to start a business to compete with Samsung you would need a massive amount of capital on the order of 100 billion dollars, regulation is not the primary barrier. these people think eliminating the health department will turn the local food truck into a multinational instead of giving everyone diarrhea
Their whole argument is based in wanting to start a small time business in a Marxism-based economy? This is as stupid as people asking about how a stock market would work in a communist society. Jesus…
Literally their dream world is one where everyone is petite bourgeois with various degrees of success. They basically want to live in the late feudal era.
The part they never seem to mention in their thinly-veiled-greed “everyone will be a lord” bullshit is that a whole lotta people gotta be serfs.
This is such an obvious fact that I can only imagine they are well aware of it and are banking on their moron followers and bootlickers being such supreme slack-jawed imbeciles that they don’t notice.
I operate under the assumption that it’s just western chauvinism. They assume the global south will just be cool with being the serfs that make our treats. This gets laundered into society with the commodifying of others cultures.
I like how accidentally honest this person is. They directly say not owning a business is tantamount to slavery. They’re blindly stumbling into the capitalist tendency for wealth to centralize and interpreting it as a Marxist plot to destroy capitalism, rather than the system following its own logic.
Stupid tankie bitches couldn’t even make I more smarter
to start a business to compete with Samsung you would need a massive amount of capital on the order of 100 billion dollars, regulation is not the primary barrier. these people think eliminating the health department will turn the local food truck into a multinational instead of giving everyone diarrhea
Yes, thank you. Law is not the reason I haven’t started a business, it’s money.
lmfao I’m saving this
Their whole argument is based in wanting to start a small time business in a Marxism-based economy? This is as stupid as people asking about how a stock market would work in a communist society. Jesus…
I have no interest in starting a business, why do they think that’s the endgame for the human experience?
Literally their dream world is one where everyone is petite bourgeois with various degrees of success. They basically want to live in the late feudal era.
The part they never seem to mention in their thinly-veiled-greed “everyone will be a lord” bullshit is that a whole lotta people gotta be serfs.
This is such an obvious fact that I can only imagine they are well aware of it and are banking on their moron followers and bootlickers being such supreme slack-jawed imbeciles that they don’t notice.
I operate under the assumption that it’s just western chauvinism. They assume the global south will just be cool with being the serfs that make our treats. This gets laundered into society with the commodifying of others cultures.
“But I love my air fried crab Rangoon” cries the
when you can tell by the number of typos how close they are to shrivel and shrink into a corncob

This lib is lucky, I tried starting a “lib decapitation business” but apparently that’s against a whole bunch of regulations so they won’t let me.
I’ll get you next time liberal!
I like how accidentally honest this person is. They directly say not owning a business is tantamount to slavery. They’re blindly stumbling into the capitalist tendency for wealth to centralize and interpreting it as a Marxist plot to destroy capitalism, rather than the system following its own logic.