This is what happened when you have fascism that is based on shopping malls and having a pool in the backyard. Living in a fascist occupation is enough but living under reddit kommissariat is just humiliating
I can’t wait for some stupid American renaming gaza strip as Walmart strip.
I can’t wait in 20 years when the Burgerreich builds bronze statue modeled after Elon’s favorite funko pops
I think we can assume that what the Americans perceive as Christianity is Heretic in nature. I can see eventually per say, the American Catholic Church naturally evolved into a shittier version of the Orthodox-like Church where you don’t even get the prestigious ornate churches, but you are going to get Mega churches that canonize all the US presidents and confederates as saints
apparently it’s a Lebanese Olive tree, the grain seems to match an olive tree grain
This is the golden pager given to trump, the wood stand is a chopped down olive tree. you can`t get more ham-fisted than that
Not really new, you can see the border move depending of where you are using google map. (ei. Sino-Indian-Pakistan border)
Trump said Thursday that he wants to root out “anti-Christian bias” in the U.S
Meanwhile, in mar a lago
Gulf of América*
It would be so funny if Trump manages to unite the Arab position just by being an imbecile like always.
something something necessity something something mother of invention
UK speedrun (any %)
I do think perhaps that the cabinet is formed with a coalition of republicans with contradictory visions, which might explain the behaviour.
The real question is how long this can keep up before this coalition breaks and what would be the consequence of it
The french liberals (in this case you are probably refering to Macron) didn`t really stab the left in the back since they never really side with them in the first place.
Macron knew the left coalition supposed victory was irrelevant and it can`t survive facing political impass
are the stairs ok?
Please tell me a hip or a rib has been broken
only been 70 years since the were doing guerrilla warfare in the mountains
This is probably what killed the left in Japan (and it is not done by the right wing in this case)
They will tell you that there is no genocide under Biden or that they are working tirelessly to get a ceasefire. If the democrats would of win, they would tell you that no one cares about Gazans getting vaporized.
Smug Liberals and Conservatives are secular Calvinists who don`t have to face the hardship of the election result. The purpose of winning the election is to make the other side Cope and Seethe.
This is Class struggle but for the Bourgeoisie looks like. And if you partake into this while you are not part of the bourgeoisie, you are a serf that cheers for the church as they take away your grains and let your family starve to death.
the JCP is openly antagonistic to China and it doesn’t have any relevance since the 80s (you can partly blame the new left for that). China mostly have good relationship with the LDP
it is only a logical conclusion for Japan to be more integrated within the east Asian Economic bloc. This is just coming back to the LDP’s root in the late 70s
so Trump cabinet doesn’t really know what they are doing
US’ annual GDP wiped out