or 4 coats and misc clothing, his pipe, some books, and whatever was in his pockets.
Is anyone able to confirm or deny that, ideally with a source?
His salary was 10,000 rubles per month and he paid 300 rubles to the party.
For reference a miner’s salary was up to 8000 rubles. Minister’s was around 5000 and professor or academic could make more than 10000.
He did make a great deal of money however from the books that he wrote. There is no exact information about how much he made for all of his books, but we do know he personally funded various prizes and awards: Stalin’s Award for scientists, artists, and inventors. Each year he would pay 29 first prizes of 100000 rubles, 25 second prizes of 50000 rubles and 40 third prizes of 25000 rubles, which means that Stalin spent a grand total of 5150000 rubles every year as money prizes for his award.
Upon his death his locker was opened which had a bag with 200,000 rubles unspent in it, his relatives received access to his savings account which had an additional 30000, a car at the time was roughly 15000 rubles. He had nothing else.
Each year he would pay 29 first prizes of 100000 rubles, 25 second prizes of 50000 rubles and 40 third prizes of 25000 rubles, which means that Stalin spent a grand total of 5150000 rubles every year as money prizes for his award.
Ok wait so he was actually kind of loaded. That must be a lot of fucking money from books, damn.
He wrote a lot of extremely popular works. I think the important thing here is that he didn’t use any of it for property and he spent literally all of it on these awards.
He had like 12 pairs of pants. He does seem like the type of guy that would want some extra pants, just in case. I think he also had a lot of books. Somewhere there’s a receipt listing his possessions when they were gathered after his death. It was modest.
Dude’s got a dumpy.
There’s also President Diaz-Canel of Cuba. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the way a politician’s salary works in Cuba is that they make the same salary as the last job they had, meaning he makes the same salary as a professor.
It’s almost like Keynes’ model is built on top of Classical economist and therefore has some ‘’‘‘Marxist’’‘’ concepts
I can name a couple million from China.
deleted by creator
username “Ketosis_Sam” is wonderful, perfect for this type of guy
For those who don’t know, brain cannot use energy from fat and on actual ketosis your non fat consumption is so low you’re essentially brain dead. I did (vegan) keto, I quit because of my brain being essentially dead. So braindead takes from ketosis people make perfect sense.
I was on (non vegan) ketosis for two weeks as a test, not just the adjustment period which was longer, and those were the two best weeks in my life.
I haven’t ever felt better since going back to carbs. My brain worked a lot better back then.
Also, ketones get turned to carbs in your fucking liver for your brain to live. And vegan keto? My god are you suicidal??
So why am I off keto? No gallblader :)))))
I’m gonna get in contact with a dietary doctor someday anyway to get back to it.
vegan keto? My god are you suicidal??
No, just not homicidal.
And you’re indeed correct. My apologies for misinformation. I’ve read on the topic back when I was on ketosis and I was barely functioning.
How many carbs max a day were you eating? How did you even bear eating animal products without carb based herbs (aka how meat eaters make the carcass taste bearable)? I was doing the recommended max 20 for deep ketosis. Were you on true keto or low carb? I don’t mean to be condescending, just never interacted with a person who didn’t share my keto experience who was actually on keto, just low carb diet people criticizing me. (Not saying this is you, just want to be sure.)
No, just not homicidal.
That is completely understandable, but entering keto unprepared and inexperienced as a vegan is difficult if not outright dangerous.
It’s best to start of vegetarian if you lack the theory and/or are inexperienced with keto.
For people that really are inexperienced or just don’t give a shit because reasons I guess, they can just go on meat eatin.
Go vegan if you are sure you can manage it, because it is very difficult to maintain proper ketosis and cook keto food while vegan, not mentioning possible deficits of micro elements.
Regarding my keto, I don’t really remember how little carbs I was eating but I did absolutely cut out all potential high carb sources including high carb veggies like bell peppers. I also weighed shit like crazy, like everything. Especially meat, couldn’t allow myself to go overboard with that.
From what I remember I did try to go deep keto, and the adaptation period was horrible but I managed. It’s just that I only had my scale to truly know if I was in or not.
I also being a student didn’t have a privilage to go even vegetarian. I also am not picky about the food I get given, so my main source of minerals, vitamins and the like were
CW: Specific meat cuts
chicken livers and hearts. My main meat cut I was eating was probably bacon, and the most I’ve had were kielbasa. So with the last one, it was rather dirty keto but I’ve had be within budget.
And yes, suplements were out of the question, too expensive.
As I’ve said I only went of keto after deciding it could be unsafe for me, I don’t have a gallbladder and my liver was making bubbling noises. Scary, what else can I say?
Going back to carbs was like getting hit with a dump truck, I felt like shit for a few weeks at least. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done it when in college because the fallout impacted my grades.
You should try it again, hell I plan to. Check out the Keto Bible or whatever it’s called. In Poland it’s Ketobiblia, big book. Packed with references to studies.
Edit: I forgot to add, my main oil was coconut oil.
So you didn’t actually even check how much carbs you were consuming and only assumed you were on ketosis based on weight loss?
And not eating animals is privileged??? With the meat prices?
Also, supplements have carbs in them so if you’d take them, you’d be off ketosis.
I’m disengaging.
A few brain cells died reading this.